Formation and degeneration of pancreatic beta cells Flashcards
Islets of the endocrine pancreas
- islets are clusters of ~1000 endocrine cells
- ~1 million islets are in human pancreas
- islets make up ~1-2% of pancreatic volume: remainder mostly exocrine pancreas (acini and ducts) which secrete digestive enzymes
Islet endocrine cell types
- alpha cells (38% human, scattered) secrete glucagon
- beta cells (55% human, scattered) secrete insulin
- delta cells secrete somatostatin (<5%)
- PP cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide (~1%)
- epsilon cells secrete Ghrelin
Maintenance of normoglycaemia (5-7mmol)
- fast/exercise: hypoglycaemia and hypolipidaemia; glucagon increase, insulin decrease; return glucose production to normal (catabolism, lipolysis)
- feeding: hyperglycemia and hyperlipidaemia; insulin increase, glucagon decrease; return glucose production to normal (anabolism, lipid storage)
- NOT JUST ABOUT GLUCOSE!! Lipid metabolism is also important
The role of the beta cell in glucose homeostasis
insulin release suppresses pancreatic output and stimulates glucose uptake into muscle and fat
Biogenesis of insulin
- active secretory pathway
- insulin is expressed from pre-pro-insulin gene, which is translated to proinsulin in the rough ER
- trafficks to golgi, packaged to vesicles where it is cleaved to mature insulin and c-peptide
- dense core vesicles are released upon glucose stimulation
- when beta cells are stressed they can begin to degranulate and loose insulin vesicles
Essential molecular components of B-cell glucose sensing
Facilitates dose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion by glucose
- GLUT1/2
- oxidative metabolism
- K(ATP) channels
- exocytotic machinery
Pathway of glucose sensing in beta cells
1) glucose taken up by glucose transporters
2) glucokinase creates a wave of carbohydrates through glycolysis into the mitochondria
3) wave of ATP generation; closes ATP sensitive K channels, depolarising the membrane
4) depolarisation stimulates opening of VDCC, triggering Ca influx and the fusion and secretion of insulin-containing vesicles
Principles of tissue development
gradients of growth factors and transcription factor activation guide cell lineages and tissue development
Structure of the endocrine pancreas
- commitment to tip phenotype = acinar cell (produce digestive enzymes, e.g. amylase)
- commitment to trunk structures = ductal cells (drain digestive enzymes into gut, endocrine cells of islets) or endocrine progenitors via transient activation of Neurog3
Describe the process of beta cell neogenesis during development (key TFs)
Key TFs:
- PDX1: master regulator; initates pancreatic formation and plays a role in insulin expression of beta cells in mature pancreas
- Neurog3: commits cell to endocrine lineage
- NKX6.1: beta cell marker (and PDX1)
- PAX6
Discuss the role of beta cell proliferation in the expansion of beta cells mass during adulthood
- neogenesis is greatly reduced in adult organ, but can be activated by tissue injury
- forming partial duct ligation in mouse pancreas, within 7 days there is mass neogenesis in positive ductal cells and increase in beta cell mass
- reactivation of neogenesis as a way to regenerate beta cells during diabetes
Concept for transdifferentiation
- under experimental conditions of extreme beta cell loss, lineage tracing has shown alpha and delta cells can transdifferentiate into insulin-expressing cells in mice
- evidence for transdifferentiation is limited in humans: difficult to test experimentally as lineage tracing is not possible
Evidence for the transdifferentiation of pancreatic endocrine cell types (hint: mice)
Herrera lab and Geneva
- mice do not express the human Diptheria toxin receptor (DTR) and tissues are resistant to Dipetheria toxin (DT)
- expression of the DTR in beta cells enables selective ablation of beta cells by DT
- expressing DTR in mouse beta cells using RIP (rat insulin promoter) driven constructs
- giving DT to this mouse, we oblate 99% of beta cell mass (extreme model) - can study what happens in organ as a response
Glucagon promoter
- activate a Cree in alpha cells; snips STOP cassette, YFP is expressed
- important as it is genetic labelling of cell and cell lineage
Ablating beta cell mass, using DT, we can see the appearance of insulin (+) cells, some of which also express YFP, meaning that they must have been alpha cells at the point when the tetracyclin pulse lineage was used - shows that alpha cells can differentiate into beta cells using linear tracing approach
Rates of beta cell proliferation
- proliferation in adult pancreas is low: <0.5% of beta cells actively proliferate in rodents and humans
- rodent beta cells show stronger mitogenic response to Harmine (via Dryk1a inhibition)
Measuring beta cell proliferation
- incorporation of Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analogue, into newly synthesised DNA during replication; daughter cells are labelled
- Harmine is Dyrk1a inhibitor - induces cell proliferation
- presence of the Ki67 protein (typically by immunoflorescence) indicates that cells in active cell cycle are labelled