Foot Orthotics Lab Flashcards
Orthotic Evaluation - Standing
- Landmarks
- Foot/toes/arch height
- FPI 6
- Gait analysis
How to evaluate femoral torsion
- Palpate greater trochanter while medially/laterally rotating femur
- Locate neutral hip position (GT most prominent laterally)
- Maintain position and assess distance of med/lat femoral condyles from table (should be equal distance)
An alternative for evaluating femoral torsion
Craig’s Test (Prone)
How to evaluate tibial torsion
- Assume position of femur so that med/lateral condyles are parallel with table
- Have patient maintain the position while the PT envisions a line intersecting the med/lateral malleoli
- Measure angle between femoral condyles (parallel to table top) and Malleolar line
Normal Tibial Torsion
18-25 degrees
Evaluating 1st Ray Position
- Compare relaxed position of 1st MT head relative to the 2nd
- If PF’d, assess 1st MT mobility
1st MTP Extension
a. Place ankle in neutral PF/DF
b. Normal: 0-60°
Oblique Mid-tarsal Axis Integrity
a. Stabilize calcaneus at end-range inversion/supination
b. Grasp 4th & 5th MT heads
c. Attempt to push 4-5 MT heads superiorly (DF)
d. Should get resistance early in range (min motion)
Longitudinal Midtarsal Axis Integrity
a. Stabilize calcaneus at end-range inversion/supination
b. Grasp all MT heads
c. Attempt twisting motion, turning MT heads as a unit
d. Should have equal motion in both directions
Foot Inspection
a. Callus
b. Corns
c. Lesions
Subtalar Joint Neutral
- Place pillow under contralateral hip or have patient assume a figure-4 position. (Puts femur in neutral position)
- Bisect the calf (use boney midline)
- Bisect the calcaneus vertically
- PT’s medial hand palpates the head of the talus anteriorly; lateral hand grasps the 4th and 5th MT heads.
- Slowly abduct/adduct in transverse plane.
(a) With adduction, lateral talus becomes prominent
(b) With abduction, medial talus become prominent - STJN is the point where the talar head is equally prominent medially and laterally
- Measure RF position: Calcaneus/Calf
- Measure FF position: Calcaneus/Line through MT heads
Subtalar PROM
- Inversion
- Eversion
Subtalar Joint Neutral in Standing
Palpate anteromedial/lateral head of the talus while patient raises/lowers arch (keeping toes on the ground). Find neutral position of the joint and have patient hold that position.
Measuring Subtalar Joint Neutral in Standing
- Height of Navicular Tubercle
- Calcaneal and Tibial Varus/Valgus
- First Toe Extension
a. Should get 40-60° MTP extension
b. Should see windlass mechanism
Measuring Resting Standing Foot Position (pt relaxes)
- Height of Navicular Tubercle
- Calcaneal and Tibial Varus/Valgus
- First Toe Extension