Forward Flashcards
The real question is…
Are you making the necessary investment to sustain and increase success over one, five and ten years?
We must not only be educated…
But we must constantly re-educate and reinvent ourselves to avoid becoming obsolete.
Five traps of stagnation and decline…
1) fear and insecurity
2) blame and victimism
3) hopelessness
4) lack of life balance
5) quest for immediate gratification
Four dimensions of human nature…
1) body
2) mind
3) heart
4) spirit
Real influence is a product of…
Listening deeply and sincerely and being open.
Two approaches to life…
1) culture (five traps of stagnation and decline)
2) principle (spirit and ethics)
Body Cultural Paradigm
Maintain lifestyle; treat health problems with medication and surgery
Body Principle Paradigm
Prevent disease and injuries by aligning lifestyle to be in harmony with universal principles of health.
Mind Cultural Paradigm
Entertain me
Mind Principle Paradigm
Read broadly and deeply, continuous education
Heart Cultural Paradigm
Use relationships with others to forward your personal, selfish interests.
Heart Principle Paradigm
Deep, respectful listening and serving others brings the greatest fulfillment and joy.
Spirit Cultural Paradigm
Secularism and cynicism
Spirit Principle Paradigm
Recognize that the source of our basic need for meaning and of the positive things we seek in life is principles. Which have their source in God.