food and nutrition Flashcards
What is a GM crop?
A GM crop is a plant used in agriculture where its DNA has been modified using engineering of other types of methods.
What are Benefits of GM crops?
More nutritious, tastier, less use of pesticides, increased supply of food and faster growing plants and animals.
Why are people opposed to GM crops?
It can affect the environment, have more chemical herbicides, toxins are produced that are harmful to butterflies, moths and insect pollinators. Can harm and ruin income of small scale farmers. No culture links. You don’t even know what’s been used to make them so could worry people.
key temperatures for bacterial growth?
The key temperatures for bacterial growth are: -19 degree celsius for freezing. For chilling it should be no less than 8 degrees celsius. Danger zone is 4-60 degree celsius. 37 degrees celsius for serving food. For boiling bacterial growth food the temperature needs to be at 65 degree celsius.
What is a pathogenic organism?
Organisms, including bacteria, viruses or cysts, capable of causing diseases.
conditions needed for microorganisms to grow?
Nutrients, Ph level, temperature, nutrients, moisture.
What is a high risk food name some?
A high risk food is a pre-cooked food. For example chicken, steak, milk, cream and cheese,
How do ripening enzymes change fruit and veg properties?
They are able to change the colour for example when you cut an apple nd let it exposed to the air it will make it turn brown.
The way that lemon juice would preserve the salad is it will stop the enzymes from ripening the fruit and will stop the browning.
Yeast spoils fruit as it will break down the sugar in it and turn it into carbon dioxide.
What is the temperature range you want when re-heating food?
75 degrees Celsius.
What is the recommended temperature for chilling food?
5 degrees Celsius
What is the recommended temperature for freezing food?
-18 degrees Celsius.
What is meant by the danger zone?
What it means is that is the quickest temperature range where bacteria can grow.
how does freezing affect the shelf life of food?
Molecules can not move so microorganisms cannot grow so it preserves the food.
What is the correct way of storing uncooked meat in a fridge?
Sealed container bottom of fridge don’t eat after use by, keep away from veg, fruit and cooked foods.
What is an ambient food?
A food that can be sealed and kept at room temperature for example pasta or noodles.
What is the difference between a use by date and a best before?
Use by means the item has to be used by or on the date said unless it is put in the freezer best before is suggestion safe to eat for a while after the date.
What is cross contamination?
Cross contamination is when two microorganisms are unintentionally transferred to each other.
Give some examples of cross contamination?
Using the same chopping board for raw meats and cooked foods, meat and veg or placing uncooked meat next to cooked meat or vegetables in the fridge.
what is food poisoning?
Food poisoning is what someone gets when they consume food that has had cross contamination or has not been cooked properly.
Symptoms of food poisoning?
Throwing up food, diarrhoea, having a high temperature (above 38 degrees)
where can you find Campylobacter?
It can be found in cooked or raw foods?
What can be found in untreated water?
E coli (it can also be found in raw beef)
Where is staphylococcus aureus found?
It is found in dairy, milk and sometimes baked goods.
Give examples of bacteria that is found in raw beef?
E coli, Salmonella and Yersinia