Focused concepts!! Flashcards
Name some feminist key thinkers
- Oakley- dual burned women suffer from work in the household and work
- Dunscomb and Marsden – women experience a Triple shift (includes emotion work)
- Edgel – men make more important decisions
- Dobash and Dobash – domestic violence common in relationships, 1 in 4 women, 1 in 6 men so famil patriarchal
Who argues that there is a tripple shift and dual burden
- Oakley -
- Dunscombe and Marsden-experience a Triple shift (includes emotion work)
Who is a liberal feminist?
- Somerville - march of progress feminist . the family is no longer a patriarchal institution. relationships are more equalitarian .
Who argues that girls are more career centered ?
- Sharpe- teenage girls now see educational qualifications as more important than marriage and motherhood
Who is a radican fem ?
- Dobash and Dobash
WhO ARGUES THAT WE ARE IN A risk society ?
–Beck -argues that more choice has led to ‘risk society’ where relationships map break down more regularly
Who argues that cohabitation is a trial marriage
- Chester -Argued that for most people cohabitation is a trial marriage and about 80% of first time marriages have been preceded by a period of cohabitation
Who argues that cohabitation is now an alternative to marriage
-Chandler-Argues that cohabitation is now chosen as a long term alternative to marriage; this is reflected in the growth of children born outside of marriage but are registered by both parents living at the same address
Who argues that the generosity of the welfare state has lead to lone parenthood ?
-Murray- blames the generosity of the welfare state for the growth in lone parenthood. He argues that generous welfare benefits encourage women to have children they could not otherwise afford to support. The growth of lone parent families has been seen by the New Right as one of the major signs of decline of conventional family life and marriage.
Who is critical of the new rights perspective on lone parenthood
Silva- highly critical of the New Right’s attacks on lone parents. She argues that concerns over lone parents and the welfare of children are an attempt to force women back into the traditional gender roles of the housewife and mother
Name the functionalist theorists
- Murdock- four functions of the family 1. stabilisation of adult personalities, sexual , reproduction , economic, socialisation
- Parsons -Theory of fit- nuclear family fits into all societal circumstances ie industrialisation, instrumental and expressive roles, structural differentiation, primary socialization
Name the New right thinkers
- Murray – welfare dependency, culture of depedency, moral decay
- Dennis and Erdos – fatherless families lead to unsocialized sons. Sons need male role models
Name the Marxist families
Althusser – family is part of the Ideological State apparatus
Engels - privatized monogamous nuclear family ensures wealth is kept in the hands of the wealthy
Zaretsky – family
Name the feminism
Sommerville – (Liberal) family is becoming more equal
Dobash and Dobash – (radical), family has high rates of DV so not beneficial to women
Ansley – (Marxist)
Stacey (postmodernist) argues increased choice benefits women especially
Mirza – black feminist who claims family life has not included black womens specific experiences
Name the social action theorists
-Backett –
Haraven – Life Course Analysis
Palmer – The sociology of the Personal Life
Name the postmodernist
-Beck – risk society
Gernsheim – individualization
Giddens – late modernist who claims we have ‘pure relationships’ and ‘confluent love’
What does Donzelot argue about the state? and how does this link to policy ?
Argues that state policies act as a form of surveillance by the ruling class, ensuring that the working class conform to their ideas of family life
What does fletcher argue ?
Argues a range of policies led to the development of the welfare state that supports family life
What does parsons argue about policy ?
Functionalists such as Parsons see policies as helping families to perform their functions more effectively and make life better for their members.
What do the left wing argue about social policies ?
- They are more accepting towards the change in family life , although they favour the nuclear family other family types are welcome
- State should intervene in family life
- They are more accepting of change which is reinforced in there polcies such as 2003 The Adoption and Children Act – same sex couples can adopt acknowledging same sex couples as adequate
What is an example of a left wing policy which accepts change?
2003 The Adoption and Children Act – same sex couples can adopt acknowledging same sex couples as adequate
What are right wing ideas on policy and the family ?
- Right wing ie conservatives are more traditional about the family.
- State should play less of a role in family life, individuals should take responsibility for their families
- Alternative families such as lone parent families and same sex aren’t adequate enough they do not provide stroma role models
- 2013 Legal Aid substantially cut, disadvantaging women especially who are unable to make legal claims eg domestic violence
- 2011 Reintroduction of married persons tax allowance – encouraging people to get married/conventional roles
Name some left wing policies, which reinforce there views on change
- 2011 Reintroduction of married persons tax allowance – encouraging people to get married/conventional roles
- 2013 Legal Aid substantially cut, disadvantaging women especially who are unable to make legal claims eg domestic violence
Who argues that childhood is a social construct ?
- Wagg
Who argues that we are currently in a golden age of childhood ?
Palmer - Childhood is a golden age – specially priviledged and protected, child centred society
Name the childhood thinkers
- Wagg - childhood is a social constrct
Pincher- we are in a golden age of childhood which reinforces a child centered society
- Palmer- toxic childhood -quality parenting being replaced with technology
- Postman- Postmodernist who claims that social blurring is occurring – line between children and adults
What are some policies which reflect an ageing population ?
- Increasing pension age (67 years for men and women by 2028)
- Bedroom Tax (2012) A reduction in housing benefit if you have a spare room
Name some policies which link to a child centered society .
- Children and Social Work Act (2017)
- Internet Safety Strategy (2018) - shows the impact of gloablisation
Name some policies that show the changing nature to gender
- The Equality Act (2010)
- Same Sex Marriage Act (2014)
Name some key definitions for demography
- Birth Rate: the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year
- Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): the number of children dying before their first birthday per 1000 live births per year
- Life Expectancy: the average number of years that a person can expect to live.
- Migration: Moving to another country for a period of at least a year. (Internal migration: moving within your country of residence e.g. from London to Devon)
Name some demography theorists
- Blaikie - Argues that with an ageing population, and increased life expectancy, grandparents are able to play a more positive role in family life, supporting their grandchildren. Positive ageing.
- Stacey-A postmodern feminist who claims that increased choice has benefitted women, for example, controlling fertility.
Have relationships become more equal ?
YES according to;
- Summervile- lib fem
- Willmott and young- because of the increase in symmetrical families
No accoridng to
- Ansley- women are the takers of shit
- Oakley - women are taking on a dual burden
- Dunscomb and Marden -women are taking on a triple shift
- Pahl and Vloger -money is still controlled by men, though gradually becoming more equal