food security
having access to healthy (nutrient dense) food consistently
chemicals in food that are essential for health
- a measurement that uses weight and height to work out the healthy weight of a person
- cheap and accurate measurement that is easy to understand
- does take into account where the weight comes form, and it is easy to overestimate
under nutrition
inadequate intake of nutrients often caused by poverty, and food insecurity, leading to weakened immune system and developmental delays
excessive accumulation of body fat, typically resulting from overeating and sedentary lifestyle, leading to increased risk of chronic disease
food labeling
information presented on a food product, where the consumer gets informed on what they are consuming
chemical substances added to prevent de coloration and spoilage of food
- enhances the aspect and makes food also longer
- can be a trigger for health problems
agricultural science
- domestication of animals and plants
- development of this field has helped us to improve life expectancy and quality, but has caused environmental detriment
challenges of acgriulture
- population: it is increasing, so more food is necessary
- importation: more countries rely on imports for foods they are unable to produce, which threatens food supply
- pesticides: increase has damaged the ecosystem
- resources: farming is requiring more land and technology
- global warming: climate change has affected crops
ability to produce enough foods for the population
system of farming and food production that aims for sustainability
cultures in which there are more than one species or there is crop rotation
culture that grows with the necessities of the natural conditions of the ecosystems surrounding it
crop rotation
periods of cultivation and periods of non culture
utilizing the land environment and resources in a non wasteful way
grows fish, or any aquatic plant
biological controls
instead of using pesticides to end the plague, they use the natural enemy
based on growing only one type of plant