FOM Flashcards
If a conflict between the FOM and AOM arises, which document takes precedence?
FOM 1.4
To propose a change to the FOM, submit a revision request through …
Comply365>My Forms>Manual Revision Request form
FOM 1.6
Who must notify the NJA DO that they are aware of conditions hazardous to safe operations?
ANY person employed by NJA
FOM 1.11.2
Where can you find Contact Information for most departments and Teams?
FOM 1.15 - 1.15.3 Contact Information
An exception to the Portable Electronic Devices (PED) policy states that the cellular function can be used on the ground during ground delays to update the company provided …
The parking brake is engaged during use.
If wing tip clearance or proximity of nose or main wheel to unprepared surface is in question, and one pilot will exit airplane to verify, is it required to shut down the aircraft engines?
No, but both pilots must be in the aircraft to continue taxiing.
FOM 2.1.3 Alert Signals
If towing or push back of the aircraft is required, may you function as a brake-rider?
Yes, provided the aircraft has emergency braking capabilities.
FOM 2.1.4
What are the Critical Phases of Flight?
All ground movement operations (taxi, takeoff, and landing) and operations below 10,000 ft (except cruise flight).
FOM 2.1.5
Sterile Cockpit is in effect during critical phases of flight and …
1000 ft prior to leveling off at an assigned altitude.
FOM 2.1.6
When Speedbrakes are extended during flight, a pilot must …
Guard the speedbrake control.
FOM 2.1.7 Manipulation of Switches and Controls
What must a pilot do when any change of aircraft system is accomplished?
Communicate the change in operation.
“Fuel cross-feed is ON”, “Autopilot is OFF”
FOM 2.1.7 Manipulation of Switches and Controls
The autopilot and flight director, when operable, SHOULD be used within the operating limitations of the aircraft in any of the following situations:
At night
During IMC
During approach when ceiling is lower than 500 ft or vis < 1sm.
FOM 2.1.11 Automation
With an out-of-date Navigation (FMS) Database most RNAV / RNP / GPS / GNSS routes, approaches, SID’s, STARS, and ODP‘s are not authorized except for:
Q or Y Routes in the Gulf of Mexico and WATRS Airspace.
FOM 2.1.12 (note 1 at bottom) Aeronautical Database Currency
While also complying with stabilized approach tolerances, the maximum rate of descent below 5000 ft AGL is …
2500 FPM
FOM 2.1.13
For night takeoff and landings, the runway must have operable …
Runway Edge Lighting
FOM 2.1.14 Night Operations
Are personal cockpit window sunshades approved for use?
No. Only OEM or company provided sunshades / visors can be used.
2.1.15 Cockpit Sunshades
Until established on an approach, Radio Altimeter indications should never be lower than what altitude?
1000 ft
FOM 2.1.10 Terrain Awareness
Define Night
The time between Evening Civil Twilight (Sunset) and Morning Civil Twilight (geometric center of the sun is 6° below the horizon)
FOM 2.1.14 Night Operations
Minimum Portable EFB (iPhone / iPad) charge level prior to engine start is …
FOM Charging and Backup Power
Charging of EFB’s is authorized in flight using aircraft AC outlet or installed USB charging source as long as these 3 conditions are met:
- Device is monitored during charging
- Removed from charging source when fully charged
- Removed from charging source during instrument approaches in IMC
FOM Charging and Backup Power
Which Applications are considered Essential and can be used during ALL phases of flight?
Adobe Acrobat
iPreflight Genesis
FD Pro X
A pilot is considered Low Time (LT) in either of the following situations:
- Less than 75 hours of flight time in type
- Designated LT by the DO
Low Time Pilot pairing restrictions based on type of operation:
Part 91 No restrictions on pairing.
Part 91K At least 1 pilot must have 75 hours in type.
Part 135 If DAAP is used at destination, or if there is no approved weather facility or source available at destination at least one pilot must have 75 hours in type.
A PIC is considered High Minima (H) if they have less than how many hours in type as an NJA PIC?
FOM High Minima PIC Restrictions
For a High Minima PIC, what are the Takeoff Airport Minima Part 91/91K?
As published
FOM High Minima PIC Restrictions
For a High Minima PIC, what are the Takeoff Airport Minima Part 135
No lower than the lowest authorized straight-in IFR landing minima at that airport or 1SM, whichever is higher.
FOM High Minima PIC Restrictions
For a High Minima PIC, what must be added to the destination airport landing minima MDA/DA(H) and published visibility?
100 ft and 1/2 sm
Use RVR Equivalency Chart FOM
FOM High Minima PIC Restrictions
For a High Minima PIC, when proceeding to your Alternate, what are the Alternate Airport Landing Minima?
As published
FOM High Minima PIC Restrictions
If the SIC has less than 100 hours in type, the PIC must make all takeoffs and landings in any of the following 6 situations:
- Visibility is at or below 3/4 sm or RVR is at or below 4000 ft
- Crosswind greater than 15 kts
- Windshear reported in vicinity of airport
- Runway has water, snow, slush, ice or contamination that may adversely affect aircraft performance.
