What are 3 arch fill technique
1- Inverted
2- Mid
3- Modified Root
What is the most common arch fill technique?
Mid arch fill features
1- Highest point at Talonavicular region or proximal 3rd of the arch
2-Allows for pronation of MTJ and plantar flexion of the 1st ray
3- Neutral foot type
4- Correction range 0-12 degrees
Note: Clients feedback: not getting much arch suppport
Describe Modified root arch fill technique
1- more of a supportive device
2- Highest point midfoot to fore foot. a bit more distally from mid arch fill
3- Supports mid to forefoot
4- Does not allow for 1st ray function
5- Correction range 0-8 degrees
Describe Mid/ Modified root arch fill
1- More commonly used
2- Provides more arch support than in Mid and not too much pressure in the rear foot
3- Less calc inclination angle
4- Takes pressure away from mid clac tubercle ( suitable for plantar fasciitis and
5- Does allow for first ray function
6- correction range o-8 degrees
Hight point slightly more distal than TNJ
Inverted orthotic
- Pure rear foot control
-Correction range between 15-25
-Minimal pressure on the arch - aggressive
Correction range
a patient comes to you, you need to work out which arch foot support technique works for you.
Middle agent client, neutral foot type, heel pain in the mornings , which arch fill technique you would use?
Modified root- no, we want the 1st ray to function. we use mid arch support technique
10-year-old with hypermobile flat foot, complaining of arch pain and fatigue
we don’t use modified root as we want the first ray function
- Mid, orthotic feels like basketball and creates too much arch pressure
we use inverted technique to correct the rear foot
elderly with pain on the 2nd MTPJ, 75 years old with HAV, fore foot supinatus or varus, 1st ray is dysfunctional
- We dont use mid as we need to support the forefoot
- definitely not inverted
- We use modified root as we need to correct the forefoot
What are the minimum and maximum arch fill height?
Standar arch height is 90 perecent of the arch height when the rear foot is at 0
Minimum arch fill height: Standard arch fill 100%+3/4 mm
Maximal arch fill: 80 % or 3/4 mm lower than the standard arch fill
What is AS is arch fill technique
the arch height is the same as the case, rear foot correction does not change the arch height and remains as it is
Extrinsic padding applied to the orthotics?
PMP: UNDER 2-4 Met head
Plantar cover: extending to the met head and extending to the full width of the cover. E.g 1st ray cut out, 5th ray cut out , u pad. PC, plantar cover pad 2-5 is more of functional pad, also known as forefoot valgus pad or a reverse morton’s extension
Morarty pad begins at the calc cuboid joint and extends passed the met head on the lateral side and revealed at a valgus fashion, thus providing valgus weging from calc cuboid joint to met heads
Padding is generally asked for 3mm thickness. morarty and plantar cover pad is EVA material pad
Metdome padding is not provided in Footwork. generally placed in distal orthotic shells before the edge. if you have a standard or plus cover the met dome finishes slightly pass the the orthotic shell
What are the different types of cover?
1- no cover polished
2- no cover rub
3- Standard
4- Standard plus
5- web