Formulas And Signs Flashcards
CorPP formula
Cardiac output formula
CO = Stroke volume x Rate
Cardiac Index formula
Coopernail sign
Bruising of the perinum, scrotum, or labia. Indicative of pelvic fracture / abdominal bleeding.
Halstead’s sign
Marbled abdomen (bleeding)
Bradzinski’s sign
Flexion of knees on neck flexion
Possible bacterial meningitis (or subarachnoid bleed)
“Chin to chest will cause knees to flex
Minute volume formula
Ve = Vt x F
ETT formula >1 year
(Age + 16) / 4
Hamman’s sign
Tracheobronchial injury. Crunching sound heard over auscultation over anterior chest synchronized with heart beat.
O2 adjustment at altitude
Fio2 x pressure at departure / pressure at altitude
Bicarb replacement
Kg / 4 x base deficit = mEq of bicarb
Chvostek’s sign
Spasm of the facial muscles when tapped due to hypocalcemia
Cullen’s sign
Discoloration around umbilicus due to intraperitoneal hemorrhage
Grey-Turner’s sign
Bruising of the flank due to retroperitoneal bleeding, (pancreatitis)
Kernig’s sign
In meningitis, the inability to completely extend the leg when sitting or lying.
Kehr’s sign
Referred left shoulder pain secondary to splenic injury
McBurney’s point
Rebound tenderness in RLQ with deep palpitation secondary to appendicitis.
Trousseau’s sign
Place BP cuff on upper arm, pump up cuff and keep inflated for 3 minutes. Hand will withdrawal and spasm due to hypocalcemia.
Rule of 9’s for Pediatrics
Arm- 9% Head and neck - 18% Leg - 14% Anterior trunk - 18% Posterior trunk - 18%
Rule of 9’s for adults
Arm- 9% Head - 9% Neck - 1% Leg- 18% Anterior trunk- 18% Posterior trunk- 18%
Parkland burn foruma
4 x KG x BSA % (2nd / 3rd degree only)
Steeple sign
Presents on a neck x-ray, Indicative of Croup
Thumb sign
Presents on a neck x-ray, indicative of Epiglottitis
Waddel’s Triad
Car hits child
Child hits car
Child hits ground
MAP formula
SBP + (2xDBP) / 3
Cushing’s Triad (increased ICP)
Respiratory changes
Increased pulse pressure
Homan’s sign
Dorsiflexion of the foot and constriction of the calf causing pain indicative of DVT
Virchow’s Triad (DVT)
Loss of vein integrity
Hypercoagulable state
Beck’s Triad (Tamponade)
Muffled heart tones
Hypovolemia with narrowed pulse pressure
Ideal body weight
Males: IBW = 50 kg + 2.3 kg for each inch over 5 feet.
Females: IBW = 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg for each inch over 5 feet.