English quotes (small explosion) Flashcards
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘fairly large suburban house’ tell us
It tells us that the family is wealthy and rich as they have a large house and live in a nice area of the country this is shown by the word ‘suburban’
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘heavily comfortable but not cosy and homelike’ tell us
what it tells us is that they are wealthy and can afford many items to fill up their oversized large house shown by the words ‘heavily comfortable’ however it shows a sense of insecurity as they may believe that they need to show of and flaunt all of their wealth with a lot of fancy and large objects.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘Give us the port Edna’ tell us
The word ‘us’ shows the difference in class and port is what a certain class of people would drink after a meal. They tend to be of upper more richer classes.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘Yes go on Mummy’ tell us
This shows the difference between Sheila at the start and at the end of the play. As the word ‘Mummy’ shows signs of in-fatalism and it is colloquial language. This changes after she accepts her responsibility of helping kill Eva Smith as she shifts from this sweet, innocent, naive childlike character to a more strong, independent and confident individual.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘is it the one you wanted me to have’ tell us
It could be presenting Sheila as an self indulgent and superficial individual. ‘you wanted me to have’ could be trying to show that Gerald is in charge of the relationship and ‘the one’ perhaps may be showing Sheila as immature and spoilt and it shows how they have talked about what wedding ring he would want to get her and what she would like to be gotten.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘I’ve always bee regarded as a sound useful party man’ tell us
This quote may be telling us that Mr Birling is a narcissist as instead of making the marriage proposal about Sheila he decides to talk about himself and it could also be showing how he is easily influenced as when a party says to do something he will do it.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘I beg your pardon!’ tell us
This shows how Mrs Birling is an easily offended women and also with the Inspector responding it goes against the normal in the Edwardian society as he responded to her question which would be seen as disrespectful and unconventional behaviour from a lower class.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘women of the town’ tell us
This would be a place where women who were in need of money would go and offer to have sex with men for money.
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote ‘You seem to have made a great impression on this child’ tell us
This shows how even though Sheila is getting married and will move off with Gerald she is being and has been treated like a child her entire life hence why she may be acting the way she acts
In Inspectors Calls what does the quote lighting should be pink and intimate … brighter and harder’’ tell us
The ‘pink and intimate’ sets a calm tone but also a dark shadowy tone as if something needs to be revealed and ‘harsher and harder’ tells us that something is going to shine light in these dark areas and reveal the hidden secrets in the areas.
What do the witches portray?
An unholy trinity
What thou wouldst highly, That wouldst thou.
This type of rhythm is called sea saw rhythm and this may be representing Macbeth’s choice. As well as Lady Macbeth was thinking Macbeth is pusillanimous.
Look like th’ innocent flower but be the serpent under’t
This is a biblical reference to ‘The Fall’ of humans. As well as a reference to acting like the devil. It also shows how he needs to be two faced make people believe he is kind, pretty and sweet but underneath that he isn’t.
‘Leave all the rest to me’
This breaks the natural flow of speaking, so may be showing something is about to change, As well as the line being monosyllabic so could be trying to show that Lady Macbeth is a women of action.
This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air Nimbly and sweet recommends itself.
Pleasant seat could be showing dramatic irony as Duncan is about to die soon, Nimbly and sweet also portrays his innocence as he doesn’t know he is about to be betrayed by someone and get killed.
See, see our honour’d hostess
See, see shows epizeuxis, and honour’d hostess shows dramatic irony as he is meeting one of the people who plays a part in his murder.
Vaulting ambition
Hamartia is an ambition (characters flaw leading to their death)