Flight pointers Flashcards
What is the difference between stabilized, decelerated and early stabilized approach?
Is there anything we need to add to the flight plan page when doing a early stabilized approach?
Both approaches are considered stabilized approaches.
- Decelerated is the normal approach, defaulted on the MCDU. To be fully configured before 2,000ft
- Early stabilized approach is to be fully configured by the FAF.
- Set Vapp manually on the FAF in the MCDU.
In an RNAV approach, can we fly direct to the FAF?
No. We can fly to the IAF. Flying direct to the FAF, the crew is responsible for the aircraft configuration timings and speed. If flying direct to the FAF, request for a visual approach. Must be in VMC
What is a discontinued approach? How do we conduct a discontued approach?
An approach above the selected go around FCU altitude. Simply cancel the approach button. If below the FCU set altitude for go around, a go around must be performed
What are the conditions of the Stabilization Criteria
A. Stabilization Height:
- 1,000ft above - instrument approach
- 500ft above - visual/circling approach
B. The aircraft:
- C: correct lateral / vertical flight path
- D: have the desired landing configuration
- T: thrust is stabilized & above idle (40%)
- S: speed on target for the approach
- N: no excess flight parameter deviation
- L: landing checklist is completed
Otherwise, go around.
What is VLE?
Max speed with landing gear extended
What is VLO?
Max landing gear operation speed
What is VA?
Max maneuvering speed. Max structural speed with side stick fully deflected in alternate or direct law
What is VMCG?
Minimum control speed on the ground, during takeoff at which the aircraft can be controlled by primary flight controls on a single engine take off
What is VMCA?
Minimum control speed in the air, during takeoff at which the aircraft can be controlled with a maximum bank of 5 deg if one engine fails
What is VS? Is this displayed on the PFD?
Stall speed. Not displayed.
What is VMO?
Max speed
What is MMO?
Max Mach
What is V Max?
Red and black barber pole tip on the upper section of the speed tape.
The lowest of either VMO/MMO, VLO or VFE
What is VFE?
Maximum flap speed for each flap configuration. Symbol on the speed tape is the tip of the red and black barber pole on the upper section of the speed tape
What is Vsw? When is it normally displayed?
Stall Speed when normal law is not active. Displayed on the Speed Tape. Shown as a red and black strip