Food Security/Food Insecurity Flashcards
Where is food insecurity most prevalent in the United States?
Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, and Arkansas have populations that are between 13-16 percent food insecure each.
WIC and benefits
Women, Infants, and Children. Under USDA.
1. Benefits include supplemental nutritious foods
2. Nutrition education and counseling at WIC clinics
3. screening, referrals to other health welfare and social services
WIC Population Served
- Pregnant women though pregnancy and up to six weeks after birth
- Breastfeeding women (up to the child’s 1st birthday)
- Non-breastfeeding post partum women
- 53 percent of all infants born in the US
- Children up to their 5th birthday
SFSP and purpose
The Summer Food Service Program. Provides free meals and snacks to low income children during the summer months.
SBP and purpose
School Breakfast Program. Provides nutritionally balanced breakfast to school children each school day.
NSLP and purpose
National School Lunch Program. Provides nutritionally balanced lunch to qualified children each school day.
NLSP Impact and Eligibility
In FY 2021, served 2.2 billion meals of which 98.9% percent were served at free or reduced price.
130 percent below FPL = free lunch
Between 130 and 185 percent of FPL can receive reduced price lunch
Above 185 percent of FPL can receive low-cost full price lunch
CACFP and purpose
The Child and Adult Care Food Program. provides nutritious meals and snacks to children and adults in a designated child and adult care center.
CSFP and purpose
Community Supplemental Food Program. Provides food assistance for low income seniors with a monthly package of healthy USDA commodities
TEFAP and purpose
The Emergency Food Assistance Program. Provides USDA commodities to families in need of short term hunger relief through emergency food providers like food banks.
SNAP and purpose
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Provides timely, targeted, and temporary benefits to low-income Americans to buy groceries.
SNAP Data and Impact
41.5 million participants according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
13% of percent of USA population, 1/8 people
Average benefits of $57/person/month according to CBPP
What is the Feed the Future Initiative?
US Government’s Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative. Bring together partners from all sectors and the government to change the food systems abroad for the better since May 2010.
Feed the Future Impact
- 5.2 million families no longer FI
- 3.4 million children will no longer be stunted
- $4 billion in financing for food security
- $15.3 billion generated in agricultural sales for farmers
What is food security?
LOW FOOD SECURITY–little or no indication of reduced food intake
VERY LOW FOOD SECURITY–multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake
What is food insecurity?
LOW FOOD INSECURITY–reports of reduced variety, quality, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced food intake.
VERY LOW FOOD INSECURITY–reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.
What is Feeding America?
A nationwide network of over 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries
What are some programs from Feeding America?
- Mobile Pantries
- Drive-Thru Pantries
According to Feeding America, how many people in the United States face food insecurity?
34 million
According to Feeding America, what is food waste?
- Uneaten food
- Crops left in fields because of low crop prices or too many of the same crops being available
- Food not meeting retailers standards for color and appearance
According to Feeding America, how much food waste is there in the United States annually?
108 billion lbs = 130 billion meals = $408 billion wasted = 40% of all food
How much food has Feeding America saved in 2021 through food rescue?
4.7 billion lbs
How has Feeding America responded to disasters?
500K pounds of supplies for Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico with Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico
28 truckloads of supplies for Hurricane Ian victims