Foot Flashcards
What is part of the Medial Longitudinal Arch/Ray?
Calcaneus Talus Navicular 1-3rd cuneiforms 1-3 Metatarsals 1-3 proximal, medial, and distal phalanges
What is part of the lateral longitudal Arch/Ray?
4-5 metatarsal
4-5 proximal, medial, and distal phalanges
What is part of the Transverse Arch?
Metatarsal bones
What does the spring ligament connect
AKA Plantar Calcaneonavicular
calcaneous and navicular
What does the long plantar ligament connect?
Calcaneus and 3-5 metatarsals
fibularis longus runs deep to this bad boy
What does the short plantar ligament connect?
AKA plantar calcaneocuboid
calcaneous and cuboid
Extensor Hallucis Brevis function and innervation
- extend great toe
- Deep Fibular Nerve
Extensor Digitorum Brevis function and innervation
- extend digits
- deep fibular N
What is in the first layer of the foot? What innervates them?
- Abductor Digiti Minimi
- lateral plantar nerve - Flexor Digitorum Brevis
- Abductor Hallucis
- medial plantar nerve
What muscles are in the second layer of the foot? What innervates them?
- Quadratus Plantae
- lateral plantar nerve
- assists FDL flex straight, to calcaneus - Lumbricals
- Flex MP joint
Extend PIP and DIP
- 1st lumbrical is medial plantar nerve
rest are lateral plantar nerve
What muscles are in the third layer of the foot? What innervates them?
- Flexor Digiti minimi Brevis
- lateral plantar nerve - Adductor Hallucis
- two heds transverse and oblique
- lateral plantar nerve - Flexor Hallucis Brevis
- tendons have sesamoid bones
- medial plantar nerve
What muscles are in the fourth layer of the foot? What innervates them?
- Plantar Interossei
- Dorsal Interossei
- Lateral plantar nerve
What is lateral deviation of the great toe?
Hallux Valgus
**Tissue surrounding deviated area swells -> swelling leads to frction -> Friction causes bursa to form.
What is mallet toe?
flexion in distal IP
What is Hammer Toe?
Extension at MP and flexion at proximal IP joint
What is claw toe?
Extension at MP joint and flexion at both PIP and DIP
What is trigger toe?
extension of MP and Flexion of IP in big toe
What is the blood supply of the Dorsal aspect of the foot?
Anterior Tibial Artery branches into Lateral Tarsal Artery and Drosalis Pedis Artery
Lateral Tarsal Artery branches into the Arcuate Artery
Dorsalis Pedis artery branches into the arcuate artery, Deep plantar artery, and 1st dorsal metatarsal artery
Arcuate artery brnches into the rest of the dorsal metatarsal arteries
Dorsal Metatarsal arteries branch into dorsal digital arteries
Describe the Plantar foot blood supply
Posterior Tibial Artery branches into lateral plantar artery and medial plantar artery
Lateral plantar artery branches into deep plantar arch
deep plantar arch gives off the 3rd - 6th plantar metatarsal arteries
medial plantar artery gives off the 1st and 2nd plantar metatarsal and plantar digital arteries