Food Animal Medicine Exam III (14-16) Flashcards
What should be included in your physical exam of a ruminant? (especially with suspect renal pathology)
What should you primarily assess on your serum chemistry of a ruminant with suspect renal pathology?
How do we collect urine in ruminants?
Describe the use of USG, dipstick and sediment to assess the urine of a ruminant.
What structures should you assess during your transabdominal ultrasound of a cow?
What structures should you assess during your rectal ultrasound of a cow?
What are some clinical signs consistent with renal disease in the cow?
List your differentials for a cow with stranguria.
How can we differentiate between hematuria, hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria?
What are your differentials for hematuria in the cow?
What are your differentials for hemoglobinuria in the cow?
Anaplasmosis does NOT cause ____ in the cow.
What are your differentials for myoglobinuria in the cow?
What are your differentials for pyuria in the cow?
What are your differentials for anuria or oliguria in the cow?
What are your differentials for polyuria in the cow?
What are your differentials for proteinuria in the cow?
Describe the manifestations and clinical signs associated with acute renal failure in ruminants?
List some inorganic compounds capable of causing acute renal failure in ruminants.
List some organic compounds capable of causing acute renal failure in ruminants.
List some drugs capable of causing acute renal failure in ruminants.
Of these medications, which is not commonly used due to a voluntary usage ban?
List some infectious agents capable of causing acute renal failure in ruminants.
List some endogenous compounds capable of causing acute renal failure in ruminants.
List some hemodynamic causes of acute renal failure in ruminants.
List some plants capable of causing acute renal failure in ruminants.
What is the treatment for acute renal failure in the ruminant?
Describe the epidemiology of leptospirosis in ruminants.
Describe the pathophysiology of leptospirosis in ruminants.
Describe the clinical signs of leptospirosis in ruminants.
Describe the diagnosis of leptospirosis in ruminants.
Describe the treatment of leptospirosis in ruminants.
Describe the prevention of leptospirosis in ruminants.
Describe the epidemiology of post parturient hemoglobinuria in ruminants.
Describe the pathophysiology of post parturient hemoglobinuria in ruminants.
Describe the clinical signs of post parturient hemoglobinuria in ruminants.
Describe the treatment of post parturient hemoglobinuria in ruminants.
Describe the etiology, epidemiology and pathophysiology of red water bacillary hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
Describe the clinical signs of red water bacillary hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
Describe the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of red water bacillary hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
Describe the epidemiology of enzootic hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
Describe the clinical signs of enzootic hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
Describe the pathophysiology of enzootic hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
Describe the treatment of enzootic hemoglobinura in the ruminant.
What diagnostic tool can be used to confirm hematuria?
Describe the epidemiology of pyelonephritis in the ruminant.
Describe the pathophysiology of pyelonephritis in the ruminant.
Describe the clinical signs of pyelonephritis in the ruminant.
How do we diagnose of pyelonephritis in the ruminant?
How do we treat of pyelonephritis in the ruminant?
How do we prevent of pyelonephritis in the ruminant?
Describe the pathophysiology of amyloidosis in the ruminant?
What are the clinical signs associated with amyloidosis in the ruminant?
How do we diagnose amyloidosis in the ruminant? What is the top differential? What is the prognosis?
Describe the pathogenesis of urolithiasis in ruminants.
What are the different types of urinary stones that ruminants can get? Which are the most common?
Describe phosphatic calculi in food animals.
What are the dietary risks associated with phosphatic calculi in food animals?
What are the dietary risks associated with calcium carbonate urinary stones in food animals?
Describe calcium oxalate stones in food animals.
Describe silica urinary stones in food animals.
What is the most common signalment for a food animal with urolithiasis?
What are the most common sites of obstruction for a food animal with urinary stones?
What is the most common history for a food animal with urinary obstruction?
What is the most common physical exam findings for a food animal with urinary obstruction?
Describe how you should use ultrasonography in a food animal with urinary stones, what do you expect to see?
What serum biochemistry abnormalities would you expect to find in a food animal with urinary stones?
How do we medically manage food animals with urolithiasis?
What are some salvage surgical procedures we have as treatment for food animal urolithiasis?
What are some long term surgical procedures we have as treatment for food animal urolithiasis?
How should be manage our food animal patients with urolithiasis prior to surgery?
Describe a penectomy as a surgical treatment for food animal urolithiasis.
Describe a urethrostomy as a surgical treatment for food animal urolithiasis.
Differentiate between a low PU and high PU in food animals.
What are the advantages of a low PU in food animals?
Describe a tube cystotomy as a surgical treatment for food animal urolithiasis.
Describe an ischial urethrotomy as a surgical treatment for food animal urolithiasis.
What is the most common sequela to a urethral rupture in food animals?
How do we manage urethral ruptures in food animals?
How can we prevent urolithiasis in food animals?
How can we increase urine volume in food animals? (as a preventative measure for urolithiasis)
Describe the dietary management in food animals to decrease urinary calculi matrix components.
What is the target urine pH to prevent urolithiasis in food animals?
Describe the use of ammonium chloride in food animals to regulate their urinary pH and prevent urolithiasis.
What are some other names for infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis?
What is IBK?
Describe the prevalence of IBK.
List the risk factors for IBK.
Describe the etiology of IBK.
What breed of cow is most likely to develop IBK?
Describe the pathogenesis of Moraxella bovis.
Describe the clinical presentation of IBK.
Describe Stage I IBK.
Identify the stage of IBK.
Describe Stage II IBK.
Identify the stage of IBK.
Describe Stage III IBK.
Describe Stage IV IBK.
What are the sequelae to a ruptured cornea? (bovine)
What are your differentials in a bovine with suspect IBK?
Describe the topical treatment for bovine IBK.
Describe the local treatment for bovine IBK.
Describe the systemic treatment for bovine IBK.
Describe the ancillary therapeutics for IBK.
What is the mechanism of action for oxytetracycline?
What are the different surgical treatments we have for IBK?
Describe the innervation and anesthesia for the bovine eye.
How can we prevent IBK?
Describe fly control as a preventative means for IBK.
Describe vaccination as a preventative means for IBK.
What is an OSSC? (bovine)
Describe the etiology of bovine OSSC.
What are the most commonly affected sites when it comes to bovine OSSC?
What are some of the advanced lesions associated with bovine OSSC?
Describe the lesion progression when it comes to bovine OSSC.
What are your differentials when it comes to bovine OSSC?
Describe the topical treatment for bovine OSSC.
Describe the surgical treatment for bovine OSSC.
Differentiate between an enucleation and exenteration.
Describe a retrobulbar block as your surgical preparation for bovine OSSC.
Describe a Peterson block as your surgical preparation for bovine OSSC.
Describe a 4 point block as your surgical preparation for bovine OSSC.
Other than surgery, what are some other treatment options for bovine OSSC?
How can we prevent bovine OSSC?