407 135 Chekride Flashcards
Run-On Landing Definition
Forward ground travel of greater than 3 feet
Passenger Deck Loading Limit
Cargo Deck Loading Limit
What is the minimum pilot weight?
Who set the minimum pilot weight, and why?
RLC, So we can do selective loading
Which Fadec Version are we on?
Maximum approved weight?
Minimum gross weight?
Basic VNe
VNe at takeoff Power
AutoRotation VNe
Maximum speed for Sideward or Rearward flight
Max Operating alt
<5000lbs, 20k
>5000lbs 11k
Max Rate of Climb
Slope Limitations
10 degrees sideways
10 degreees nose up
5 degrees nose down
When is engine anti ice required?
5c with visible moisture
Generator Continous OP Range
0 -180 amps
Generator Max continuous Amps
180 amps
Generator Transient Ranges ( 2 )
180 - 300 amps 2 MINUTES
300 - 400 400 amps 5 SECONDS
Powerplant Type
Rolls Royce 250 - C47B
What is Ng
Gas Producer, Brings air into Engine
Ng Continuous limits
63 - 105%
Ng Max Continuous
Ng Transient Limit
105.1 - 106.5 % 10 Seconds
What is Np
Power Turbine, Supplies power to the rotor
Np Avoid Section
68.4 - 87.1%
Np Continuous operations
99 - 100%
Np Max Transient
102.1 - 107.3% 15 Seconds
MGT Continous
100 - 727c
MGT Take Off
727 - 779c
MGT Transient
780 - 905c 12 seconds
MGT On Start
843 - 927, 10 Seconds
Torque Continous
0 - 93.5
Torque Take off
93.5 - 100%
Torque Transient
105% 5 Seconds
Fuel Pressure
8 - 25 PSI
Engine Oil Pressure on Start
50 PSI below 79% Ng
Oil Pressure Required at 79 - 94% Ng
90 PSI
Oil Pressure Required at 94% +
115 PSI
Maximum Oil Pressure ( 2 )
130 PSI
200 PSI on Cold Starts
Oil Temp
0 - 107 c
How to bring Oil Temp Down if in Hover
Turn into wind, or take off
Transmission Oil Temp
15 - 110c
Transmission Oil Pressure
40 - 70 PSI
Minimum Transmission Oil Pressure
30 PSI
Rotor RPM, On and OFF
On - 99 - 100%
Off - 85 - 107%
When to apply rotor brake?
Max Fuel
127 Gallons, 850 lbs
Minimum Fuel reserve
<20 KTS .5 175 lbs
>20 KTS .75 260 lbs
How do you calculate how much cargo you can hold?
1 lb per lb over 170 in front seats, 1lb per 2lbs in mid
What is the weight on Skids for?
ADS-b Out
Flight Timer
Cyclic Centering
Define Land as Soon as Practical
Landing site and Flight duration are at the pilots discretion. Flight beyond the nearest approved landing area is not recommended
Define Land as soon as Possible
Land with out delay to the nearest suitable area where a safe landing can be made
Engine Out Procedure and indication
Left Yaw, beeping horn at 55%Ng, Nr
Low collective, maintain Nr between 85 - 107% Preferably above 90%
Engine Underspeed
No cation or warming lights
Adjust collective to Cruise, switch to Manual
Land as soon as PRACTICAL
Engine Overspeed
Increase in Nr, Ng, Np, TRQ
Retard Throttle, Stablize, Fadec Manual
If unable to control engine off, autorotate
Engine Compressor Stall
Engine Pops and Bangs, High or erratic MGT TRQ Oscillations
Reduce Power, Check for normal conditions
Bleed air systems on
If you decide to continue, Land as soon as Practical
Otherwise enter auto, engine off
Engine Hot start
Rapidly increase MGT
Cuttoff Throttle at rapid increase nearing 850c
Engine Oil Pressure Low, High
Engine oil pressure below mins
Below minimum, Land as soon as POSSIBLE
Above Minimums, Monitor, Land as soon as PRACTICAL
Engine Oil Temp High
Land as soon as Practical
Drive Shaft Failure
Left Yaw, Rapid Decrease in Nr, Rapid Increase in NP, Low Rotor Horn
Fadec Fail
Indications: Fadec FAIL, Fadec Manual, Fadec Man Light, “Bing Bong”
Raise Throttle to Cruise, Stabalize RPM, Press Fadec Man, Land as soon as PRACTICAL
Fire on ground
Throttle off, Fuel off, Gen off, Bat off Rotor Brake on, Leave
Engine Fire in flight
Enter Autorotation, Throttle off, Fuel Valve off, Batt off after Landing
Cabin Smoke
Start Descent, Open Vents, Turn Off heat
If source is found and extinguished, land as soon as Practical
If fire isnt extinguished , land as soon as POSSIBLE
Loss of tail rotor in flight
Roll throttle to idle, Immediatly enter autorotation, Maintain minimum 55 KIAS, A run on style landing with nose high is prefered, cut off throttle before decreasing speed
Loss of tail rotor in Hover
