Forensic Examination of Soils Flashcards
constitute excellent trace evidence in criminal cases because there are an
almost unlimited number of identifiable soil types based on the content of rocks, minerals, glasses, human-made particles, and chemicals.
commonly identifies the original geographic location of soils associated
with a crime, thus assisting an investigation.
The value of soil evidence rests on the fact that there are an almost unlimited
number of rock types, mineral types, fossils, and artificial rock material, including
glass and brick and concrete.
In addition, it is not uncommon for soil material to have incorporated human-made
particles such as plastics, metals, and chemicals such as fertilizer and pesticides.
Various instruments, methods, and procedures are used to study minerals, rocks,
soils, and related materials for forensic purposes. These methods are used to
collect data from the various questioned and known samples, which are then used
to make a judgment as to comparison or lack of comparison.
The evidential value of some of these methods is greater than others. However,
they are all standard methods long accepted for use in the identification of material.
Because of the extreme diversity of soils and related material, the examiner may
decide that in a particular case some other method will provide information that will
assist in reaching a conclusion.
Soils often have added particles, such as fibers, hair, and/or paint chips, these can
be collected for examination by experts in those forensic science fields
One of the reasons that microscopic examination is so important is that it is only
way that particles of other forms of evidence can be found, and unusual mineral
particles discovered.
most important identifying characteristics of minerals and soils.
form a mosaic of grays, yellows, browns,
reds, blacks, and even greens and brilliant purples.
the native minerals contribute directly to the soil color.
Soil particles become stained, coated, and impregnated with mineral and organic substances, giving the soil an appearance
different from its original one.
sands along a river channel are examined, the color of each sand grain can generally be recognized individually; however, after a
deposit has weathered for a long period of time, there is a degree of leaching, accumulation, and/or movement of substances within
the soil.
The mineral grains, especially the larger ones, are generally coated. I
most situations the coatings on the soil particles consist of
iron, aluminum, organic matter, clay, and other substances
The coloring of the coatings alone can give some indication as to the
history of the sample.
The “redness” of a soil depends not only on the
amount of iron present but also on its state of oxidation, with a highly oxidized condition tending to have a
more reddish color.
The iron on the coatings of the particles probably is in the form of hematite, limonite, goethite, lepidocrocite, and other iron-rich mineral forms.
Black mineral colors in the soil are generally related to manganese or various iron and manganese combinations.
Green colors are generally due to
concentrations of specific minerals rather than of the mineral coatings
some copper minerals, chlorite, and glauconite are usually green.
Deep blue to purple coloration in the soil is generally due to the mineral vivianite, an iron phosphate.
Apart from the mineral colors in the soil are those that result from organic matter.
The organic litter on the soil surface is generally black.
Humus percolates
through the mineral horizons, giving various dark colors.
some instances, the iron and humic acids combine to form a dark reddish brown to nearly black
To have some uniformity in descriptions of the color of geologic materials and soils, certain standards have been established. The color standards most
frequently used in the United States are those of the Munsell Color Company.
The color standards are established on three factors: hue, value, and chroma.
This standardization of colors offers some degree of
uniformity, but moisture content will also affect the color of the soil, as will light intensity and wavelength.
Soil color is different in natural light than in fluorescent and different still in incandescent light. If a soil is air dry, it may be recorded as yellow, but if moist the recording may be yellowish brown. • Moisture added to a dry soil will usually result in a more brilliant appearance. It is therefore important to record not only the color of the soil but also an estimate of the “wetness factor” at the
time of the recording.
Soil, being a mixture of materials of various sizes and compositions, contains individual minerals of different colors. If soil is fractionated into various sizes—coarse sand, medium sand, fine
sand, silt, and clay—there is a tendency for the finer-sized particles to exhibit more red or reddish-brown colors as opposed to grays and yellows in the coarser fractions. In considering coarser
sand particles, the matrix will commonly have a speckled appearance, with the quartz and feldspar particles being gray or yellowish; but the heavy minerals such as ilmenite and magnetite will
generally be black.
Sand particles from soils of recent origin, such as recent glacial or stream deposits, usually retain their original mineral appearance and we can usually detect a mosaic of colors. But sand
fractions from the old landscapes commonly have coatings of clay, and the sand grains may be iron stained, which results in a more uniform color of the entire matrix. Soil grains veneered with
organic matter give the particles a dark gray appearance. It is important first to record the color of the untreated soil sample and then to remove the organics so that the true color and
appearance of the sand grains can be studied.
