Foreign Words List 6 Flashcards
Tout le monde
Sui generis
“Of its own kind;” unique
Comme il faut
Proper; behaving according to social standards
Nota bene
Take special notice
Ab initio
From the beginning
Casus belli
A situation that provokes or justifies war
(Preposition) with regard to; (adjective) appropriate, suitable; (adverb) seasonably
Bon mot
A witty remark
Ad infinitum
Forever; always; without end
Tout de suite
Semper fidelis
Always faithful (US Marine Corps motto)
Sanctum sanctorum
Holy of holies
Requiescat in pace
Rest in peace (R.I.P)
Rigor mortis
Stiffness of the muscles after death
Res ipsa loquitur
“The thing speaks for itself;” presumption or inference of negligence based on circumstantial evidence
Quo vadis?
Where are you going?
Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
Obiter dictum
“That which is said in passing;” an incidental statement or opinion (such as one made by a judge)
Nes’t-ce pas
Isn’t it?
Mala fides
Bad faith
Lingua franca
A common language that is used as a form of communication among people who do not speak the same language