Cut off Throttle, hover auto
Fixed pitch Failure
Pedals are unable to move
In Flight Left Pedal: A slow, high powered, almost vertical approach may be required
In Flight right pedal: A Run on may be required with a nose high attitude, cut off throttle if right Yaw is excessive
Hydraulic Failure
Hydraulic Cation Light, Grinding noise, Increase Control requirements
Reduce Speed to 70 - 100KIAS, Hydraulic Circuit Breaker out, if Restored, Land as soon as Practical, If Not restored, push in and switch off, land as soon as practical
Flight Control Actuator/ Hard Over
Uncommanded Control movements “ Trying to Kill you”
Turn Off hydraulic switch, 70 to 100 KIAS, Land as soon as POSSIBLE
Generator Failure
“Gen Fail” Light illuminated
Amps 0
Voltmeter ~ 24
Verify Generrator Circuit Breakers in
Gen Switch - Reset
If not restored, Land as soon as PRACTICAL, about 20 minutes, Turn as much as you can off except transponder and radio and battery, and left boost pump
Excessive Load
Amps indicate high, smoke or fumes
Batt and Gen off, leave at least left boost on
Starter Light in Flight
Pull starter circuit breaker to renable Generator, Land as soon as PRACTICAL
Engine out Light
When Ng below 55%
Fadec Fail ( Startup)
Serious Malfunction, Cut Throttle
Fadec Fail ( In Flight )
“Bing Bong”, Serious Malfunction, will switch to manual mode automatically, Raise Collective to Cruise Power and watch RPM, Land as Soon as Practical
“ Cat 1 Fail”
Fadec Degraded ( In Flight )
Probably using alternate ECU, Nr and Np possible lag, FLy conservatively, MX prior to next flight
“Cat 2 Fail”
Fadec Degraded ( ShutDown )
at 9.5 Ng, A minor Fault was detected, have MX look over before next flight
Fadec fault
PMA, MGT, NP, or Ng cicuit may not be functioning, Restart light may also come on
Land as soon as Practical
“Cat 3 Fail”
RPM Light
Nr below 95%, With audio
With out Audio, Nr above 107%
Xmsn Oil Pressure light
Below Mins, Reduce Power, Verify with guage, Land as soon as POSSIBLE
XMSN Oil Temp light
Reduce power, verify with guage, Land as soon as Practical
Auto Relight
Ignitor Circuit is running
Baggage Door Light
Baggage Door not Closed, PRACTICAL
Battery RLY
Has malfunctioned to On Position with battery off
If battery hot, land as soon as Possible, gen off
If it fails off, You may loos all gauges below 55% Ng
Check Instrument
An exceedance is about to happen or has happens on the TQ, MGT Ng
Cyclic Centering
Cyclic isnt Centered, on ground
Engine Anti Ice
Engine Anti Ice On
Engine Chip
Possible metal in Engine Oil, Land as soon as Possible
Fuel Filter Light
AirFrame Fuel Filter in impending ByPass, Land as soon as Practical MX
Fuel Low
100lbs in Rear Tank
R/Fuel Boost light
Failed, Descend below 8k DA As soon as PRACTICAL
L and R/Fuel Boost
Both have Failed, Below 8k, Land as soon as PRACTICAL
Fuel Valve Light
Fuel Valve is in a different position than switch is. You probably just switched it on or off
L/Fuel XFR
Failed, As Practical
R/Fuel XFR
Failed, As Practical
L & R Fuel XFR
Up to 151 lbs can be trapped, Land as soon as Practical
Pedal Stop
Pedal Rrestrictor Control unit has failed, Vne 60 KIAS, Land as soon as PRACTICAL
Restart Fault
Fadec ECU has detected a fault, Will not allow engine to be restarted in Auto, Land as accordingly since start wont be possible
When decreasing, throttle PMA may go offline, below 85%
T/R and XMSN Chip
Metal Particals, Land as soon as Possible
9 Sensors in ECU
Ng Monopole
Np Monopole
Nr Monopole
TMOP, TRQ meter oil pressure, separate from what supplys gauge
Ambient Pressure (p1)
Compressor Inlet Temp (CIT)
PLA Power Lever Angle ( Throttle, on HMU)
Collective pitch ( CP ) ( Under Passenger seat)
Type of Rotor System
4 Bladed soft in plane flex beam rotor system, closest to Fully Articulated. Elastomeric bearings vs dampers
35’ Rotor
EOC Level 1 Requirements
No additional requirements than typical release
EOC Level 2 Requirements
Ops Supervisor required to individually release before unstrapping, Aircraft required to be secured
EOC Level 3 Requirement
Only Director of Ops Can Release
Can Cargo be stored with passengers?
