Foetal Medicine (1) Flashcards
What are the different types of Congenital Heart Disease?
What is Acrania?
➊ • AVSD, VSD, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Ebstein’s anomaly
• TGA, ToF, Aortic coarctation, AV stenosis
➋ • 12 weeks – Absence of ossified skull
• 16 weeks – Anencephaly
• Lethal condition and incompatible with life within 1st week
What are the types of Spina Bifida?
→ What is it usually associated with?
→ What are its characteristic findings?
→ How is it managed?
→ How is it prevented?
• Spina bifida occulta – No herniation of spinal cord. May be seen only with a small tuft of hair.
• Meningocele – Herniation of meningeal sac w/CSF. Covered by skin.
• Myelomeningocele – Herniation of meningeal sac w/CSF and Spinal cord. Exposed meninges.
→ Hydrocephaly or Chiari malformation
→ Lemon sign, Banana sign
→ Closure by foetal surgery
→ All pregnant women told to take folic acid as early as possible