Foot Posture Flashcard responseImpliciation
response and implications
LE Posture Exam
Alignment (Bilateral Comparison)
response and implications
Fick Angle
Alignment-(5-18 degrees)
response and implications
Miserable malalignment syndrome
Alignment, overuse syndromes
response and implications
Exaggerated medial longitudinal arch ABH, pronator
response and implications
Too many toes sign
FF Abduction, pronator
response and implications
Keen’s Sign
Bilateral comparison-Involved side is enlarged, injury
response and implications
Accessory Bones
Pain, pain
response and implications
Knee alignment
response and implications
Tibia Varum
response and implications
Single leg stance position
response and implications
Tibial torsion
13-18 degrees
response and implications
Bilateral comparison, heel lifts
response and implications
Helbing’s Sign
Medial bowing of Achilles tendons, pronator
response and implications
Haglund’s Deformities
Superior lateral exostosis of calcaneus, Heel counter with donut pads
response and implications
WB-Neutral foot