Foreign Words List 5 Flashcards
En masse
All together, at the same time, and in large numbers
Ad nauseam
To do something repeatedly to an excessive or sickening degree
Persona non grata
A person who is not welcome or acceptable
Esprit de corps
Feeling, such as pride, loyalty, and devotion, shared by the members of a group
Ad hoc
For a particular purpose
Ultra vires
Beyond or in excess of the legal power or authority
Alter ego
Second self
The general mood or spirit of a particular time in history
Au naturel
Being in a natural condition
In absentia
In absence
A priori
“from what is before;” knowledge that proceeds from deduction, not based on experience or observation
A posteriori
“From what is later;” knowledge that proceeds from induction, based on experience or observation
Primus inter pares
First among equals
Veni, vidi, vici
“I came, I saw, I conquered”
A fortiori
“From the stronger;” with even stronger reason
Hoi polloi
The common people
Vox populi
“Voice of the people;” the opinion of the majority
Ad hominem
“To the person;” attacking the character of the person rather than his or her argument