Autoflight Flashcards
What systems make up the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)?
The Flight Director (FD), Autopilot (AP) and the
Autothrottles (AT) (AOM 9-03-01)
Which panel hosts the controls for the AP, AT
and FD, plus lateral and vertical reference/mode
selection and course selection?
The Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
panel (AOM 9-03-30)
What does pushing the FD button on the AFCS
panel do?
Engages and disengages the flight director on both PFDs (AOM 9-03-30)
What does pushing the AT button on the AFCS
panel do?
Engages and disengages the autothrottle
AOM 9-03-30
What does the outer ring of the SPD knob allow
the pilot to select?
Select the source of the speed reference between
MAN and FMS (AOM 9-03-30)
What does pushing the HDG button on the AFCS
panel do?
Selects heading mode when pushed once
and alternates with roll mode if pushed again
(AOM 9-03-30)
How can the heading bug be synchronized with
the current airplane heading?
By pushing the HDG button on the AFCS panel
AOM 9-03-30
Pushing the BANK button on the AFCS will toggle
between what bank angles?
±15° and ±30° (AOM 9-03-30)
What is the up and down range of the FPA mode?
9.9° up and down (AOM 9-03-30)
How can the flight path angle/reference line be
By rotating the FPA knob (AOM 9-03-30)
What does the outer knob on the ALT knob select?
The inner knob?
Selects the altitude increasing/decreasing
1,000 ft (or 100 m). Selects the altitude increasing/
decreasing 100 ft (or 10 m) (AOM 9-03-30)
What does pushing the SRC button do?
Alternates between the PFD 1 and PFD 2
FMA modes as the source for the autopilot
(AOM 9-03-30)
When the autopilot is engaged, what does pushing
the TCS button on the sidestick do?
It activates the TCS (AP override) as long as
neither the takeoff nor go-around mode is active
(AOM 9-03-30)
Where are the AT/DISC buttons located? The TO/
GA buttons?
On the thrust levers (AOM 9-03-30)
With the AP engaged, will the AP disengage if
force is applied on the sidestick, either in the
pitch or roll direction?
Yes (AOM 9-03-30)
What are the two FD cues presented?
The flight director cue (a magenta circle) and the takeoff crossbar (AOM 9-03-30)
What does the green Flight Path Vector cue indicate?
The current flight path in reference to the horizon line (AOM 9-03-30)
Where is the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA)
located, and what does it display?
On the upper part of both PFDs; annunciations
for auto throttle, autopilot, approach status,
lateral and vertical modes (AOM 9-03-30)
List the FMA color codes for normal operation.
Magenta—For FMS active/engaged modes;
Green—Non-FMS active/engaged modes;
White—Armed modes; Amber—Alert condition;
Red—Abnormal condition (AOM 9-03-30)
What does an amber LIM on the FMA indicate?
The auto throttle is in speed mode and the
selected speed target can not be achieved
because the auto throttle has limited N1 rating
(AOM 9-03-30)
What are the two precision approach capabilities
of the airplane?
Either APPR 1 or APPR 2 (AOM 9-03-30)
When is the autopilot aural alert triggered?
When the AP is disengaged by the pilot or
due to a system failure (AOM 9-03-30)
How can the autopilot aural alert be cancelled?
By pressing the AP/PTY buttons on either
sidestick (AOM 9-03-30)
When will the airplane automatically transition to
the half bank mode?
When the airplane attitude is greater
than 25,000 ft during a climb (AOM 9-03-40)
Prior to selecting the TO/GA button, what must
be set in order to display the takeoff crossbar on
the PFD?
The flap 1 or 2 position must be selected, and
the airplane weight must be set and the takeoff
speeds must be sent in the FMS (AOM 9-03-40)
What computed takeoff speed reference is set in
TO mode?
V2+15 kts—AEO; In the case of OEI below V2,
the speed reference will be set to V2
(AOM 9-03-40)
What altitudes are associated with the ILS approach
check points to try to engage the highest
system capability available?
1,500 ft RA and 800 ft RA (AOM 9-03-40)
What is Emergency Descent Mode (EDM)?
A function that can automatically bring the
airplane to a safe altitude in the ultimate
scenario of cabin depressurization and pilot
incapacitation (AOM 9-03-40)
When is EDM enabled?
When the AP is engaged and the airplane is
above 25,000 ft (AOM 9-03-40)
When is EDM activated?
When EDM is enabled and a depressurization
event occurs (a red CABIN ALTITUDE CAS
message is displayed) (AOM 9-03-40)
If the Autopilot (AP) is engaged, what happens to
the autothrottle (AT) when the airspeed is below
the top of the LSA white bar?
The autothrottle will automatically be engaged
AOM 9-03-40
What happens to the Autopilot (AP) when the
AOA limit function is activated?
It is disengaged (AOM 9-03-40)
What phases of flight is the autothrottle system
approved to operate in?
All phases of flight: takeoff, climb, cruise,
descent, approach, landing and during OEI
operations (AOM 9-03-50)
What is the purpose of the HOLD mode of the
To ensure that no undesirable thrust
reductions are experienced during the takeoff
(AOM 9-03-50)
When will the autothrottle (AT) HOLD mode be
From the time the airplane exceeds 60 kts during
the takeoff roll until 400 ft AGL (AOM 9-03-50)
What is the minimum autopilot engagement
400 ft (AOM 2-56)
What is the minimum autopilot use height with
Vertical Path Reference?
80 ft (AOM 2-56)
What is the minimum autopilot use height without
Vertical Path Reference?
180 ft (AOM 2-56)
When planning to land with the autothrottle engaged,
what is the VREF additive and how much is
the unfactored landing distance multiplied by?
5 KIAS; 1.1 (AOM 2-56)