Flight preparation instructions Flashcards
When is fuel tankering not recommended?
If takeoff or landing runway is contaminated or expected to be so.
What is the minimum runway width for EK operations?
For what time period should the alternate forecast weather be above the applicable planning minima?
From one hour before to one hour after the ETA.
What should be done if the required visual reference is lost after passing DA/H or MDA?
- Before touchdown: go around.
- After touchdown: continue the landing.
What must the weather conditions at a takeoff alternate be above?
The applicable landing minima, at ETA +/- one hour.
Is the system message acknowledging the Commander acceptance of the loadsheet a requirement?
No, it’s a matter of routine.
Can a diversion recovery flight plan be used with a MEL restriction with higher fuel consumption?
Not unless that the extra fuel amount can be assured to be sufficient.
Within what distance should a takeoff alternate be located?
420 nm or 840 nm if A/C is ETOPS qualified and departure airport is outside of USA.
When should an EFB Class 1 be recharged?
Only when the battery drops below 30%.
What is the Diversion Recovery Flight Plan? Where can it be found?
A zero wind flight plan to aid quick recovery for diverted flights, without overloading Flight Dispatch etc. during mass disruptions. Blank Forms Folder.
Where can detailed information about alternate selection be found?
R&AI Guide Chapter 1
What approach category is the B777 in?
- B777-200: C (D for circling)
- B777-300: D
- B777-F: D
Can a pencil be used for Tech Log entries?
No, entries shall be made in indelible ink.
Until when is the Standard Fuel Planning requirements applicable?
Untill completion of refuelling and release of the fuel bowser.
What must the commander ensure when a diversion flight plan is used?
That the handling agent has filed the ATC flight plan.
What extra restrictions are there for ETOPS WX planning?
Gusts exceeding crosswind limits should be applied in all cases, as well as all TEMPO transient deteriorations.
How should ACARS messages always end?
With “PLS ACK”.
What are the most important points to consider when selecting an alternate in the pre-flight planning process?
- Airfield infrastructure
- Meteorological situation and services
- Customs and immigration
- Possibility of onward transportation of pax, cargo and crew
What baggage weights are used for LMC if the actual weight is unknown?
20 kg
Which Emirates destinations require the isolated aerodrome procedure?
Currently none.
What RFF category does the 300ER require for an ETOPS enroute alternate that is more than 180 minutes away?
RFF 7.
When is an autoland report required in the Tech Log?
If the autoland was unsatisfactory or had downgraded capability, or in case of a Notice to Crew request.
What is the minimum buffer above any terrain for the depressurisation strategies?
2000 ft
How is contingency fuel calculated?
Higher of provision A or B below.
- 5% of trip fuel, or
- 3% of trip fuel with enroute alternate, or
- 20 mins flying time, or
- 5 mins holding at 1500 ft above destination.
Decision Point Procedure may also be used.
What must the commander check in the tech log prior to dispatch?
Prior to dispatch, the Commander will check the Technical Log to ensure the total fuel on board and fuel uplift are correct, that all defects have been appropriately cleared or deferred in accordance with the requirements of the MEL/CDL, and that the aircraft has been declared and certified as serviceable.
What ceiling is required for takeoff?
What takeoff minima exist for a runway equipped with edge and centreline lighting and multiple RVR?
Cat C 150 m, Cat D 200 m
Where can flight preparation instructions be found?
OM-A, chapter 8.1
What is the validity period of a Daily Maintenance Check? May it be extended?
48 hours. No.
How are children defined in terms of age?
Persons of 2 years and above, but less than 12 years of age.
In case of gross errors detected on the loadsheet after push back, may an updated loadsheet be accepted by the Commander prior to takeoff?
Where can information about cold temperature corrections be found?
OM-C, appendix L
When should a take-off alternate be selected?
When performance, operational or meteorological conditions preclude a return to the departure airport.
With whom should the Commander discuss any decision to arrive/depart during an airport curfew period?
Network Control.
At outstations with no Emirates maintenance support, what responsibilities does the Commander have?
Ensure the aircraft is serviceable, correctly fuelled and fluid levels are sufficient.
Name the DH and RVR requirement for precision approaches.
- CAT I: DH 200 ft, RVR 550 m
- CAT II: DH 100-200 ft, RVR 350 m
- CAT IIIB: DH 0-50 ft, RVR 75-200 m
May an aircraft be dispatched on a flight, if a Daily Maintenance Check would expire before arrival?
