Formulas Flashcards
What is the Alveolar Air Equation?
PAO2 = FIO2(PB - PH2O) - [PaCO2/.8]
If fio2 >= .60
PA02 = fi02(PB-Ph20)-(PaC02/1)
What is the formula for Arterial Oxygen Content?
CaO2 % = [Sa02 x Hb x 1.34] + (PaO2 x 0.003 mL/dL)
What is the Physiological Shunt formula?
QS/QT = CcO2 – CaO2
CcO2 – CvO2
What is the formula for Venous Oxygen Content?
CvO2 % = [(Venous 02 Sat) x Hb x 1.34] + (PvO2 x 0.003 mL/dL)
What is the formula for Capillary oxygen content?
CcO2 = [Hb x 1.34] + (PAO2 x 0.003 mL/dL)
in % form
What is the formula for P/F ratio?
What are the ranges and interpretation for P/F ratio?
> 400 normal
How do you calculate for oxygen gradients between alveolar and blood? whats the formula?
What is the range for normal healthy individuals?
Aa Gradient.
P(A-a)02 = PA02 - Pa02 (answer in mm Hg)
5-10 mmhg
What is the normal amount of shunting?
What is a severe amount of shunting?
> 30%
What is the equation for PaC02 production?
PaC02 = 0.863(Vc02[minute C02 prod in ml])
VA[Alveolar vent]
What is the equation for Alveolar Ventilation? (VA)
(Tidal Vol - Dead Space) x RR = VA
What is the Physiological Dead Space equation? (Vd/Vt)
Vd/Vt = (PAC02-PeC02)/PAC02)
PaC02 can also be used as a substitute.
How can you calculate estimated changes in HC03 in acute alveolar hypoventillation?
A increase in Pac02 of 10 mmHg will immediately increase HC03 by 1 mEq/L.
the equation to use is:
ΔHCO3 = 0.10 x ΔPaCO2
How can you calculate estimated changes in HC03 in acute alveolar hyperventillation?
As PaCO2 decreases by 10mm Hg the HCO3– will immediately decrease by 2 mEq/L
The equation is:
ΔHCO3– = 0.20 x ΔPaCO2