FM-1 Flashcards
Does a captain have the authority to cancel a flight?
No, that authority rests with SOC
Name two of the available methods that a pilot can electronically declare fitness for duty?
- CCI or Mobile CCI
How early May scheduled flight depart assuming all passengers and cargo are on board?
5 minutes
Can a flight be dispatched utilizing the conditional language exemption, 17347, for international flights?
When would a takeoff alternate be required?
When the weather at the departure station is below authorized CAT I landing minimums
When is a Destiination alternate require?
- WX forecast +/- 1 hour of ETA(at the destination) indicating ceilings less than 2,000’ or visibility less than 3 miles
- Air shows/VIP movement within +/- 2 hours
- Braking action reported NIL
- Crosswind component more than 25kts forecasted
When would a second destination alternate be required?
- When the weather at the Destiination in first alternate is forecast to be marginal
- When using the conditional language exemption, 17347
When determining alternate airport weather minimums with two navigational facilities available, what values must be added to the ceiling and visibility?
- Ceiling-add 200 ft to the higher DA/DH/MDA of the two approaches.
- visibility-add 1/2 statue mile to the Higher authorized landing minimum of the two approaches
Your proposed alternate has two usable approaches and suitable runways, the GPS approach requires 500 and 1, the LOC approach requires 400 and 3/4 What is the minimum whether to file the airport as your alternate?
700 and 1 1/2 SM
If an alternate is listed on your release what is the minimum hold fuel time that will be listed on the Dispatch release?
12 min
If an alternate is not listed, what does the default hold Fuel incorporate?
The greater of the following:
- Historical delay values plus fuel for gauge error and a missed approach
- One circuit in a standard hold; A missed approach; claim to 10,000 feet; and fly to an op spec airport or an airport with a runway at least 7000’ x 148’
- Minimum of 20 min
What is the lowest visibility authorized for Envoy departure operations?
600 RVR
What windspeed requires taxi and takeoff operations be suspended?
50 kts or more
When does a Dispatch lease expire?
Flight cancels
Lands at a point not on the original release
Lands at a point in a different sequence than specified in the Dispatch release
Returns to a station after taking off (air interruption)
Not having departed by expiration time if given by dispatcher
With a drift down flight plan, what should the flight crew do if the actual ramp weight exceeds the planned ramp weight listed on the Dispatch release?
Contact Dispatch
If actual ramp weight exceeds your planned ramp weight on the Dispatch release by 2000 pounds or more what shall the captain do?
Contact Dispatch and consider obtaining a new fuel plan
What is the primary method for determining takeoff performance?
If TPS is unavailable, how can the takeoff performance and speeds be determined?
Airport analysis data (VAA/VAQ or
Flip Cards
If you are operating a functional check flight will you EWBS or TPS be available?
If the current temperature is warmer than the planned temperature by more than 2°C what must the flight crew do?
Obtain new TPS data
What does the FM1 define as the weight of a cabin crew member? ACM?
Cabin Crewmember - 170 lbs
ACM - 190 lbs
What is the maximum variance per zone between the actual passenger count and the load close out passenger count?
Two passengers
With a forward caution zone indicated on the load closeout, what are the requirements for the actual passenger count in zone A and E?
Zone A- actual number of passengers must be less than or equal to the load closeout
Zone E- actual number of Passengers must be greater than or equal to the load closeout
Where is the basic operating weight of the aircraft denoted?
Yellow sticker in the AML
When performing a manual weight and balance on a flight without a flight attendant, will they need to be subtracted from the basic operating weight?
What is the standard weight for valet bags? What about checked bags? What about heavy checked bags?
Valet - 20 lbs
Checked - 30 lbs
Heavy - 60 lbs
If the load close out indicates MANUAL next to the C-4 weight instead of SCANNED, what additional paperwork is the crew required to obtain?
Cargo Worksheet
What does a “LA” indicate on the SPCL line of the Load Closeout?
Live Animal
If the Auto-NOTOC system is not available, which form must be used to notify the Captain that HAZMAT is being carried?
Form OK333
Who is required to review the AML prior to flight?
Captain and first officer
When is it required to start a new AML page?
- Start of each new flight day
- No more mechanical discrepancies blocks or excepted by Captain blanks are available
- White carbon page has been removed and in entry need to be made
What is the correct way to void an entry in the AML?
- Draw a single line through each line of the entry
- Print the word void or entered in error across the entire entry
- Sign and employee number
If the current a ML page has been voided by maintenance after the captain has already accepted the aircraft, Does the captain need to accept the aircraft again?
What does a silver dot next to a dent in the air frame signify?
Maintenance has inspected the area and found the damage to be within limits
What should a crew do if a silver door is not located next to a visible dent in the air frame?
- Contact maintenance to ensure the area in question has an already been notated in the ADL, aircraft damage log, prior to making in AML entry
Is a flight crew authorized to flight crew placard a CDL item?
If you have departed the gate and the flight crew placard requires the cockpit door to be opened what action must be taken?
Return to the gate in normal placard procedures shall be followed
How would a crew know which items could be deferred under a flight crew placard and where could they find the procedure on how to perform a flight crew placard?
- a “YES” Is listed in the flight crew placard in column in the MEL
- The flight crew procedure is located in the MEL general section
If a category B MEL is entered into the AML on a Monday, on what day will it officially expire?
What is an NEF, Where are they located in the MEL, and can NEF Items flight crew placarded?
- Nonessential equipment furnishings
- MEL general section
- Yes
Your aircraft has a category B MEL expiring tonight at your destination, but you must divert to another airport with no maintenance and remain overnight, can you depart the next day?
What is an ACI?
Administrative control item
What is the maximum airspeed in class D airspace?
