Foot and Ankle Flashcards
Regions of foot
Hindfoot (rear foot)
Midfoot (arch)
Distal tib-fib: syndesmotic joint (High ankle)–little mvmt
Talcocrural-true ankle jt (DF/PF)
Subtalar-articulation of talus and calcaneus (in/ev)
Calc-cub (lateral)
Talo-navic (nautical shaped-medial midfoot)
Cuneiforms (above the nautical 3)
metatarsal and phalangeal joints
interphalangeal jts
Distal Tibiofibular Joint
Can spread/separate a little bit-good thing if it stays b/w 1-2mm
Ligaments of Ankle anatomy
Anterior Tib-fib
Posterior Tib-fib-push in a PA direction to irritate it
Ankle Joint: Talocrural
Uniaxial, Modified Hinge, synovial (has capsule around it)
Designed for stability
Capsular pattern= if inflammed motion will be lost in one direction or another
PF: PA glide of Talus
DF: AP glide of Talus
Ligaments of Talocrural Jt
Deltoid or MCL: checks eversion
Anterior talo-fib: checks talar inversion (most commonly torn-lateral side)
Posterior talo-fib: checks ankle DF
Calcaneal fib: checks ankle and STJ inversion
Subtalar Jt
Synovial Jt with 3 DOF
- Supination/Pronation
- Primarily eversion/inversion
- can work in transverse plane for Rotation
- Can DF/PF
Ligaments of Subtalar Jt
Lateral Talocalcanean
Medial Talocalcanean
Interosseous talocalcanean
Subtalar Jt movements
Half of joint mvmt is inversion/eversion: frontal plane
Rotation is other half: transverse plane
Transverse plane mvmt: horizontal ADD (medial rotation) and ABD***so this is the “rotation”
Subtalar Joint Packed Positions
open pack=pronation (shock absorption) loading response
close pack= Supination
Close Chain Pronation: SubTalar JT
Calcaneal Eversion**
Talar ADD & PF
Tibial IR**
Piriformis Syndrome
Close Chain Supination SubTalar Jt
Calcaneal Inversion
Talar ABD and DF
Tibial ER
Heel Strike
Rear foot in supination
Midfoot will do what rear foot does so it is also in supination
*However abnormalities occur so they could do separate actions=problem
Loading Response
Rear & Midfoot in Pronation
loose packed position
gives shock absorption
6-8 degrees normal
Talonavicular Joint
Synovial, 3 DOF
Open pack: eversion
Close pack: inversion
Feiss Line Test
draw dot on medial mallelous
find most prominent part on navicular bone: navicular tuberosity mark it
find first metatarsal and mark it and if they lie in straight plan they would line up (helps determine level of arch)
Longitudinal Midtarsal Joint Axis
axis of mvmt through your talonavicular joint
Calcaneocuboid Joint
Synovial, 3 DOF
Oblique Midtarsal Joint Axis
axis of mvmt through your calcaneocuboid jt
Moves in a combo of DF with eversion and PF with inversion
Oblique Midtarsal Joint Axis
axis of mvmt through your calcaneocuboid jt
Moves in a combo of DF with eversion and PF with inversion
Calcaneocuboid Joint Packed Positions
Open pack=pronation
Close pack=supination
Windlass Mechanism
coordinated action of the layers of muscle, tendon, ligament, and bony architecture to maintain arch height and foot rigidity.
-w/o this being correct=not efficient lever/no effective push off power
1st MTP dorsiflexion
65 degrees= this tightens the fascia and lifts the arch.
Tarso-metatarsals Liss Franc Sprain
cuboids dislocate or fracture (long healing time); tarsals can sublux on each other
too much friction b/w these can pinch the nerve b/w them (neuromas)
MT-P which one has most fractures
second metatarsal has most fractures
Which sprain is most common in ankle
ATF (85%)
Grades of Sprains
Grade I=week off
Grade II=2-6 weeks
Grade III=might require surgery
MOI for ATF tear
forceful inversion, plantarflexion, adduction of foot and ankle; swelling in sinus tarsi, pain with palpation and (+) anterior drawer & talar tilt test
S&S for Grade 1: ATF sprain
pain with mild disability, minimal loss of weight bearing, ATFL tender with palpation, some swelling none to mild laxity with ant. drawer test
S&S Grade 2: Lateral Ankle sprain
athlete hears a pop or snap at time of injury, moderate pain, and disability, moderate swelling (hemarthrosis), echhymosis present. (+) ant. drawer and talar tilt. CF ligament outstretched
S&S Grade 3: latreral ankle sprain
involves tearing of ATFL; CF and possibly PTF ligaments. Severe pain and swelling, can’t weight bear (+) ant. drawer and talar tilt test.
Talocrural joint packed positions
OPP=10-20 PF
CPP= full DF
Positive Talar Tilt
lots of inversion; should be ~25 degrees, you would see more
Medial Ankle Sprains MOI
hypereversion force; Post. Capsule would be stretched—you would look for posterior instability (landing in a lot of DF) would show a (+) posterior drawer test that could have to do with medial ankle sprain
S&S Medial ankle sprain
painful with palpation over deltoid ligament (+) Kleiger's test may have (+) anterior drawer
Syndesmotic (high ankle) sprain MOI
excessive DF force and or foot ER force-in CC (foot on ground)
S&S for High ankle sprain
Severe DEEP pain, DEEP anterolateral pain-esp. about their tib fib ligament
(+) Mortice Spring test/Fibular translation
(+) squeeze test
(+) Kleiger’s
Rehab for High ankle sprain
challenging rehab; may take months to heal