Foundations of STR Flashcards
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
A label applied to individuals who have great difficulty concentrating on what they are doing AND are extremely active, impulsive, distractible, and excitable
the reader’s ability to convey expression, including using correct emphasis, punctuation, and tone, while reading aloud
Alphabetic Principle
The idea that the sounds of spoken English and the letters and letter patterns of written English are related in a way that makes sense.
Differentiation - Pacing
how much content is presented and how fast the content is presented
Print Concepts
The general rules governing text
text is read from left to right and top to bottom
Ongoing Assessment
an assessment that guides the pace and content of instruction
A student’s desire to perform
Asset / Strength-Based Approach
an educational approach, which builds learning around a student’s strengths and existing knowledge, rather than focusing on what they lack
Instructional Interventions
additional focus on a specific skill in an effort to improve it
Deficit-Based Approach
a traditional educational approach, which focuses on strengthening a student’s weak areas
Reading Intervention
a strategy applied to assist a struggling reader
Reading Interventions can help children overcome reading difficulties and become proficient readers.
Response to Intervention (RtI)
a way to track and measure how well students are doing in the general education program after instructional intervention has been given
Differentiation - Complexity
how difficult the vocabulary, sentence structure and organization is to understand within a text
A disorder that makes it hard to learn to read, write, or spell, even though the person is smart enough and has enough social and cultural opportunities.
A language-based condition in which a person has trouble with the mechanics of writing, causing their handwriting to be bad or unreadable.
Spelling patterns of language