FOI's Flashcards
Acronyms and Descriptions
Principles/Laws of Learning Acronym
Principles/Laws of Learning (REEPIR)
Readiness -Are they ready to learn Effect -Emotions Exercise -Repetition Primacy -What is taught first is most remembered Intensity -The real thing is better Recency -What is taught last is usually remembered easiest
Characteristics of Learning Acronym
Characteristics of Learning (RAMP)
Results of Experience -Doing something causes learning Active Process -The student needs to be involved Multi-Faceted -Involving mind, body, and feelings Purposeful -Achieves goals
Levels of Learning Acronym
Levels of Learning (RUAC)
Rote -Can repeat definitions Understanding -Can explain the definition Application -Is able to use this knowledge to complete a task Correlation -Can take a different source of information and relate it to previous learning
Domains of Learning Acronym
Domains of Learning (CAP)
Cognitive -Learned knowledge Affective -Feelings Psycho motor -Doing
Perceptions Definition
Factor involved in how people learn
Perceptions Acronym
Perceptions (PG-SET)
Physical Organism -How comfortable are they Goals and Values -Skewed due to their goals Self Concept -Confidence Element of Threat -Narrows their perceptual field Time and Opportunity -Having a day off
A grouping of perceptions into a whole
Stages of Acquiring skills Acronym
Stages of Acquiring Skills (CAA)
Cognitive -Learning the Knowledge Associative -Associating actions with outcomes Automatic Response -Can do action with out thinking
Types of Transfers of Learning Acronym
Transfers of Learning
Positive -Learning of one thing helps another Negative -Learning of one thing hinders another Near -Learning from earlier helps understand the next concept Far -A skill not related to learning helps learn ( An electrician can read the electrical diagram in helicopter)
Human Needs Acronym
Human Needs (PSBEAS)
Physiological -Food, Rest, Exercise Security -Protection against threat Belonging -Need to belong to a group Esteem -Self esteem Aesthetic -The need to know Self-Actualization -The need to do what you were born to do
Defense Mechanisms Acronym
Defense Mechanisms (DRFDRCPR)
Denial -Not accepting the facts Repression -Forcing the memory out of you mind Fantasy -Day Dreaming Displacement -An unconscious shift of emotions from something uncomfortable to something more acceptable Rationalization -Rationalizing your actions Compensation -Pointing out an area where you excelled to cover your weaknesses Projection -Projecting your failures on someone else Reaction Formation -Faking a belief opposite of what they belief
Barriers to effective Communication Acronym
Barriers to effective Communication (COIL)
Confusion -Using Mechanic could confuse non aviation people Over use of abstraction -Using aircraft instead of helicopter Interference -Outside noises interfering Lack of common experience -Teaching someone much younger
Forgetting Acronym
Forgetting (DIRR)
Disuse -Not using the information in a long time Interference -Something else learned taking place of old information Repression -The thought is pushed out of memory Recall failure -Tip of the tongue
Retention Acronym
Retention of Learning (MAMAPS)
Meaningful Repetition
-Students engaging and reiterating points
-Relating new information to something previous
-Creating phrases to remember large data sets
-A positive attitude towards learning will help retain info
-Positive feedback enforces repetition, like animals
-Working multiple sense together
Teaching Skills Acronym
Teaching Skills (SPAM)
Subject matter expert
People skills
Assessment Skills
Management Skills
Lesson Plan Characteristic Acronym
Lesson Plan Characteristics (SPURFIC)
Scope -Not to wide or small, too much is confusing Practicability -Planned in terms of conditions Unity -Work towards end goal Relation to course of training -So objectives is clear Flexible -Able to be changed up Instructional Steps -Having a list of what needs to be done by the instructor Content -New material but related
Delivery Methods Acronym
Delivery Methods (LGDDD)
Lecture Group exercise Discussion Demonstration/Performance Drill and Practice
Demonstration Method
Instructor Explains
Instructor Does
Student does
Instructor supervises
Brings up positives and Negative and offers improvements
Measured against Standards
Characteristics of an effective Critique Acronym
Characteristics of an effective Critique (FASTCOCO)
Flexible -To the student and time and place Acceptable -The student must accept the instructor Specific -Bring up specific details of the flight and improvements Thoughtful -Takes the students feelings into account Comprehensive -Covers everything Objective -Not your opinion Constructive -Offers improvement Organized -Logically explain, maybe in the order of the flight
Characteristics of a Written Assessment Acronym
Characteristics of a Written Assessment (VORDUC)
Valid -Measures what it is supposed to Objective -Measures uniformly by grader Reliable -Gives the results expected Discriminatory -Can differentiate Usable -Can easily be administered Comprehensive -Covers everything
Bad Questions Acronym
Bad Questions (POTBIT)
Puzzle -Confusing Oversize -Too broad Toss-up -More than one correct answer Bewilderment -Unclear Irrelevant -Unrelated Trick
Professionalism of a CFI Acronym
Professionalism of a CFI (CS-SALAD)
Code of Conduct -Follows the companies COC Safety conscious -Always Promoting safety Sincere -Honest with students Accepting -Accepts each student Language -Use of profanity Appearance -Dress appropriately Demeanor -Maintaining a positive attitude
Good Questions Acronym
Good Questions (BACPAC)
Brief Applied to subject Clear Presents a Challenge Adapted to student Centered on one idea
Additional Instructor Responsibilities Acronym
Additional Instructor Responsibilities (HEMPSS)
Helps student Learn Emphasizes Positives Minimizes Frustration Provides adequate instruction Standards Safety
Minimizing Frustration Acronym
Minimizing Frustration (MAAGICC)
Motivates Admits Errors Approach as individuals Give Credit Inform Criticize constructively Consistency
Professional Development
Continuing Education
Updating sources of Information
Types of Practice
Blocked -Practicing one skill until it becomes automatic Deliberate -Focuses on one area for improvement Random -Mixes up skills to be acquired --MOST EFFECTIVE