FoPC Year 1 - General Practice Flashcards
How have GP practices changed over the years?
No longer a typical practice, practices respond to local health needs. Practices tend to be larger and there are no less small single handed rural practices. Steady increase in the number of large practices and therefore there is consolidation and growth in the number of GP patient lists. Traditional staff roles have expanded and developed to meet the needs of the practice. Move from paper to digital record keeping and are now potentially offering online abilities sich as appointment bookings and repeat prescriptions.
What are the benefits of online record keeping?
Easy to access (by multiple members of approved staff members)
GP’s can track information in a more effective manner (easier to search, graph and list)
The software can store appointments, assist in consultations, support prescribing, and allow GP’s to manafe hospital letters and blood results electronically.
Give examples of the flexibility in work available to a GP
Can decide the pattern of their work
Can take on other roles such as working in the hospital or the University
GP can choose the number of sessions worked in a week with one session being half a day
GP’s no longer obliged to provide ‘out of hours care’ but they can choose to if they want.
How can a GP prepare for appraisal?
Reading literature, attending courses and performing audits.
The BMA recommended salaried GP contract has time negotiated as protected for appraisal, and most partnerships accommodate GP partners learning needs with allocated study leave.
Give examples of who might be in the practice team
• IT/Admin Staff
• Secretarial Staff
• Reception Staff
• Nurses – Junior/Senior
• Advanced Nurse Practitioners/Physicians Assistants • Phlebotomists/Health Care Assistants
What are the benefits of high quality communication between doctor and patient?
Research shows that it improves patient satisfaction, recall, understanding, concordance and outcomes of care.
What are the four essential parts of clinical competence?
Knowledge, communication skills, physical examination and problem solving
What are the three types of skill are needed for successful medical interviewing?
Content skills. Perceptual skills. Process skills.
What are the two factors that influence the consultation?
Physical factors and personal factors (doctor and patient)
What are the three types of doctor patient relationship? as described by Szaaz anf Hollender, 1956?
Authoritarian or paternalistic relationship
Mutual participation relationship
What are the benefits of adopting a mutual participation style?
By adopting mutual participation style:
- Patients take on a larger portion of responsibility for their own health through sharing of information and decision-making
- Patients feel a greater sense of autonomy since more participation
- Patient compliance is improved
- Patient satisfaction is improved because they have been fully informed – less likely to complain about treatment.
Describe an authoritarian doctor patient relationship
Physician uses all authority and patient has no autonomy, the patient tries hard to please the doctor and does not actively participate in their own treatment
Describe the guidance / cooperation relationship
Physician exercises much authority and the patient is obedient, but has a greater feeling of autonomy and participates somewhat more actively in the relationship.
Give exmples of quesiton types
Open-ended question
Direct question
Closed question
Leading question
Reflected question
What are four inportant points to consider when using body language?
Gesture Clusters