Foot Posture Flashcard responseImpliciation
response and implications
LE Posture Exam
Alignment (Bilateral Comparison)
response and implications
Fick Angle
Alignment-(5-18 degrees)
response and implications
Miserable malalignment syndrome
Alignment, overuse syndromes
response and implications
Exaggerated medial longitudinal arch ABH, pronator
response and implications
Too many toes sign
FF Abduction, pronator
response and implications
Keen’s Sign
Bilateral comparison-Involved side is enlarged, injury
response and implications
Accessory Bones
Pain, pain
response and implications
Knee alignment
response and implications
Tibia Varum
response and implications
Single leg stance position
response and implications
Tibial torsion
13-18 degrees
response and implications
Bilateral comparison, heel lifts
response and implications
Helbing’s Sign
Medial bowing of Achilles tendons, pronator
response and implications
Haglund’s Deformities
Superior lateral exostosis of calcaneus, Heel counter with donut pads
response and implications
WB-Neutral foot
response and implications
WB-Pronated position
response and implications
WB-supinated position
response and implications
Morton’s foot
2nd ray longer, orthotic with 1st ray extension
response and implications
Windlass effect
N-arch elevates, pronator
response and implications
Feiss’ Line
1-2-3 Degree, foot position
response and implications
Navicular drop test
10 mm difference, pronator
response and implications
Longitudinal arch angle
130-150 degrees-WNL, foot position
response and implications
NWB-Plantar surface for calluses
Calluse, dynamic pedograph
response and implications
Bergman’s position
Neutral position
response and implications
1st Ray mobility test
Equal DF vs PF of 1st ray, orthotic with FF post
response and implications
Mulder’s test-Morton’s neuroma
Neuro pain in toes, orthotic with relief pad
response and implications
Plantar fascia test
Pain on medial tubercle of calcaneus and plantar fascia, pronator, equinus foot
response and implications
Circulatory tests-pulses
Bilateral comparison
response and implications
Circulatory tests-Buerger’s test
Bilateral comparison
response and implications
Ankle-figure 8
Bilateral comparison, ankle sprain
response and implications
Equinus foot
<10 degrees of ankle DF, flexibility stretches
response and implications
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Neuro pain in toes, pronator trauma
response and implications
Subluxating peroneal tendons
Pain and subluxations-lateral ankle, trauma, congenital
response and implications
Homan’s Test
response and implications
Well’s CPR-DVT
response and implications
Thompson Test
response and implications
NWB-STJ Neutral
response and implications
Midtarsal joint mobility
Equal passive abduction/adduction
response and implications
NWB- forefoot position