Foot Flashcards
I of extensor digitorum brevis
lateral 3 tendons attach to tendons of Ext. Dig. Longus to digits 2-4
Action of Extensor Digitorum longus
extend toes 2-4 at metatarsal phalangeal joint
assist ext. dig. longus
Innervation of Extensor Digitorum brevis
Deep Fibular (L5-S1)
Origin of Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Same as Extensor digitorum brevis
anterior part of the dorsal surface of calcaneus
anterior and medial to the lateral malleolus
inferior extensor retinaculum
I of extensor hallucis brevis
medial tendon of 4 tendons to base of proximal phalanx of hallux
Action of extensor hallucis brevis
extend hallux at MTP jt.
assist ext hallucis longus
Innervation of extensor hallucis brevis
deep peroneal n L5-S1
O of abductor hallucis
medial process of tuber calcaneus
flexor retinaculum
planter aponeurosis
I of Abductor Hallucis
medial side of base of proximal phalanx of hallux
Action of abductor hallucis
abducts and flexes hallux
innervation of abductor hallucis
medial plantar n S1-S2
flexor digitorum brevis
medial process of tuber calcaneus
plantar aponeurosis
intermuscular septum
I of flexor digitorum brevis
both sides of middle phalanx of lateral four digits
Action of flexor digitorum brevis
flexes lateral 4 digitsproximal interphalangeal joint
innervation of flexor digitorum brevis
medial plantar n. (S1-S2)
O of abductor digiti minimi
medial and lateral processes of tuber calcanei
intermuscular septum
plantar aponeurosis
I of Abductor Digiti minimi
Lateral side of base of proximal phalance of 5th digit
Action of abductor digiti minimi
abducts and flexes 5th digit
Innervation of Abductor digiti minimi
lateral plantar n (S2-S3)
Quatdratus plantae origin
medial surface and lateral margin of plantar surface of calcaneus
I quadratus plantae
posterolateral margin of tendon of flex. dig. longus
action of quadratus plantae
assists flex. dig. longus in flexing lateral 4 digits
Innervation of Quadratus plantae
Lateral plantar n S2, S3
O of lumbricals
tendons of flex dig longus
I of lumbricals
medial sides of bases of proximal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
extensor expansions of tendons of ext. dig. longus
action of lumbricals
flex proximal phalanges
extend middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
innervation of lumbricals
medial lumbrical - medial plantar n (S2-S3)
lateral 3 lumbricals - lateral plantar n (S2-S3)
O of flexor hallucis brevis
plantar surfaces of cuboid and lateral cuneiform bones
I of flexor hallucis brevis
both sides of base of proximal phalanx of hallux
action of flexor hallucis brevis
flexes proximal phalanx of hallux
Innervation of Flexor hallucis brevis
medial plantar n. S1-S2
O of adductor hallucis
oblique head - bases of metatarsals 2-4
transverse head - plantar ligaments of metatarsal phalangeal joints