200 knots
What is the maximum airspeed under class B airspace?
200 KIAS
A LAHSO Clearance, regardless of the performance capability of the aircraft, may not be excepted if ATC provides it after the aircraft is on the final approach and has descended below how many feet AGL?
Who has the final authority to accept or decline any LAHSO clearance?
The pilot in command
If a particular airport or runway configuration is not listed in the Jepps as approved for LAHSO, may it be used for LAHSO?
How long before a hold should you be established at your holding speed?
3 minutes prior to entering hold
What is the maximum holding speed below 6000 feet?
200 KIAS
What is the maximum holding speed above 14,000 feet?
265 KIAS
What is the maximum Holding speed between 6000 and 14,000 feet?
230 KIAS
Where can crewmembers find a listing of the airports that require special airport qualifications?
FM1, section 3
FOM, 18.4.6
How would a captain ensure they are qualified for a flight into an airport identified as SARA or requiring SAQ?
Review the SAQ chart in FM1, section 3
How does a captain document they have qualified for FM1 for operation into a SAQ airport?
Where can the photo pages for SAQ/SARA airports be found?
Jepp FD-pro application
Kenny first officer ever use the photo pages for the purpose of certification to operate into a SAQ/SARA airport?
Where are the familiarization videos found for SAQ/SARE airport? - Flight Training - SARA Airport Familiarization
If the captain has me to takeoff and landing at DCA 6 months ago, is it required for him to review the photo pages before making another takeoff and/or landing at DCA?
Crew members will normally sign in how long before they schedule departure time at the beginning of their sequence?
45 min
Crew scheduling can reduce the crewmembers showtime at inn N out station to what minimum time?
20 min
Under normal conditions when shell crewmember be at the aircraft and ready for Flight?
20 min prior to departure time
Are crewmembers authorized to consume the same meals while on duty?
Crewmembers shall not intentionally eat the same meals prepared by the same food preparation service while on duty, Or within a six hour period prior to duty.
What is the timeframe limit on consumption of alcohol prior to being on duty?
12 hours
What items are you required to carry or have readily available while performing duties on the aircraft or attending training?
- Envoy ID
- Pilot certificate
- Medical
- Photo ID
- Passport
- Restricted Radiotelephone operator permit
- Backup Battery (Captain only)
What is the primary method of crewmembers should follow if they lose an airman or medical certificate on duty?
Request a replacement certificate (permanent or temporary) from the FAA website at
What must a crew member do if their FAA medical examination will not be completed by the 20th day of the due month?
Inform their domicile chief pilot when the examination will be complete
Should crewmembers carry backpacks while in uniform?
When is the uniform jacket or company approved leather jacket required to be worn?
From the beginning of November to the end of April
What are the approved methods of wearing the company ID?
- Company lanyard or
- clip Clear, silver, black, navy no logo/design or
- Retractable badge reel clear, silver, black, navy no logo/design
Are crewmember allowed to have beards or goatee’s while on duty? In training?
When shall crewmembers way their company issued green, highly visible safety vest?
At all times while on the AOA
Are hats required to be worn with the uniform?
Can you self clear yourself medically fit to fly if you were hospitalized during an illness?
Where can crewmembers find a list of common medications that are approved for use while on duty?
Who should a crewmember contact if they are too fatigued to continue performing their duties or noticed that another crew member is too fatigued to continue performing their duties?
Contact Crew Scheduling
If a crewmember is removed due to fatigue, how long do they have to complete the mandatory report?
48 hours
If a crew member has a limitation stating correct of lenses are required what is an additional requirement besides wearing the correct of lenses while on duty?
Carrie and have readily available a spare set of correct of lenses
What actions should the crewmember take when you have received an updated medical?
- Provide a copy to chief pilot’s office for their input into FOS
- HIL entry to update weight
You called in sick on day three of a four day trip. You were released by scheduling and intend to commute home. What should you consider prior to your commute?
Obtain travel authorization prior to any “Travel while absent” from your chief pilot
Where does a crewmember fine with the latest updates for the electronica flight bag?
EFB - flight operations technical - revision status sheet
Who is responsible to maintain their manuals in a current state?
Each crew member
Can a crew fly with only one iPad available?
Yes but only to a domicile to get a loaner or replacement
When the captain is not in IOE instructor and the FO has less than 100 hours in the type of aircraft being flown what conditions warrant the captain making all takeoffs and landings?
- SARA airports designated by the FAA
- Any of the following conditions exist:
I. Visibility in the latest weather is at or below 3/4 mile
II. RV are for the runway being used is at or below 4000 feet
III. Runway to be used as water, snow, slushor similar conditions which adversely affect aircraft performance
IV. Breaking on runway to be used is less than good or equivalent
V. Crosswind component for runway to be used is in excess of 15 KTS
VI. Windshear is reported in the vicinity of the airport
VII. Flaps18° or 22° takeoffs
VIII. Any other condition the PIC determines to be prudent
How often are captains required to have completed a line check?
Within the preceding 12 months
When is a captain considered to be a “restricted captain”?
When such Pilot has not accumulated 100 hours as PIC in revenue service on the type of aircraft being operated.
I. Flight time during IOE is not eligible toward the 100 hours required
What are the lowest possible minimums for landing as a restricted captain?
300/1 mile or 4500 RVR, unless using FAA exemption 17203 (Cat I minimums with autopilot on)
You are flying with war as a high minimums captain, the weather upon arrival reports 200 and 1 mileAnd you are expecting and ILS approach, maybe approach be conducted?
Yes, when using FAA exemption 17203
What are the landing currency requirements?
3 takeoffs and landings within 90 days on the same type of aircraft they are to serve