Foot Flashcards
origin of abductor hallicus
medial process of calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis
insertion of abductor hallicus
proximal phalanx of 1st toe and medial sesamoid bone
action of abductor hallicus
abduct the first toe
assist to flex the first toe
innervation of abductor hallicus
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of flexor digitorum brevis
medial process of calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis
insertion of flexor digitorum brevis
middle phalanges of 2nd to 5th toes
action of flexor digitorum brevis
flex middle phalanges fo the 2nd through 5th toes
innervation of flexor digitorum brevis
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of abductor digiti minimi
lateral process of calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis
insertion of abductor digiti minimi
proximal phalanx of 5th toe
action of abductor digiti minimi
flex the 5th toe
assist to abduct the 5th toe
innervation of abductor digiti minimi
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of quadratus plantae
medial and lateral sides of plantar surface of calcaneus
insertion of quadratus plantae
posterior, lateral aspect of flexor digitorum longus tendon
action of quadratus plantae
assist the flexor digitorum longus to flex 2nd through 5th toes
innervation of quadratus plantae
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of lumbricals
tendons of flexor digitorum longus
insertion of lumbricals
bases of proximal phalanges of 2nd - 5th toes and extensor digitorum longus tendons
action of lumbricals
flex the proximal phalanges of the 2nd through 5th toes at metatarsophalangeal joints
extend the middle and distal phalanges of the 2nd through 5th toes at the interphalangeal joints
innervation of lumbricals
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of flexor hallicus brevis
plantar surfaces of cuboid and lateral cuneiform
insertion of flexor hallicus brevis
medial and lateral surfaces of base of proximal phalanx of 1st toe
action of flexor hallicus brevis
flex the first toe
innervation of flexor hallicus brevis
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of adductor hallucis
oblique head - bases of 2nd - 4th metatarsal
transverse head - plantar ligament of 3rd - 5th metatarsophalangeal joints
insertion of adductor hallucis
lateral surface of base of proximal phalanx of 1st toe
action of adductor hallucis
adduct the first toe
assist to maintain transverse arch of foot
assist to flex the first toe
innervation of adductor hallucis
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of flexor digiti minimi brevis
base of 5th metatarsal
insertion of flexor digiti minimi brevis
base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
action of flexor digiti minimi brevis
flex the 5th toe
innervation of flexor digiti minimi brevis
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of plantar interossei
medial surfaces of 3rd to 5th metatarsal
insertion of plantar interossei
medial surfaces of proximal phalanges of 3rd to 5th toes
action of plantar interossei
adduct and flex 3rd through 5th toes
innervation of plantar interossei
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of dorsal interossei
adjacent surfaces of all metatarsals
insertion of dorsal interossei
first - medial surface of proximal phalanx of 2nd toe
2nd through 4th - lateral surfaces of proximal phalangesof 2nd - 4th toes
action of dorsal interossei
abduct and flex the 2nd through 4th toes
innervation of dorsal interossi
Tibial S2 - S3
origin of extensor hallucis brevis
dorsal surface of calcaneus
insertion of extensor hallucis brevis
proximal phalanx of 1st toe
action of extensor hallucis brevis
extend the first toe
innervation of extensor hallucis brevis
deep peroneal nerve L4 - S1
origin of extensor digitorum brevis
dorsal surface of calcaneus
insertion of extensor digitorum brevis
2nd - 4th toes via extensor digitorum longus tendons
action of extensor digitorum brevis
extend the 2nd through 4th toes
innervation of extensor digitorum brevis
deep peroneal nerve L4 - S1