Formulas Flashcards
What is the Alveolar Air Equation?
PAO2 = FIO2(PB - PH2O) - [PaCO2/.8]
If fio2 >= .60
PA02 = fi02(PB-Ph20)-(PaC02/1)
What is the formula for Arterial Oxygen Content?
CaO2 % = [Sa02 x Hb x 1.34] + (PaO2 x 0.003 mL/dL)
What is the Physiological Shunt formula?
QS/QT = CcO2 – CaO2
CcO2 – CvO2
What is the formula for Venous Oxygen Content?
CvO2 % = [(Venous 02 Sat) x Hb x 1.34] + (PvO2 x 0.003 mL/dL)
What is the formula for Capillary oxygen content?
CcO2 = [Hb x 1.34] + (PAO2 x 0.003 mL/dL)
in % form
What is the formula for P/F ratio?
What are the ranges and interpretation for P/F ratio?
> 400 normal
How do you calculate for oxygen gradients between alveolar and blood? whats the formula?
What is the range for normal healthy individuals?
Aa Gradient.
P(A-a)02 = PA02 - Pa02 (answer in mm Hg)
5-10 mmhg
What is the normal amount of shunting?
What is a severe amount of shunting?
> 30%
What is the equation for PaC02 production?
PaC02 = 0.863(Vc02[minute C02 prod in ml])
VA[Alveolar vent]
What is the equation for Alveolar Ventilation? (VA)
(Tidal Vol - Dead Space) x RR = VA
What is the Physiological Dead Space equation? (Vd/Vt)
Vd/Vt = (PAC02-PeC02)/PAC02)
PaC02 can also be used as a substitute.
How can you calculate estimated changes in HC03 in acute alveolar hypoventillation?
A increase in Pac02 of 10 mmHg will immediately increase HC03 by 1 mEq/L.
the equation to use is:
ΔHCO3 = 0.10 x ΔPaCO2
How can you calculate estimated changes in HC03 in acute alveolar hyperventillation?
As PaCO2 decreases by 10mm Hg the HCO3– will immediately decrease by 2 mEq/L
The equation is:
ΔHCO3– = 0.20 x ΔPaCO2
How is pH affected when PaC02 is increased by 10 mmhg?
pH will DECREASE by 0.06
How is pH affected when PaC02 is decreased by 10 mmhg?
pH will INCREASE by 0.10
How do you calculate for Time Constants?
Static Compliance (in L/Cm H20) x Airway Resistance = Time Constant in secs.
This is only 1 unit as you’ll need to multiply it by a constant of 1-5 depending on target % volume inspiration or expiration
what is the conversion from mmHg to cm H20
1mm = 1.36 cm h20
760 mmHg = 1034 cm H20
What is the equation for TransPULMONARY pressure? (PL)
What does it measure?
PL = P alv - P PLURAL
Pressure difference between alveolus and PLURAL space
Maintains alveolar inflation
What is the equation for transAIRWAY pressure?
(P ta)
What does it measure?
P ta = P (AIRWAY opening) - P (alv) or (PIP - Plat)
Pressure difference between airway opening and avleolus Airway Resistance
What time constant factors and their receptive % of volume (inspiration or expiration) equivalent.
1: 63%
2: 86%
3: 95%
4: 98%
5: 100%
For every increase in PaC02, what is the Change in Pa02?
As PaCO2 increases by 1mm Hg,
PaO2 decreases by 1.25mm Hg
PIP is the sum of what 2 pressures at the end of inspiration?
TransAIRWAY (P ta) and Pressure in the alveoli (P alv)
What is the equation for a/A ratio?
What is the normal range?
a/A ratio = Pa02/PA02
Normal is > .80
Elderly > .75
What is the equation for predicted Pa02?
PaO2 = 104.2 – (0.27 x Age)