Only if it is secured with seat belts, not above passengers
Why don’t we have to do W&B
Selective loading if pilot is 170
How do you know you have everything in the aircraft?
Aircraft Inventory at beginning of hitch
Airworthiness, Registration, RFM, Aircraft Logbook, MEL, Checklist, Passenger Briefing Card, Tool Kit
Crew Currency/Recency
C.B.T’s, Annual Check ride, 30 - 60 - 90 Report, 3 T.O. with in 90 days
Hazmat Info
Make sure Shippers declaration was stamped by RLC or that you have verified it is correct off shore, you can fill out the pilots declaration if needed
Approved Weather Sources ( 5 )
National Wx Service
A source approved by Nation Wx Services
Aviation Sentry
VFR Requirements & RLC Minimums
Reference to the ground
Not less than 300 feet
RLC Minimums 500 and 3 Miles
RLC Wind Limits
40 KTS or Gusting 15 Kts
Cold Wx Operations and engine rinse
Cold wx starts at 40f, no rinse at or below 35f
Fuel minimums
30 mins if below 20 knts
45 mins above 20 knts
Above 30 knots and greater than 60 degree crosswind, what must be done during loading
Keep RPM at 100%
Run and Hold Policy
If a customer wants you to stay running, less than 15 minutes, no charge. Longer add the time to the FSO
135 Flight times
500 per quarter
800 per two consecutive quarter
1400 per year
8 hours per day
14 hours duty days
If you exceeded, by less than 30 minutes 11 hours, 12, 16
Down Time
30 minutes before sunset or 30 minutes before 1930
Alcohol Policy
None within 12 hours of duty time
What items are required to be in the Pilots Possession?
Pilot Certificate
EFB: Current Charts, General Operating Manual
When is customs documentation Required?
Bringing People to or from a not anchored platform or vessel
Can we fly into Warning areas?
Yes, but contact controlling agency to determine activity
How much weight can you put on blades and how far pull down?
60lbs and 24” from drooping bladesf
What is our Squawk Code?
When does the low fuel light come on?
What is the fuel burn?
350lb/hour or ~6 lb/min
What type of Rotor system do we have?
4 Bladed, soft in plane, glass epoxy yolk. Uses elastomeric bearing instead of dampers
Which two systems fail on?
Hydraulic and Engine anti-Ice
What electronics will work with the battery turned off?
Left Boost Pump and Left Xfer Pump
Getting a Fuel Sump and filter sump switch positions
Fuel Sump: Bat On, Fuel valve closed, boost & Xfer OFF
Filter Sump: Bat On, Fuel Valve On, Boost and Xfer ON
What Voltage does FADEC abort start?
10.5 Volts
Required Voltage for start
24 volts
When does PMA power FADEC and what is it?
85%, Permanent Magnetic Alternator, powers FADEC
What lights are on after the BIT Test
LFuel Boost, L/Fuel Xfer, R/Fuel Boost, R/Fuel Xfer, Gen Fail, XMSN oil Press, HYD System, Engine out, RPM