Forearm Flashcards
1) What are the cutaneous nerves of the forearm (anteriorly}?
-Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm and lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (from
2) What are the cutaneous nerves of the forearm (posteriorly)?
- Radial nerve and its branches
3) What is the interosseous border?
-Borders between the radius and ulna and has an interosseous membrane
4) What happens when the hand is pronated with the ulna and radius?
-Radius crosses over the ulna
5) How many bones of the wrist and hand are there?
-8 carpals, 5 metacarpals and 14 phalanges
6) What are the 8 carpals {from lateral to medial 151 row and 2nd row}?
-scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
7) What does the distal end of the radius do?
- Articulates with the scaphoid and lunate carpal bones
8) What does the distal end of the ulna articulate with?
- an articular disc that articulates with the triquetral
9) What 4 movements can you do at the wrist?
- Flexion, Extension, Abduction (radial deviation}, and Adduction (ulnar deviation)
10) What is the most common fractured carpal bone (wrist)?
11) What is the most commonly dislocated carpal bone?
- Lunate
12) What are the joints of the hand?
- metacarpophalangeal joint, proximal interphalangeal, distal interphalangeal
13) Where are the metacarpophalangel joints?
- in between the 5 metacarpals and phalanges
14) Proximal interphalangeals?
- in between the proximal and middle phalanges (THUMB DOESN’T HAV E THIS because it doesn ‘t have a middle phalange)
15) Distal interphalangeal?
In between the middle and distal phalange
16) What nerves and veins are the superficial fascia of the arm?
- Cephalic vein (laterally), Basilic vein (medially) and cutaneous nerves
17) What covers the forearm?
- Deep fasciae
18) What are the compartments of the forearm?
- 2 compartments of the forearm .Anterior and posterior
19) What are the compartments separated by?
- Radius, ulna, intermuscular septae and interosseous membrane
20) How many muscles are in the anterior compartment and what are their actions?
- 8 muscles used for FLEXION
21) How many muscles are in the posterior compartment and what are their actions?
- 12 muscles used for extension
22) Where is the anterior compartment compared to the radius and ulna? What separates it from the
posterior compartment ?
- Above the radius and ulna. lntermuscular septae separates them .
23) How many layers does the anterior compartment have and what are they?
-Superficial and deep layers
24) What is the blood supply for the anterior compartment muscles?
-Ulnar artery, Radial artery and Anterior lnterosseous artery
25) What is the nerve supply for the anterior compartment muscles?
- Ulnar and Median nerve
26) Where is the posterior compartment compared to the radius and ulna?
- Below ulna and radius
27) How many layers in the posterior compartment?
- 2 layers in the posterior compartment. Superficial and Deep
28) What is the blood supply for the posterior compartment?
- Posterior interosseous artery
29) What is the nerve supply to the posterior compartment muscles?
-Radial nerve and its branches
30) What else does the posterior compartment have that the anterior compartment doesn’t?
-A lateral component
31) What are the four muscles of the anterior compartment? What are they used for?
surface of the radius
- Pronator teres, Flexor carpi radialis, Palmaris Longus, and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. Used for FLEXION
32) What is the origin of the four anterior compartment muscles?
- Common tendon on the medial epicondyle of HUMERUS
33) Origin for pronator teres?
- a. Common tendon on medial epicondyle
b. Medial border of the coronoid process on the ulna
34) Where does pronator teres insert?
- a. Inserts of the lateral
35) Where does the median nerve pass in respect to pronator teres?
- It passes through both heads underneath it
36) What is the origin for flexor carpi radialis?
- It originates from the common tendon on the medial epicondyle on the humerus
37) Where does it insert? .
On the bases of metacarpals 2 and 3
38) Where is the radial artery in respect to the flexor carpi radialis?
- On the lateral side
39) Where is the median nerve in respect to it?
-On the medial side
40) What muscle is next and medial?
-Palmaris longus
41) What is the origin for palmaris longus?
-Common tendon on medial epicondyle of humerus
42) Where does it insert?
-The tendon for palmaris longus inserts on the palmar aponeurosis
43) Where is in respect to the median nerve?
- It is anterior to the median nerve
44) Where is the origin for flexor carpi ulnaris?
- a. Origin is on the medial epicondyle on the humerus
b. Origin is on medial olecranon of the ulna
45) What is the insertion for the flexor carpi ulnaris?
- a. It inserts on the Pisiform bone and base of metacarpal 5
46) Where does the ulnar nerve pass in respect to the flexor carpi ulnaris?
- It passes between the two heads at the posterior elbow
47) Where does the tendon pass in respect to the ulnar artery and nerve on the superficial side?
- Passes medially and superficially to the ulnar artery and nerve at the wrist
48) What is the intermediate layer muscle of the anterior compartment?
- Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
49) Where does the flexor digitorum superficialis originate?
- It originates from 3 places:
a. Medial epicondyle of humerus
b. Medial part of ulnar tuberorisity/coronoid process of ulna
c. Oblique line of radius
50) Where does it insert?
-It has a tendon that runs down the anterior surface of the hand and splits into two tendons to insert on the middle phalanges
51) The tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis go through what?
-The carpal tunnel
52) What are the 3 muscles of the deep layer of the anterior compartment?
-Flexor digitorum profundus, Flexor pollicis longues, and pronator quadratus
53) What is the origin of flexor digitorum profundus?
-a. Proxmial 2/3 of ulna and the interossesus membrane
54) Where does it insert?
-Has 4 tendons that leave and go through carpal tunnel and go through the middle of the split tendons from flexor digitorum superficialis tendons that are on the middle phalanges and insert on the distal phalanges of 2 to 5
55) What is the origin of flexor pollicis longus?
- Middle% of the radius and the interosseous membrane
56) What is the insertion of flexor pollicis longus?
- On the distal phalanx of the thumb
57) Where is the median nerve and ulnar nerve in respect to Flexor Digitorum Profundus?
-median nerve is on the lateral side and ulnar nerve is on the medial side
58) Where is the median nerve in respect to the flexor pollicis longus?
-On the medial side
59) Where is the origin of pronator quadratus?
-distal 1/” of the ulna
60) Where is the insertion of pronator quadratus?
-Distal end of radius (anterior surface)
61) What are the muscles of the anterior compartment innervated by?
- Innervated by median nerve except for 1.5 muscles
62) What are these muscles and what are they innervated by?
- Flexor carpi ulnarius which is innervated by the ulnar nerve and the medial half of flexor digitorum
profundus which is innervated by ulnar nerve as well.
63) Muscles of the posterior compartment do what action?
-Extension (except brachioradialis which does flexion and helps forearm from full pronation to mid
64) What is the most lateral posterior compartment muscle?
65) What is the origin of brachioradialis?
-Upper 2/3 of the lateral supracondylar ridge on humerus
66) Where does the brachioradialis insert?
Styloid process of the radius
67) What is the action of brachioradialis?
- Flexion of forearm at the elbow joint and allows forearm to go from full pronation to mid-pronation
68) What nerve innervates the brachioradialis?
Radial nerve
69) What is the next muscle medially?
-Extensor carpi radialis longus
70) What is the origin?
- Lower part of supracondylar ridge of humerus