Electrical Flashcards
What Display Units normally display when Batteries are set to “On” and “Auto”?
- Display Units 2 and 3 (CA’s MFD / EICAS)
What provides AC power to the aircraft?
- 2 Integrated Drive Generators (IDG)
- Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
- AC Inverter
- Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
What provides DC power to the aircraft?
- 2 NiCad batteries
- 3 Transformer Rectifier Units (TRU)
The IDG(s) are monitored and controlled by what?
- Dedicated Generator Control Unit (GCU)
The amber IDG light(s) will illuminate for?
- High oil temperature
- Low oil pressure
The priority for AC power on the aircraft is?
- Onside (IDG)
- Inside (APU)
- Outside (GPU)
- Cross-Side (other IDG)
How are the aircraft batteries charged?
- An AC power source providing power to the TRU(s)
The batteries should last for how many minutes without being recharged?
- 10 minutes
What is the purpose of the inverter?
- Converts 28 VDC from the batteries to 115 VAC to power the AC
STANDBY BUS when an AC source is not available.
What is powered via the AC STANDBY BUS?
- Engine Exciters 1A and 2A
When will the RAT deploy?
- Main AC BUSSES loss power
- Manually via the RAT Deployment Handle
How long after deployment before the RAT will supply power?
8 seconds
Is there a total loss of power during the 8 second RAT deployment?
- NO, because the Batteries supply power to the DC ESS BUSSES and AC
What does the RAT directly power?
What is minimum airspeed that the RAT is capable of providing AC Power?
- 130 kts (load shedding occurs below this speed)
The Integrated Drive Generators (IDG’s) and APU Generator are electrically
rated at ___?
- 115 VAC
- 40 KVA
- 400 Hz
What is the RAT rated at?
- 115 VAC
- 15 KVA
- 400 Hz
Describe how BATT 2 is configured during an APU start?
- BATT 2 is isolated from the system and tied directly to the APU START
BUS to power the APU Starter
What is min BATT VDC to start the APU without following a Recharge
- 22.5 VDC
What type of batteries do we have?
- Two NiCad 22.8 VDC, 27 Amp batteries