forensic medicine Flashcards
define rape
a man is said to commit rape rape if he has sexual intercourse with a women
1 agnst her will
2.without her consent
3.with her consent if she is <16 yrs of age
intoxicated or has unsound mind so tht she is unable to
understand the consequences consent is obtained by unlawful means
giving consent because she believes that he is another man to whom she is married
4.sexual intercourse by man with his own wife if she is >15 yrs is not rape
wht is suppositous child
ficititous child claimed by a women as her own a women may pretend pregnancy a delivery and later substitute a living Male child for dead child or female child
age of child does not correspond to date of pregnancy and dna fingerprints is confirmatory
wht is raygats test
it is based on fact tht breathing increases lung volume which is more thn required to compensate weight of addition blood sp gravity is diminished after respiration
cause of false negative raygats test
sinking of unexpanded lung
•lung ds like pneumonia, pulmonary edema, congenital syphilis
false positive test raygats test r
putrefaction artificial inflation of lung
when is raygats test unnecessary
gestational age<180 dys
•fetus is macerated ,mummified •stomach contains milk
• scar has formed due to umbilical cord separation
fodere’s test is
due to blood flow to the lung weight is increased when respiration establishes weight of both lungs is doubled after respiration
test is
blood flow in lung bed is increased after breathing tht their lung wht/body wht ratio is doubled after respiration
1: 70 unrespired lung
1: 35 respired lung
ploquet’s propotional ratio
wht is breslau’s second life test
air will be swallowed and so may pass into stomach and small intestine when respiration establishes
legal age by which fetus can survive is
24 wks
avg length of full term child is
50 cm
wht is vagitus uterinus
cry of unborn in uterus
vagitus vaginalis
cry of unborn in vagina
macerated fetus indicates
dead born
wht is Spalding’s sign
loss of alignment and overriding of skull bones in IUD
wht is posthumos child
child born after death of his father mother being conceived by said father
wht is superfecundation
fertilisation of 2 ova which hve been discharged from ovary by 2 separate acts of coitus at short intervals
wht is superfoetation
fertilisation of 2 separate ova realsed from ovary in different cycles so fertilisation of second ovum in women who is pregnant 2 fetus r of different stages of development
name few signs of respiration
chest circumference is larger thn abdomen in live born
•diaphragm is at the level of 6th-7th in live born and higher in still born
difference in putrefaction between still birth and child who took some breaths and then died
in still born putrefaction starts from outside to inside whereas in alive born putrefaction starts from inside to outside
most usual change in IUD
it is aseptic autolysis because membranes are not ruptured and fetus is enclosed in sterile condition i
time taken for macerated to occur
3-4 days when dead fetus is surrounded with liqour amnii but exclusion of air
does not occur if child is born in <24 hrs of death
wht is robert sign
gas in great vessels of fetus with IUD
give signs of maceration
•skin slippage earliest within 12 hrs
•gas in great vessel
•collapse of vertebral column showing hyperflexion crowding of ribs
• body flattens out when placed on level
large blebs on skin easily peeled skin
•spalding sign
which organs remain unchanged in a dead fetus for a long time
uterus and lungs
wht is Spalding’s sign
overriding of skull bones as a consequence of IUD and maceration of fetus it is due to shrinkage of cerebrum
spalding sign is seen earlier in vertex or breech
time taken for Spalding’s sign to show iss
> 7 days
difference of skin in macerated and putrefied fetus
skin of maceration fetus is brownish red whereas in putrefaction skin is green in colour
most uncommon change in dead fetus inside utero is
adipocere formation
rigor mortis develops in a foetus attaining ____ age
7 mnths
gas in grt vessels indicate
only fetal death nothing about maturity
Spalding’s sign is seen in
which of the following ossification centre if appears indicate viable fetus
- centre of talus at the end of 7 months
* lower end of femur at the end of 9 mnths
first ossification centre appearing at birth is
lower end of
femur ie 9mnths
lower end of femur can help to diagnose
under which conditions pernatal diagnosis can be carried out
•pregnant women >35 yrs
there has been •exposure to teratogenic drug
•history of 2 or more abortion or fetal loss
•has a family history of mental retardation
a 22 yr old lady died on postmortem which things will indicate that she has delivered a child
•larger,thicker and heavier uterus •wall of uterus are concave from inside and top of fundus is convex •body of uterus is 2×length of cervix •ext os is enlarged •arbor vitae ie mucosal folds are present in canal of cervix
wht is the usual precipitating factor for a childs battering
cry of child disturbing sleep or outing
which is diagnostic test to detect battering of a child
xray whole body (babygram )
most commonly victim of battering is
- child <3yrs old
- youngest eldest male
- and and unwanted
classical signs indicating battering are
discrepancy between nature of injury and explanation
•injuries of different stages in different stages of healing
•purposeful delay in seeking medical attention
commonest method of inflicting injury in battering baby is
direct violence
most characteristic lesion of battering a baby is
tear of frenulum and alveolar margins of gums is most characteristic
nobbing fractures are
multiple rib #s produced in battering a child at costovertebral junction #sin different stages of healing differentiate them from #s due to resuscitation
most common cause of death in battered babies is
head injury>rupture of int abdominal organ
wht is caffey infantie whiplash syndrome
This syndrome involves vigorous manual shaking of infants by the extremities or shoulders, with whiplash-induced intracranial and intraocular bleeding, but with no external signs of head trauma
other names of battered baby syndrome
- caffey syndrome
- infantie whiplash syndrome
- maltreatment syndrome in a child
- Inflicted traumatic brain injury
- inflicted childhood neurotrauma
wht is 377 IPC
it defines and punishes unnatural sexual offences
name natural sexual offences
incest rape
other name of lesbianism is
active partner in in lesbianism is k/a
dyke or butch
passive partner in lesbianism is k/a
wht is fitichism
use of living or non living object ie
non living object of opposite sex for sexual gra
gratification seen exclusively in men
sexual gratification by wearing clothes of opposite sex
define incest
intercourse in closely related individuals
adultry is
voluntary intercourse bw a married person and person married or not other thn his /her spouse
bestiality is
intercourse with an animal
intercourse with children
wht is sadism
infliction of pain to sexual partner
wht necrophagia and lust murder
sadist may damage organs and eat flesh
lust murder is where murder is equal to coitus
masochism is
sexual pleasure by receiving pain from partner
autoerotic hanging
algolagnia is
frotteurism is
sexual gratification by rubbing the genital against other person
wht is voyerism /scotophilia /peeping toms
desire to watch sexual intercourse
falling in love with object made by him
oedipus complex
sexual desire of son towards mother
electra complex
sexual desire of daughter towars father
pharon complex
sexual desire of brother towards sister
oral stimulation of penis by male or female
oral stimulation of female genital
wht is quod hoc
temporary impotence in an individual for a particular women only but he can perform act eith another woman