In studying soil samples for forensic purposes, the sample is normally dried at
approximately 100◦C and viewed with natural light, preferably coming from a
northerly direction. A north-facing window is a good location for such observations.
Such studies should be made on samples that have the same general size
distribution of particles. The color of samples prepared from the individual sieved-out
particle size ranges gives important additional data. Two or more samples, collected
for study, can be compared directly by the observer.
It is then possible to use a color chart with the samples to determine the Munsell
color numbers for precise description of the color.
Instrumental determination of color provides more quantitative information and can
now be done with a precision which exceeds that the human eye.
Pye Associates of Great Britain have found that rapid, reliable, and highly
reproducible results are achieved using the Minolta CM-2002 photo spectrometer.
This instrument covers the visible wavelength range 400 to 700 nm, providing
several light source types and observer angles, and producing a range of color
indices, including Munsell hue, value, and chroma; Lab* indices; and reflectance
data and curves.
Calibration of the instrument is carried out for every analysis to black, white, and
CERAM II color standard materials.
Particle-Size Distribution
The determination of the distribution of particle sizes in a
sample can often provide significant evidence. This
determination is often produced for a variety of reasons:
to produce samples for comparison studies that are similar, in which case
the control sample may contain some larger or smaller particles that are
not present in the sample being questioned or an associated sample, and
they must be removed;
the samples may be broken down into subsamples in which all the particles
are in the same size range for mineral or color studies;
a determination of the distribution of particle sizes may be produced as a
method of comparison.
when abrasive particles have been introduced into
machinery for the purpose of sabotage, the size distribution of
the particles may be diagnostic of the material, if changes in
particle size have not taken place in the machinery.
Before making a mechanical analysis to determine the size
distribution of particles, it is necessary to disperse the soil.
Individual soil particles tend to stick together in the form of
Cementing agents of the aggregates must be removed;
otherwise, a cluster of silt and clay particles would have the
physical dimensions of sand or gravel. Cementing agents
consist of organic matter, accumulated carbonates, and iron
oxide coatings, and in some situations, there is a mutual
attraction of particles by physicochemical forces.
• If carbonates have cemented the particles together, it is
desirable to pretreat the sample with dilute hydrochloric acid to
remove the carbonates. The sample is then treated with
hydrogen peroxide to remove the organic cementing agents.
All samples must be treated in the same way, and it must be
determined before treatment that important information will not
be lost, such as dissolving carbonate cement from grains that
should be treated as single grains. It is almost always desirable
to determine the size distribution of soil by sieving in a liquid,
usually water.
Dry sieving of the entire sample is generally unsatisfactory
because the small particles tend to cluster together, and clay
tends to adhere to larger particles. Sometimes a dispersing
agent is added to the water.
Several methods can then be used to determine the size distribution of the finer particles in a dispersed
rapid method for determining the percentage of sand, silt, and clay in a sample
based on the principle of a decreasing density of the suspension as the solid particles settle out
method, although rapid and accurate, is unsatisfactory if we want to make a subsequent examination of the
various size ranges, because there is no physical separation of the various-sized particles.
pipette method
One of the most accurate and satisfactory procedures for fractionating soil samples is
This consists of pretreating the sample as is done in the hydrometer method, dispersing the soil in water,
and calculating the time required for various-sized particles to settle out from the suspension.
based on the rate of settling depends on the size of the mineral matter, with larger particles
settling at a more rapid rate.
procedure is based on Stokes’ law: V = (2/9)gr2(d − d )/n,
Although this method is generally considered the most satisfactory regarding accuracy, it is not infallible.
Several assumptions are made: that all particles have the same shape and that all the soil particles have
the same density, neither of which is usually the case. Nevertheless, the pipette method is generally
considered to be the best available mechanical method.
In making a mineral analysis of a sample, one fact becomes
apparent: the sample contains different groups of minerals
within various size ranges.
Sands are made up of a set of
minerals that are usually completely different from those within
the clay size range. Therefore, in comparative analysis it is
important to make comparisons within the same size ranges.
can be quite deceptive to compare the minerals found in one
size range in one sample with a different size range in another
When a transfer is made from a soil it is unlikely that the
transferred sample is truly representative of the distribution of
sizes that existed at that place.
two samples
that are to be compared using grain size distribution may not
show the same distribution of grain sizes.