FPI Flashcards
name the 6 criteria
- talar head palpaton
- supra and infra lateral malleolar curvature
- calcaneal frontal plane position
- prominence n the region of the talonavicular joint
- congruence of the medial longitudinal arch
- abd/add of forefoot to rearfoot
what does -2 on the talar head palpation mean?
talar head palpale on lateral side but not medial
what does -1 on the talar head palpation mean?
talr head palpable on lateral side/slightly palpale on medial side
what does 0 mean with talar head palpation?
equally palpable both sides
what score for supra/iinfra lateral malleolar curvature would you give if “the curve below the malleolus is either straight or convex”
what score for supra/iinfra lateral malleolar curvature would you give if “ curve below the malleolus concave but flatter/more shallow than the curve above the malleolus
what score for supra/iinfra lateral malleolar curvature would you give if “ both curves are equal”
what score for supra/iinfra lateral malleolar curvature would you give if “curve below malleolus ore concave than curve above malleolus”
what score for supra/iinfra lateral malleolar curvature would you give if “curve below malleolus markedly more concave than curve above malleolus
what score for calcaneal FP position would you give if “more thann an estimated 5 deg inverted/varus
what score for calcaneal FP position would you give if “between vertical and an estimated 5 deg inverted/varus”
what score for calcaneal FP position would you give if “vertical”
what score for calcaneal FP position would you give if “between vertical and an estimated 5 everted/valgus”
what score for calcaneal FP position would you give if “more than approx 5 everted/valgus”
what score for bulging in the region of the TNJ would you give if “area of TNJ markedly concave”
what score for bulging in the region of the TNJ would you give if “area f TN slightly but definitely concave”
what score for bulging in the region of the TNJ would you give if “area of TNJ flat”
what score for bulging in the region of the TNJ would you give if “area of TNJ bulging slightly”
what score for bulging in the region of the TNJ would you give if “area of TNJ bulging markedly”
what score would you give for the MLA if “ arch high and acutely angled towards posterior end of the medial arch”
what score would you give for the MLA if “ arch height normal and concentrically curved”
what score would you give for the MLA if “ arch lowered with some flattening in the central portion”
what score would you give for the MLA if “ arch very low with severe flattening in the central portion arch making ground contact
what score would you give for the abd/add Ffoo/Rfooot if “no lateral toes visible, edial toes clearly visile
what score would you give for the abd/add Ffoo/Rfooot if “medial toes clearly more visible than lateral”
what score would you give for the abd/add Ffoo/Rfooot if “medial and lateral toes equally visible”
what score would you give for the abd/add Ffoo/Rfooot if “lateral toes clearly more visible than medial”
what score would you give for the abd/add Ffoo/Rfooot if “no medial toes visible, lateral toes clearly visible”