Forensic Flashcards
Non-verbal communication
Refers to wordless messages the client communicates gestures, body language, posture, facial expression, eye-contact, clothing and hairstyle. Client many deny they feeling depresses but they are speaking quietly, slowly, look tearful, tired and thin
Verbal communication
Refers to all aspects of a clients speech and language such as volume, amount, tone and content. If a psychologist observed that the client pauses for long times and give quiet short answers they might be in a depressed mood
What is stalking
A persons persistent (continuous) attempts to force unwanted communication or contact on another person that causes the victim fear or distress. This can happen by telephone, letter, faxing, email, gifts, graffiti etc.
Rejected stalker
Experience bad break-up in a personal relationship but refuses to believe and accept relationship has ended. Stalking behaviour includes approaching, telephoning and writing letters or notes to the victim
Erotomanic stalker
Mental disorder called ‘erotomania’ a delusional disorder in which the person has a false & fixed idea the person is in love with them. The victim is usually of a high status then the stalker e.g celebrity, boss. Also think they secretly communicate to them by subtle methods such as body posture, arrangement of household object
Intimacy seeking stalker
may begin stalking after brief encounter and later write a lot of letter & send gifts to their victims, may also act inappropriately. ,ay stalk victim for a very long time +1yr. Jail terms and court appearances don’t stop them “this is the price I pay for love”
Predatory stalker
Pursues their desire for sexual gratification and control through stalking.
Incompetent stalker
Wants a friend or lover but lack social skills and knowledge to do so. Use inappropriate measures to keep close. “Accidentally” bumping into them at gym, mall, movies etc. similar to intimacy stalker may stalk after brief encounter.
The resentful stalker
Obsessed with their victim over imagined insult or injury. Typically stalks to get even. Victims may be politicians or boss
Criminal profiling
A technique use to assist in the identification and apprehension of a likely criminal offender for a particular crime or series or crimes.
Person likely responsible for crime.
Based on assumption, clues
Physiological characteristics
Psychological characteristics
Intelligence level
General information
Employment status
Socioeconomic status
Marital status