Fluid And Electrolytes Flashcards
What is 2/3- 3/4 of body fluids
Intracellular fluids ICF
What is the percentage of water and solidness of the body
60% water 40% solid based on age sex fat sex
What is 1/4-1/3 constant motion and acts as transportation system for nutrients to and waste products from the cell
Extra cellular fluids ECF
Movement of water across cell membranes from an area of lesser solute concentration to greater
When does ICF occur
Occurs when there is and abrupt decrease in fluid intake or marked increase in fluid output
Hyperventilation cause
S/s oliguria
When does ECF occur
What cause fluid volume excess
Cardiac insufficiency decrease renal perfusion
Protein depletion decrease protein
Rapid admin of Iv saline
Fluid shift to a cavity where it shouldn’t be
Third spacing
Decrease in hepatic perfusion results in decrease renal blood flow
Press fingers firmly against edema torus area for 5 sec and measure depth in mLmeters
What is poor intake of potassium and it’s lab value
Hypokalemia <3.5 mEq/L
What are the s/s and nursing interventions of Hypokalemia
Myocardial irritability, anorexia, vomiting
Food source potassium ( bananas, orange, potatoes, ) LASIK deplete
What is needed for cell membrane integrity/ structure adequate, cardiac contraction, bone growth
What is poor dietary intake of calcium and or vitamin D defiency and it lab value
4.3 mEq/L
What occurs with hypocalcemia
Loss via kidney