Foreign Words List 1 Flashcards
In toto
As a whole; totally
A private conversation between two people
Inter alia
Among other things
Pièce de résistance
Faux pas
Social blunder; socially embarrassing mistake
Force majeure
Unforeseeable event (such as war, earthquake, or extreme weather)
Crème de la crème
The best in a group
Status quo
The present situation; the existing state of affairs
New and experimental, usually pertaining to the arts
De rigueur
Required by etiquette, fashion, or convention
Compos mentis
Of sound mind
Non sequitir
Statement does not follow logically from the previous statements
Au fait
To be familiar with something
Quid pro quo
Something given in return for something else
Savoir faire
The ability to behave appropriately and confidently in social situations
Modus operandi
A way of doing something
Faute de mieux
For lack of something better
Prima facie
At first sight; based on first impression; self-evident
Mea culpa
“My fault”
Au contraire
On the contrary