Formulas Flashcards
Gross impressions = (2)
Reach x frequency
AQH persons x number of spots
Radio Gross impressions
AQH persons x number of spots
Television/Print gross impressions
Reach x frequency
Gross Rating points in terms of Gross Impressions
(Total GI/Target Market) x 100
GRPs (4 formulas)
%reach x average frequency
Rating x frequency
Total GI/Target Market x 100
AQH Rating x Number of Spots
GRPs (Buying TV time)
Reach (average rating) x frequency
Radio GRPs
AQH rating x number of spots
% Reach =
Total Reach / Target Market x 100
Average frequency =
Total GI / Total Reach
% of brand sales / % of population x 100
% of category sales / % of population x 100
CPM (print) (3)
Cost of Ad / (circulation/1000)
Cost of Ad / ((circulation/1000) x readers per copy)
Cost of Ad / ((circulation/1000) x % of readers in the target market)
Cost of Ad / (TVHH viewing program/1000)
Rating (TV)
TVHH viewing program / TVHH x 100
Share (TV)
TVHH viewing program / TVHH in use x 100