Forensic Pathology Test 4 Flashcards
A sac like cyst that presents itself on the ovaries
Ovarian cyst
An enclosed sac like pouch with a definite wall that usually contains liquid solid, or semi solid material
A cyst that contains teeth or hair inside the cyst
Dermoid Cyst
A cyst that forms on an oil glad
Sebaceous or Wen cyst
Excessive growth; an increase in size of a body part or organ by an increase in size of the cells already present
An increase in size of a body part or organ due to increased functional demand like the pregnant uterus.
Physiological hypertrophy
Increase in size of a body part or organ due to disease like Whelm’s disease
Pathological hypertrophy
Increase in size of a body part or organ to compensate loss of a similar or unpaired organ.
Compensatory hypertrophy
An increase in size of a body part or organ by an increase in the number of cells making it up
The replacement of one type of tissue with another type of tissue that is no9t normally found in that part of the body like oat cell carcinoma
Tumors are also known as
Generally contain the suffix OMA and they will not kill
Benign tumors
Generally contain a suffix of sarcoma or carcinoma; they will kill
Malignant tumors
A malignant tumor of connective tissue is a
A malignant tumor of a epithelial tissue is a
A benign tumor of a gland like the breast
Stalk like growths found mostly in the nasal cavities and intestinal tract
Papilloma or Polyp
A single benign pigmented tumor
Nevus or Mole