Flight Mode Annunciators Flashcards
Autothrottle (A/T) Engaged Mode
N1 (green) GA (green) RETARD (green) FMC SPEED (green) MCP SPD (green) THR HOLD (green) ARM (WHITE)
Roll Engaged Mode
HDG SEL (green)
VOR/LOC (green)
LNAV (green)
Roll Armed Mode
VOR/LOC (white)
LNAV VOR/LOC (white)
Pitch Engaged Mode
TO/GA (green) V/S (green) MDP SPD (green) ALT/ACQ (green) ALT HOLD (green) G/S (green) Flare (green) VNAV SPD (green) VNAV PATH (green) VNAV ALT (green)
Green Rectangle
Mode change highlight symbol for a period of 10 seconds after each engagement
CWS Roll Engaged
CWS R (amber)
Autopilot Status
CMD (green)
SINGLE CH (amber)
FD (green)
CWS Pitch Engaged
CWS P (amber)
Pitch Armed Mode
G/S (white) V/S (white) FLARE (white) G/S V/S (white) As installed (bold): VNAV (white)
One or both autopilots are engaged
The Flight Director is ON and the autopilot is either OFF or engaged in CWS
Single CH
For single A/P ILS approach, annunciates after localizer capture and remains on for entire approach.
For Dual A/P ILS approach, annunciates after localizer capture and extinguishes after pitch monitor confidence test is successfully completed.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display, including full go-around N1 limit.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
The autothrottle maintains thrust at reduced go-around setting.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
Displayed while autothrottle moves thrust levers to the stop. RETARD mode is followed by ARM mode.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
The autothrottle maintains speed commanded by the FMC. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
The autothrottle maintains speed set in the MCP IAS/MACH T. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited;
the pilot can set the thrust levers manually.
(Auto Throttle Mode)
No autothrottle mode engaged. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited; the pilot can set the thrust levers manually. Minimum speed protection is provided.
TO/GA (Takeoff) (Pitch Mode)
(Pitch Mode)(Takeoff)
Engaged for takeoff by turning both F/D switches ON and pushing either TO/GA switch. Both F/Ds must be ON to engage TO/GA prior to starting takeoff.
The AFDS commands pitch attitude in the following order:
- 10 degrees nose down until 60 knots
- 15 degrees nose up after 60 knots
- 15 degrees nose up after lift-off until a sufficient climb rate is acquired. Then pitch is commanded to maintain MCP speed plus 20 knots. TO/GA can also be engaged after takeoff with F/D switches OFF if a TO/GA switch is pushed after 80 KIAS below 2,000’ AGL and prior to 150 seconds after lift-off.
TO/GA (Go-Around) (Pitch Mode)
(Pitch Mode)(Go-Around)
Engaged for go-around by pushing the TO/GA switch under the following conditions:
1. inflight below 2,000’ RA
2. inflight below 2,000’ RA with flaps not up or G/S captured.
3. not in takeoff mode
4. either F/D ON or OFF
When engaged, the F/D’s command roll to hold the ground track, and 15 degrees nose up pitch. After reaching a programmed rate of climb, pitch commands the target airspeed for each flap setting based on maximum takeoff weight calculations.
VNAV (Armed) (As Installed)(Pitch Mode)
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed) VNAV (Armed)
Displayed when VNAV is armed prior to takeoff. After takeoff, VNAV automatically engages as 400’ RA.
VNAV (Engaged) (As Installed)
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
VNAV is engaged by pushing the VNAV switch. With a VNAV mode engaged, the FMC commands AFDS path and A/T modes to fly the vertical profile.
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
The AFDS maintains the FMC speed displayed on the airspeed indicator and/or the CDU CLIMB or DESCENT pages.
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
The AFDS maintains FMC altitude or descent path with pitch commands.
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
When a conflict occurs between the VNAV profile and MCP altitude, the airplane levels at the MCP altitude and the pitch flight mode annunciation becomes VNAV ALT. VNAV ALT maintains altitude.
V/S (armed)
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
(Armed) V/S mode can be engaged by moving Vertical Speed thumb wheel.
V/S (engaged)
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
(Engaged) commands pitch to hold selected vertical speed.
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
Transition maneuver entered automatically from a V/S, LVL CHG, or VNAV climb or descent to selected MCP altitude. Engages but does not annunciate during VNAV transition.
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
Commands pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude at which ALT HOLD switch was pushed.
MCP SPD (Pitch Mode)
(Pitch Mode)(As Installed)
Pitch commands maintain IAS/MACH window airspeed or Mach.