Demography- Flashcards
what is demography ?
demography is the study of causes and consequences of the changes to family structure , size and societal population which has been influenced by many factors such as the decreasing birth rate and rising life expectancy
explain what birth rate means?
Birth rate refers to the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year which has generally dcreased/ been delayed
what are some trends of the decreasing/ flucatuting birth rate?
- during the first world war there was an decrease in birth rate howvere this was followed by a baby boom in the 1920s
- 2001-2007 birth rates increased
give some reasons why the birth rate has declined ?
the birth rate has declined because
- CHANGES OF THE ROLE OF WOMEN - women are now choosing not to have babies/ putting their work and education first
- CONTRACPETION mean that now women control what happens to their bodies
- INCREASED COSTS OF CHILD BEARING - economic liability people are choosing not to have babies because they know taht they cant afford it this may be because of the rase in living standards , inflation , starting costs of raising a child £2380, more institutions day-care , primary school eg
- CHANGING ATTITUDES - people have now become more conceraned with their own needs BECK AND GERNSHEIM suggest that there has been an incraese in indviudlaisation
what are some of the consequences of the decline in birth rate ( on society)
- Ageing population has increased , fewere babies but more elderly
- STRAIN ON PUBLIC SEVICES - redundancies, fewer midwifes are needed , elderly and care ,
- CHANGING IN GENDER ROLES- THIS CAN BE SEEN AS A POSTIVE , liberal feminists would suggest this is a march towards equality as women are making time for the careers leading to better equal relationship between men and women
what is the dependency ratio and what does it relate to?
why has there been a slight increase in birth rates recently?
the increase in birth rates may be because
- IMMIGRATION - it has been proven that immigrants are more likley to have more children 20%
- WELFARE- due to welfare and labour govenrmnt policies families and couple can be offered support if needed.
- ADVANCES IN SCIENCE- eg advances in technologies like IVF make it possible for infertile women etc to have children also women who choose to have children without a farther around
what are some stats on the trends of birth rates ?
the birth rate has decrease significantly since 1900 from 29% to 2.2%
name some future trends in birth rates.
- more single parent famailies
what is meant by the fertility rate
the average number live births per 1000 women during her fertile years ( 15-44)
has the fertility rate increased or decreased?
the fertility rate has decreased over the past 100 years because
- women are choosing to have children later in life eg women aged 40 have an increased fertility rate compared to those in there 20s
how has the decrease in fertility rate affected the family ?
- more nuclear families with only one child example the total fertility rate in 1900 was equivalent to a family size of 3.5 which has decreased t- 1.63 in 2001
- decline in family kin ship(
what are some explanations for the decline in fertility rate ?
1) reliable birth control , this became available in 1961 and meant that women had control over reproductive system which menat that women can choose how many children they have and when to have them
2 ) economic change- the economic change has had a great impact on women’s attitudes, they are choosing to have children a lot later in life to focus on carer etc
what is the difference between fertility rate and birth rate
The number of live deaths per 1000 of the population per year
has the death rate increased or decreased ?
the death rate has significantly decreased since the 1851 , the life expectancy was 40 years for men and 44 years for women this has increased to 74 for men.
why has the death rate decreased?
- TECHNOLOGY - improved medical conditions and introduction of new medication tand antibiotics that fight off diseases that fight diseases
- RISING living STANDARDS - generally cleaner homes , better care facilities etc
- welfare,
- other factors include region , re are considerable variations in life expectancy by gender and social class – people in the poorest parts of Glasgow die before 60, in the wealthiest parts of the UK (e.g. Kensington) life expectancy is nearer 90.
what is an evaluation for the decrease in death rate
- NURTURITION AND FOOD , has had a higher quality however obesity has now become a serious problem
what are some social policies that have helped the decrease in death rate ?
- the setting up of the NHS , free high quality health care has helped significantly
- health and safety laws that regulate food and water
what is the ageing population ?
the ageing population , is the proportion of older people that is increasing
what are some trends of the ageing population
-n 1998, around one in six people were 65 years and over (15.9% of the population )
In 2020, approximately in five people are aged 65 years and over
why has the aging population increased ?
- decline in birth rates / fertility rates
what are the consequences of the aging population on the family
- BRANNEN - suggested that there is an increase in four generational families
WHAT ARE SME effects of the ageing population on society
- public services
- one person pensioner households
- ageism