Formation of Germ Layer and Derivatives Flashcards
result of delamination process during gastrulation
epiblast and hypoblast
what will epiblast give rise to
embryonic epiblast and amniotic ectoderm
where is this process located - the migration of cells toward the midline to form the primitive streak
embryonic epiblast
formation of epiblast and hypoblast layers is referred to as
bilaminar disc formation
formation of the three embryonic germ layers is called
trilaminar disc formation
what will give rise to the extraembryonic endoderm which will form the yolk sac consisting of endoderm
what surrounds the inner cell mass
trophoblastic cells
trophoblast will proliferate and form what
layer responsible for the initial attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine lining and contains the original cells of trophoblast
cytrotrophoblastic layer
layer that has already lost the cellular membranes
syncytiotrophoblastic layer
cells on this layer secretes the enzymatic enzymes that digest uterine wall for the implantation of the embryo
syncytiotrophoblastic layer
what will give rise to the extraembryonic mesoderm
what forms the large part of the placenta
amnion, yolk sac, components of cytotrophoblast giving rise to extraembryonic mesoderm
membranes outside forming embryo
extraembryonic membranes
what forms from the epiblast after splitting?
embryonic epiblast and amniotic ectoderm (helmet)
the hypoblast will expand further laterally and moves downward over thr blastocoel and form the?
yolk sac
further proliferation of cytotrophoblast will form what?
what is seen in preparation for the proliferation of the blood vessels forming the placenta eventually
wall of the yolk sac is derived from?
components of the hypoblast
the site of invaginating cells
primitive node (the organizer)
invaginating cells undergo ingression occupying blastocoel will give rise to?
mesodermal cells
invaginating cells left on top will form
cells displaced in the hypoblast
notochord is derived from the prenotochordal cells which are originated from?
mesodermal origin
the definitive notochord is formed first at the ____ region and progresses towards the ____ region
cephalic, caudal
3 mesodermal sheets
paraxial mesoderm, intermediate mesoderm, and lateral plate mesoderm
what is in between the lateral plate mesoderm and dorsal mesoderm
intermediate mesoderm
other term for paraxial mesoderm
other term for intermediate mesoderm
other term for lateral plate mesoderm
lateral plate mesoderm splits into 2, what are those?
somatic mesoderm/parietal AND splanchnic mesoderm/visceral
paraxial mesoderm develops into?
future somites
intermediate mesoderm develops into?
future urogenital units
lateral plate mesoderm develops into?
various organs in the body
transformation of embryonic cells into flat cells that are tightly packed
with further development, epithelial cells are transformed into?
mesenchymal type
wherein embryonic cells lose their epithelial/compact arrangement and become loosely arranged cells
epithelial-mesenchymal transition
what forms the sclerotome?
notochord and neural tube
what forms the myotome?
dorsomedial muscle cells and ventrolateral muscle cells
cells that remain between the dorsomedial and ventrolateral muscle cells will form what?
3 layers of somite
sclerotome, myotome, dermatome
genes expressed by notochord and floor plate of the neural tube that acts on cells of sclerotome
Shh and noggin
what gene is expressed by sclerotome that controls chondrogenesis and vertebrae formation
PAX1 gene
participates in the formation of vertebral column
this is secreted by the roof/dorsal neural tube that activates PAX3 gene
WNT proteins
gene that dermacates the dermamyotome
PAX3 gene
WNT proteins direct ________ that differentiate into muscle cell precursors
dorsomedial portion of somite
muscle cell precursors expresses this gene in response to WNT
MYF5 gene
expressed by dorsal neural tube/neural tube roof that will form the dermis
what activates MyoD (muscle specific gene)
WNT protein and BMP4
_____ is dorsomedial and _______ for ventrolateral cells in forming the myotome
MYF5, MyoD
what arose from the intermediate mesoderm
forms the lining of body cavity and body mesenteries
somatic/parietal mesoderm
forms a layer around visceral organs, gives rise to visceral organs of the body
splanchnic/visceral mesoderm
what will form when parietal and visceral mesoderm splits
intraembryonic/body cavity
pharyngeal pouch that will form the middle ear
PP 1
pharyngeal pouch that will form the tonsils
PP 2
pharyngeal pouch that will form parathyroid and thymus
PP 3
pharyngeal pouch that will form parathyroid and post branchial bodies
PP 4
what is at the floor of the pharynx
thyroid rudiment
outpocketing of the hindgut is ______ and will give rise to ________
allantois, urinary bladder
outpocketing of the digestive tube gives rise to
liver, lancreas, and gallbladder
involved in the formation of sensory vesicles
epidermal placodes
first segment of the foregut that will give rise to oral epithelium, teeth enamel
what will form at the floor of the stomodeum
Rathke’s pouch
lines the end part of the digestive tube
formed at the floor of diencephalin of the brain
what gives rise to the pituitary gland
infundibulum and rathke’s pouch
mostly gives rise to the components of the digestive and respiratory system
endodermal germ layer
mostly gives rise to the nervous system, components of integumentary system, and sensory structures
ectodermal germ layer
mostly gives rise to circulatory system
lateral plate mesoderm
gives rise primarily to urogenital system
intermediate mesoderm
gives rise to components of skeletal and muscular muscles
paraxial mesoderm