Econometrics Flashcards
Student’s t-test for correlation coefficient
t = r*sqrt(n - 2) / sqrt(1 - r^2)
Test is applicable only if the two populations are normally distributed
Formula for slope coefficient in a univariate regression
cov(X,Y) / std(Y)
List Gauss-Markov assumptions
OLS is BLUE under:
1) Correct specification (linear model)
2) Spherical errors (constant variance and zero correlation terms)
3) Exogeneity of independent variables
4) Sample data matrix has full rank
What if residuals are not normally distributed?
This does not lead to biased estimation of the coefficients
However, t-tests might not work on small samples
What would heteroscedasticity lead to?
Heteroscedasticity does not lead to biased estimation of the coefficients
Incorrect measurement of standard errors of the coefficients
Student’s t-test for regression coefficients
Two-tailed test: b_X / SE(X)
Degrees of freedom: n - k - 1
(M)ANOVA parameters
SST = var(Y), RSS = var(Y_est), SSE = sum((Y -Y_est)^2)
MSR = RSS / k
MSE = SSE / (n - k - 1)
Degrees of freedom for total = n - 1
F-test = MSR / MSE (H0 - all coefficients equals zero, test is rejected if F > F_crit - one-way test!)
R_2 and R_2_adj
R_2_adj = 1 - (1 - R_2)*(n - 1)/(n - k - 1)
Testing for heteroscedasticity
Breusch-Pagan test for conditional heteroscedasticity
BP = n * R_2 (regression of squared residuals on an independent variable). Test is Chi-square, one-way, k degrees of freeedom
Correction for heteroscedasticity
White SEs - usually higher than normal ones
Serial correlations - outcomes
In a cross-section setting positive serial correlation leads to artificially low SEs, but does not lead to biased estimation of the coefficients
In a time-series setting serial correlation may make parameters estimated inconsistent
Durbin - Watson statistics
DW = sum((Resid_t - Resid_t-1)^2)/sum((Resid_t)^2) = 2(1 - r) for large sample size
Serial correlation exists if DW significantly differs from 2
Correction for serial correlations
Hansen method to adjust SEs
Assumptions of AR models
Covariance stationarity:
1) Constant and finite expected value (mean-reversion level is calculated by fitting Y_t = Y_t-1 and solving for Y_t)
2) Constant and finite variance of Y
3) Constant and finite covariance of Y_t and T_t-1
Test for serial correlation of AR models
Special type of t-test: t = corr(Resid_t, Resid_t-1)*sqrt(T)
Two-tail test with T-2 degrees of freedom