Flight Controls Flashcards
What type of flight control system does the aircraft
A functionally distributed Fly-by-Wire (FBW) control system (AOM 9-08-01)
What are the two basic modes of operation for
the flight control system?
Normal Mode (NM) and Direct Mode (DM) (AOM 9-08-40)
When will the flight control system revert automatically
to Direct Mode (DM) operation?
When it is not possible to keep the Normal Mode
(NM) operation due to multiple system failures
(AOM 9-08-40)
Is flight under Direct Mode (DM) recommended?
Why or why not?
No, it should be avoided as some airplane
protection functions are only available in Normal
Mode (NM) (AOM 9-08-40)
What happens when the AP/PTY button is momentarily
The autopilot is automatically disengaged
AOM 9-08-30
What happens when the AP/PTY button is
pressed for more than 1 second?
Exclusive control is given to the sidestick
while pressed and the priority annunciation is
activated (AOM 9-08-30)
What happens when the AP/PTY button is
pressed and held for more than 20 seconds?
The respective sidestick will have exclusive control latched (AOM 9-08-30)
If one sidestick has been latched out, how can
exclusive control be removed?
By pressing either side’s priority button
AOM 9-08-30
What happens if dual sidestick input occurs and
priority has not been requested by either pilot?
A tactile warning in both sidesticks is activated
and an aural warning and PFD flag are triggered.
The sidestick inputs are algebraically summed
(AOM 9-08-30)
Is sidestick controller priority logic available in Direct Mode (DM)?
No, it is only available in Normal Mode (NM).
AOM 9-08-30
With the autopilot engaged, what does pressing
the Touch Control Steering (TCS) button do?
It allows the pilot to manually control the
airplane while the autopilot is engaged
(AOM 9-08-30)
During manual flight with flaps 3 or full, landing
gear down, and the AP disengaged, what does
pressing the Touch Control Steering (TCS) button
Resets the TCS trim speed bug (AOM 9-08-30)
How can the multifunction spoilers be deployed
for use as speed brakes?
By the SPEED BRAKE LEVER (AOM 9-08-30)
What are the angles of multifunction spoilers that
correspond with the speed brake positions?
From 0° (STOW) to 30° (FULL) (AOM 9-08-30)
When can the Pitch Trim Switch be manually
Only on the ground or in Direct Mode (DM)
AOM 9-08-30
Which button is used to recover Normal Mode
(NM) or to revert to Direct Mode (DM) in the case
of a Normal Mode (NM) misbehavior?
AOM 9-08-30
When is a manual reversion to Direct Mode (DM)
When the following FCS protection envelopes
are engaged: Low speed protection, Angle of
Attack (AOA) limiter protection and high speed
protection (AOM 9-08-30)
On the FLIGHT CONTROL synoptic page, what
color actuator status indicates that the respective
flight control surface is in the normal mode and
at least one actuator is engaged?
Green (AOM 9-08-30)
On the FLIGHT CONTROL synoptic page, what
does a yellow actuator status indicate?
It indicates direct mode and at least one actuator is operational (AOM 9-08-30)
When is the side slip target presented by a blue
side slip-skid indicator?
In a one engine inoperative (OEI) condition
during takeoff, climb and go-around flight phase
(AOM 9-08-30)
Where is the Low Speed Awareness (LSA) band
located? The Pitch Limit Indicators (PLIs)?
Adjacent to the speed tape; On the ADI
AOM 9-08-30
List the three LSA bands in Normal Mode (NM)
and what they indicate:
VSS—Top of the white tape–low speed protection function VAOA—Top of the amber tape–AOA limiter function activation VLIM—Top of the red tape–the speed associated with the maximum allowable AOA airspeed (AOM 9-08-30)
Do the VSS and VAOA/VLIM indications behave the
same in turns and other maneuvers? Why or why
No, because VSS is defined in terms of speed
and VAOA/VLIM are defined in terms of AOA
(AOM 9-08-30)
Do VAOA and VLIM increase with load factor?
Yes (AOM 9-08-30)
Is the AOA limiter function operational in Direct
Mode (DM)?
