Forensics Flashcards
Issues and Challenges
trauma history (abuse) in prisons
Over-representation of BIPOC individuals in correctional settings
Increased risk of victimization of those experiencing mental illness and crisis
Lack of resources
Risk of suicide
Discharge planning and follow-up
Competing demands of custody and care
Functional Recovery
Improving life skills
Social recovery
Community reintegration
Forensic Recovery
Redefinition of self
Expressive violence
Involves interpersonal altercations, usually with people known to assailant
expressive when the aggression occurs as an emotional response to frustration or ego threats, such as an insult or to exact revenge
Instrumental violence
Premeditated, motive driven acts, usually with people not known to assailantt
when the offender sets out to achieve a specific goal, such as obtaining money, belongings or territory
Gang violence
Associated with group alliances
Mental Health Court
Specialized court docket
Regular status reviews
Comprehensive community mental health treatment (FACT)
Usually 18 to 24 month involvement
May be 6 months for minor crimes (diversional program)
A person can be identified by police, judge, counsel, and/or corrections staff for participation in mental health court
Drug Treatment Court
Promote and strengthen the use of alternatives to incarceration
Particular focus on youth, Indigenous men and women, and sexual exploitation
Diversion programs – are determined pretrial case by case
Used in minor crimes where the most reasonable course of action is treatment and rehabilitation
Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)
Seeking Safety –
Community based CBT program for clients
Discharge Assessment –
Will connect with clients in custody to determine discharge needs prior to release
Ex. Housing, finances, connect with supports ect.
FACT is designed to do the following: improve
clients’ mental health outcomes and daily functioning;
reduce recidivism by addressing criminogenic risks
and needs;1
divert individuals in need of treatment
away from the criminal justice system; manage costs
by reducing reoccurring arrest, incarceration, and
hospitalization; and increase public safety
Reasons for admission
Medical management
Court ordered treatment
Fitness assessment
Responsibility assessment
Adult Court Ordered Forensic Assessment
Can be ordered at any stage of legal proceedings
3rd party assessment
Two types for adults
Fitness Assessment
Assessment regarding clients ability to stand trial
May be found fit or unfit
If unfit, treatment services provided to allow the person a chance to recover and become fit to stand trial
If unfit, trial is postponed until the client is found to be Fit to Stand Trial
If unfit, person will have a disposition hearing
Possible dispositions:
1. Detention in custody in a Hospital
2. Discharge (subject to Review Board’s conditions) to community placement
3. Absolute discharge (Review Board has no further involvement)
Criminal Code Board of Review
Administrative Assistant
Chairperson (Law background) -
A member of the Public -
Client may be represented by a lawyer
The Crown Attorney attends and makes submissions to the Review Board
Not Criminally Responsible :
The accused suffered from a mental disorder when they committed the criminal act or made the omission that formed the basis of the offence they were charged with by the judge or jury
At the time of the offence were unable to distinguish right from wrong