Format of the Letter Flashcards
Factors to consider in writing a letter: PAPER USED
- White paper
- 18-20 substance/thickness
- Avoid glossy paper
- Can use framed bond-paper (with margin) or open-space bond-paper
- Imaginary margin is 1 inch
- Short bond-paper is letter, long bond-paper is for legal documents, A4 is considered as government paper
• Contains the return address with the date n the last line.
• include a line before the date with a phone number or email address.
• It is on the left side
Heading format
Name: bold & capitalized
Address: street name, brgy, zip code
•Used if you are part of an organization.
•Logos of the company/organization can be used.
Letterhead format
Name of the company
Address of the company
Fax number
Cellphone number
•Address you are sending your letter to
•Always include title name such as Dr., Engr.,Prof.
•Do not put the address if you belong in the organization you are sending the letter to.
Recipient’s address
Recipient’s address format
Position of the recipient in the company: President
Address This University
•Salutation or greeting in a business letter is always formal.
•It often begins with “Dear, (person’s name)”
•If you are unsure of the person’s gender, just ise their first name.
•The use of Ms., Mr., Mrs., Miss, & Mx.
•Miss = unmarried woman
•Ms. = does not indicate marital status used for general female
Salutation format
American format -> Dear, (person’s name) :
European format -> Dear, (person’s name) ,
Open punctuation -> Dear, (person’s name)
Dateline format
American format -> MM/DD/YYYY
European format -> DD/MM/YYYY
•The meat of your letter.
•Single space and left justify each paragraph.
•Use 1.5 spacing for short contents
•Position the content around the middle
Body format
Introduction: name & affiliation, introduction
Information & details: support your claim, if inquiry use bullet form
Call for action: suggested solutions, include personal contact information
•A short & polite remark
•The close begins at the same jurisdiction as your date
•Capitalize the first word of your closing
•Leave 3-4 lines before the signature line
•A comma, colon, or open punctuation shall follow closing
Complimentary close
Complimentary close format
Respectfully yours:
Respectfully yours,
Respectfully yours
•Types out the name to be signed.
•This will include your first and last name, and middle initial is optional.
•You may put your title beforehand (Mr., Mrs., Dr.)
•The signature should be in blue or black ink
Signature line
Signature line format
Franchezca Nicole De Guzman