When can the PIC decide to land at an aerodrome regardless of RFF category?
If he, after due consideration of all prevailing circumstances, deems it safer to do so than to divert.
To what value may the takeoff minima be reduced for a LVO qualified crew? Which requirements must be met?
125 m for Cat C, 150 m for Cat D.
- LVP in force
- HI centreline lights spaced 15 m or less
- HI edge lights spaced 60 m or less
Where can company approach minima be found for LVO approaches?
In the CCI section for LVOPS.
What margins do Flight Dispatch OFP MIN FUEL provide for landing weight?
1% less than MLW or Performance limited landing weight.
What is Final Reserve Fuel?
Fuel required to fly for 30 mins at holding speed at 1500 ft above alternate airport elevation in standard conditions.
Should a TEMPO improvement be taken into account for planning purposes?
What does the OM-A say about PROB TEMPO deteriorations?
May be disregarded.
Where can all Emirates Company frequencies, handling frequencies and HF service providers be found?
OM-C/R&AI Guide
What considerations must be done if no weather forecast is available?
The aerdrome weather must be considered below company minima.
What are standard weights for crew?
85 kg without other baggage, 100 kg with other baggage.
Give the CAT II and CAT IIIA/B RVR requirements.
- CAT II: 350(300)/125/>75
- CAT IIIA: 200/125/>75
- CAT IIIB: 75/75/>75
Once airborne, which minima need be considered?
Only charted minima.
What rules apply for wind limitations in the planning phase?
Mean wind should be within required limits. Gusts may be disregarded. Exception is short lived WX phenomena (TEMPO), where mean wind and gusts may both be disregarded.
When is manual (not computerized) fuel planning used?
It’s not permitted.
Where can information on documents to be carried be found?
OM-A ch. 8.1.12
What is the Emirates policy on the mass for passengers, baggage, cargo and fuel?
Standard mass for passengers and their hand baggage, actual weights for baggage, cargo and fuel.
What is the approach ban point for CAT II/III approaches?
It is depicted on the CCI LVOPS page.
Who adds Additional Fuel to the flight plan?
Flight Dispatch
What are the LMC limits?
LMC limit for individual or total LMC is 500 kg.
When should an ATC flight plan be amended or cancelled and new one submitted?
When the expected delay to departure time is 30 minutes or more.
How is the contingency fuel calculated with the Decision Point Procedure?
Whichever is greater of:
- Contingency fuel not less than 5% of the estimated fuel used from the decision point to destination, or
- 3% of estimated trip fuel from departure airport to enroute alternate.
What are the circling approach minima?
1000 ft AAL or published minima, whichever higher, and 5000 m or published minima.
In the event that Engineering assistance is unavailable, may the Commander certify the tech log?
Yes, in coordination with VPNC and MCC the commander may certify the following:
- Refuelling.
- Transit checks.
- The transfer of a defect into the ADD section.
What are the standard masses used by Emirates?
- Male: 85 kg
- Female: 70 kg
- Child: 38 kg
- Infant: 10 kg
Explain the company planning minima for destination alternate.
- CATIII: CAT I minima
- CATII: CAT I minima plus 100 ft/300 m
- CATI: NPA minima
- NPA: Company Circling Minima, or NPA minima plus 200 ft/1000 m
- Circling: Higher of 1200 ft/5000 m or charted minima
Which two strategies have been established for depressurisation?
Segment and Area Depressurisation Strategy. SDS considers all obstacles 8000 ft and above within 5 nm either side of the airway. ADS is a defined geographical area with terrain higher than 8000 ft.
What percentage of lighting may be unservicable with no effect?
50%, although complete failure of the first half of the runway lights must be considered as total failure.
Which weights are used for passenger baggage LMC’s?
Actual weights, or if obtaining actual weight will cause a delay, a notional value of 20 kg per bag shall be used.
How is the gross error check done for after fuel uplift?
Fuel weight as indicated compared to fuel remaining before uplift plus the weight of fuel uplifted.
What cost index is alternate fuel consumption based on?
What is the minimun width of a runway used?
45 m
Is fuel LMC’s allowed on the Boeing?
Which RFFs are rquired for the B777?
9 for departure and destination, 7 for alternate and temporary downgrade, 4 for ETOPS enroute alternate. 6 for cargo except ETOPS.
Which frequency does Emirates Engineering monitor and what is their callsign?
Network Control frequency 132.6, callsign is “Emirates Engineering”.