Foot Flashcards
Dermatome: big toe
Dermatome: three middle toes
Dermatome: distal toe
Plantar aponeurosis
thickened deep fascia of the sole, extending from the calcanea tuberosity to the end in 5 slips over the heads of the metatarsals, and into the flexor tendon sheaths
Layer I of the foot
Abductor hallucis
Flexor digitorum brevis
Abductor digiti minimi
(medial to lateral)
Layer II of the foot
Quadratus plantae (straightens the function of the tendons of flexor digitorum longs) Lumbricales Tendon of flexor digitorum longus Tendon of flexor hallucis longus
Layer III of the foot
Flexor hallucis brevis
Adductor hallucis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
(medial to lateral)
Layer IV of the foot
Plantar interossei
Dorsal interossei
Tendon of fibulas longus
Tendon of tibias posterior
Dorsal interossei
Dorsal aBductors and bipennate (2 heads)
Plantar interossei
Plantar aDductors and unipennate (1 head)
Superficial fibular nerve
cutaneous to most of the dorsum of the foot EXCEPT tips of toes
Deep fibular nerve
extensor hallucis brevis, extensor digitorum brevis and sensory between 1st and 2nd toes
Dorsum cutaneous innervation
Saphenous (medial ankle)
Superficial fibular nerve (most of foot and lateral ankle)
Sural nerve (lateral side of foot to ankle minus toe)
Lateral plantar (distal toe and half of forth)
Medial plantar (tips of toes 1-3.5)
Deep fibular (between first and second toe)
Plantar cutaneous innervation
Sural, tibial, saphenous, lateral and medial plantar
Tibial nerve
passes under the medial malleolus and divides beneath the abductor helices m into medial and lateral plantar nerves
Medial plantar
supplies 1st lumbrical, abductor helices, flexor digitorum brevis, flexor hallucis brevis, and continues as cutaneous branches to medial 3.5 toes including dorsal tips
Lateral plantar
supplies quadratus plantae, abductor digiti minimi then divides into a superficial (flexor digit minimi braves, 4th interosseous) and deep branch (adductor helices, 1-3 interposes, 2-4 lumbricales) then continues as cutaneous branch to lateral 1.5 toes including dorsal tips
Tibial nerve injury
loss of foot and toe flexion, loss of foot inversion, wasting of calf muscles; sensory loss on sole of foot and tips of toes
Common fibular nerve injury
foot-drop and loss of toe extension; sensory loss lateral leg and dorsum of foot
Sciatic nerve injury
wasting of all hamstrings and muscles of leg and foot; sensory loss to back of thigh and leg, lateral leg and plantar foot
Inferior gluteal nerve injury
wasting of buttock, weakness in thigh extension; no sensory loss
Superior gluteal nerve injury
Trendelenburg sign (pelvis tilts down on side opposite injury); no sensory loss
Obturator nerve injury
Wasting of medial thigh, loss of thigh adduction; sensory loss upper medial thigh
Femoral nerve injury
wasting of anterior thigh, leg drop (inability to extend leg when thigh is flexed), weakness in thigh flexion (loss of Rf, sar, pect); sensory loss anterior to thigh and medial leg/ foot