- Braking Action less than good (CC<5)
- Landing under DAAP
FOM SIC Restrictions
If you have been assigned duty and you can’t remember how prepared the aircraft needs to be for that duty type, where can you find the Flight Preparation Requirements?
Flight Preperation Requirements chart
FOM 2.3.9 Flight Preperation
An IFR Flight Plan is required for ALL flights except for Part 91 when the following apply:
- Special Flight Permit requiring VFR flight plan
- MEL specifies VFR operations
- Renewing night takeoff and landing currency
- Fulfilling landing requirements for IOE
FOM 2.4 Flight Planning
Destination Weather Part 135, a flight may only be released if latest destination weather reports and forecasts or any combination of them indicate conditions at or above authorized IFR landing minima at ETA. When can METAR be disregarded?
If estimated time en route (ETE) is greater that one hour.
FOM 2.4.3 Destination Weather
What makes an airport a VFR airport?
An airport with no Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP)
FOM 2.4.4 VFR Airport Destination
The destination may be a VFR airport provided:
An alternate airport with approved source of weather and an authorized, operational IAP is designated in the Flight Release.
Part 135, the flight plan specifies an appropriate fix immediately prior to the destination from which the aircraft can proceed in VMC.
FOM 2.4.4 VFR Airport Destination
Night landings require one of the following to be available for the planned landing runway at time of arrival:
- Visual Glide Slope Indicator (PAPI, VASI)
- Authorized straight in approach (TAWS required if approach with DA is not available.
- FMS generated glide path using descent angle and threshold crossing height or charted procedure.
FOM 2.4.5 Night Landing Reqirements
When is a takeoff alternate required?
Reported departure weather is below authorized IFR landing minima.
FOM Takeoff Alternate
Takeoff Alternate must be:
Within 1 hour flying time at normal cruising speed in still air from the departure airport.
FOM Takeoff Alternate
Takeoff alternate airport weather requirements are the same as those for:
Destination alternate airport IFR weather minima.
FOM Takeoff Alternate
When is a destination alternate required under Part 91/91K?
+/- 1 Hour of ETA ANY of the following apply:
- Does not have an authorized IAP
- Does not have approved wx source
- Forecast wx includes -FZRA FZDZ FZFG
- Forecast wx is lower than 2000 ft ceiling
- Forecast wx is lower than 3 sm vis
FOM Destination Alternate
When is a destination alternate required under Part 135?
+/- 1 hour of ETA ANY of the following apply:
- Does not have an authorized IAP
- Does not have approved wx source
- Forecast wx includes -FZRA FZDZ FZFG
- Has a published circling approach and one of the following: ceiling is lower than the lowest HAA + 1500 ft OR vis is less than 3 sm or lowest applicable minima for the approach to be used + 2 sm, greater of.
- Has only straight in approach and one of the following: ceiling is lower than 2000 ft or lowest published HAT + 1500 ft, whichever is greater OR vis is less than 3 sm or lowest applicable minima for the approach to be used + 2 sm, whichever os greater.
FOM Destination Alternate
The alternate airport must not be reporting freezing precipitation or severe icing when …
The destination weather is -FZRA, FZDZ, or FZFG.
FOM Alternate Airport WX Requirements
Part 91, how do you determine if an airport can be designated as an alternate?
Use published alternate minima
FOM Alternate Airport WX Requirements
Part 91K / 135, how can you determine if an airport can be designated as an alternate?
1 or more operational straight-in or circling approach is available, add 400’ to applicable HAA or HAT and 1 sm to approach minima.
2 or more operational nav facilities, each providing straight-in approach to different suitable runways add 200 ft to the higher applicable HAT and 1/2 sm vis to the higher minimum of the two approaches.
FOM Alternate Airport WX Requirements
Even if there are two or more RNAV (GPS) Approaches at the alternate airport, what should be added to the alternate airport wx requirements when determining alternate airport suitability when planning to use GPS-based IAP Part 91K / 135?
Apply the One Operational Approach qualifications (add 400’ / 1sm to HAA/HAT)
FOM Alternate Airport WX Requirements
Part 91K and 135 regulations require that planned landing distance must be what percent or less people of the available runway length?
FOM Factored Landing Distance
Wet Runway - for planning, how do you determine if a wet runway may be used?
- Obtain AFM or PDCS dry landing distance
- Divide by 0.6 Non-DAAP
Divide by 0.8 DAAP OR 91 - Multiple above by 1.15
- Use greater of AFM/PDCS wet landing distance or result of Step 3
FOM Wet Runway Required Landing Length
For Part 135 landing length analysis under restricted visibility (< 4000 RVR or < 3/4sm vis), what needs to be complied with?
- Use Wet Runway analysis which adds 15% to the landing length for the restricted visibility.
- Precision instrument runway markings or centerline lights must be operational on that runway.
For IFR operations at an uncontrolled airport in Class G Airspace under Part 91K or 135, what 4 requirements must the airport meet?
- An authorized IAP
- Approved wx source, or designate an alternate airport with approved wx source
- Facilities and services to safely conduct IFR operations (NAVAIDS, Comms, Lighting) available and operational.