No (AOM 9-08-30)
List the two LSA bands in Direct Mode (DM)and
what they represent:
VMS—Top of the amber tape;
VSA—Top of the red tape, indicates the airspeed
at which the STALL aural alert is triggered
(AOM 9-08-30)
Are the Pitch Limit Indicators (PLIs) displayed in Direct Mode (DM)?
No (AOM 9-08-30)
What color does the Pitch Limit Indicator become
if the airspeed drops below VAOA in Normal Mode
(NM)? How about VLIM?
Amber; Red (AOM 9-08-30)
How many Flight Control Computers (FCCs) are
sufficient to provide Normal Mode (NM) functionality?
One (AOM 9-08-40)
What is the purpose of the Black Airplane Battery?
To withstand operation of a minimum of 15
minutes in order for the flight crew to recover
the proper airplane electrical system operation.
(AOM 9-08-40)
How long does each PBIT test of the FCS take?
Less than one minute (AOM 9-08-40)
If the PBIT conditions are not satisfied, up to
how many PBIT operation attempts can the FCS
automatically perform?
Up to three (AOM 9-08-40)
During a PBIT operation, which CAS message is
AOM 9-08-40
When is the de-rotation control law active?
When the airplane touches down (AOM 9-08-50)
What does the de-rotation control law
A smooth nose down movement by commanding
the elevator to a nose down pitch of 2° per
second (AOM 9-08-50)
What does the neutral spiral stability control law
It automatically trims the elevator when
the sidestick controller is set back to the neutral
position to maintain flight level during turns up
to 33° of bank angle (AOM 9-08-50)
If the pilot commands a turn with a bank angle of
greater than 33°, what do they
need to do in order to maintain level flight
in that turn?
Maintain the desired sidestick lateral
deflection and move the sidestick controller aft
(AOM 9-08-50)
List the 4 conditions that will cause the speed
brakes to automatically stow:
If the airspeed drops below 160 KTS or the TLA
position is greater than 55°, the flap lever and
position is set to 3 or FULL, or the AOA limiter
function is engaged (AOM 9-08-50)
If the speed brakes are automatically stowed,
what indication will the pilots have and how can
the speed brakes be reactivated?
is displayed and the SPEED BRAKE LEVER must
be set back to STOW (AOM 9-08-50)
Define a Flight Control Normal Mode (NM) misbehavior:
It is any airplane behavior that the flight crew
realize it is behaving unexpectedly, not responding
adequately to the commands or is presenting
a lack of response (AOM 9-08-50)
How is a manual reversion to Direct Mode (DM)
available if the flight crew detects a Flight Control
Normal Mode (NM) misbehavior?
By pressing the FLTCTRL NORMAL MODE button
AOM 9-08-50
How is a reversion to Direct Mode (DM)
AOM 9-08-50
What do the Flight Control Laws (CLAWS) provide?
Flight envelope protections to prevent the
airplane from exceeding the flight limit envelope
limitations (AOM 9-08-50)
What are the two flight envelopes for the airplane?
The normal flight envelope and the limit flight
envelope (AOM 9-08-50)
What are the limits of the normal flight
33° bank angle protection, high speed protection
(VMO), low energy avoidance protection (1.13 VS),
and pitch attitude protection (AOM 9-08-50)
What are the limits of the high speed protection
The airspeed is limited to VMO+ 22 kts.
AOM 9-08-50
When does the pitch attitude protection
At pitch angles of 30° pitch up and 15° pitch
down (AOM 9-08-50)
What does the limit flight envelope require?
More pilot effort to maintain the airplane in this
configuration (AOM 9-08-50)
What are the boundaries/hard limits of the limit
flight envelope?
The external boundaries of the limit flight envelope
are reached at full control application. The
hard limits of the limit flight envelope are the
maximum AOA, airplane structural limits (load
factor protection), maximum sideslip protection,
and dive speed protection. There are no hard
limits for pitch and bank angles (AOM 9-08-50)
Is the AP operational in Direct Mode (DM)?
No (AOM 9-08-50)
In Direct Mode (DM), how does the airplane
Like a conventional airplane and the sidestick
controller and pedal deflections are directly
related to the surface position (AOM 9-08-50)