Flight Controls Flashcards
Overview 1
Roll control provides lateral control (roll) of the aircraft through ailerons and spoilers. Primary pitch is controlled with elevators on a movable horizontal stabilizer used for pitch trim. A conventional rudder system operate with the rudder pedals and provides yaw control. Electric trim is provided for each flight control system.
Overview 2
Electric wing flaps and hydraulic powered speed brakes are on each wing.
The pitch/roll disconnect allows the roll and pitch controls to operate independently.
The left control column connects directly to the?
The left control column connects directly to the ailerons.
How is the aileron ratio changer controlled?
What does the aileron ratio changer do?
It adjusts the amount of aileron deflection in proportion to control wheel input.
How are spoilers operated?
Interconnect with the ailerons and operate with the control wheel.
What is the function of the Spoiler mixer box?
The spoiler mixer box provides proportional spoiler deflection as commanded through control column.
The spoiler mixer box mixer box commands each spoiler panel to deploy (panels 2,3,4 and 7,8,9).
Ailerons are a single panel at the trailing edge of the outer portion of each wing. Trim tabs are on each aileron and assist with aileron deflection. Airstream is deflected by the tab, which assists the pilot with control force inputs. The ailerons are controlled mechanically through cables and pulleys.
What does the elevator tab system consist of?
The elevator tab system consists of left and right elevator tabs.
When the stabilizer leading edge is full up, how is the elevator tab deflected?
When a stabilizer leading edge is full up, the tab has only a small down deflection.
What does the Mach trim system do?
The Mach trim system increases aircraft pitch up forces at air speeds above 0.77 Mach.
Is the autopilot commanded trim availability while operating the secondary trim?
Secondary trim requires power from which bus?
Emergency bus power.
Yaw control is provided with a single rudder attached to the vertical stabilizer. The system provides directional control about the vertical axis of the aircraft. Conventional rudder pedals are at each pilot station and are mechanically connected to the rudder by two cables and pulleys.
What is routed into the rudder bias actuator cylinder?
Bleed air from each engine is routed into its respective side of a rudder bias actuator cylinder.
What type of flaps are found on the Soverign?
Three Fowler flap segments.
How are the flaps controlled and operated?
With main DC electrical power.
The wing flap system consists of an electrically operated, mechanical drive system that extends and retracts flap panels on the wings.
The flap system is continuously monitored.
When is the amber FLAPS FAIL CAS message displayed? (5)
- Uncommanded flap movement.
- Flap movement opposite of the command.
- Rapid flap handle operation.
- Flap handle out of a detent longer than 4 seconds.
- Flap asymmetry.
The FLAP RESET button is on the center pedestal. If a flap system fault occurs, the amber FLAPS FAIL CAS message is displayed and the FLAP RESET button illuminates. If the condition can be reset, pressing the illuminated RESET button resets the system and extinguishes the CAS message.
How many dedicated panels is part of the speedbrake system?
The speed break control system consists of two dedicated speed brake panels and three spoiler panels on each wing.
Where must the speed brake handle be positioned for the dedicated speed brake panels to be deployed?
The speed brake handle must be positioned past the detent to allow the dedicated speed brake panels (1,5,6,and 10) to be fully deployed.
How are the speed brakes actuated and held up?
The speed brakes are actuated and held up with hydraulic pressure.
The PITCH/ROLL disconnect T-handle is on the aft portion of the center pedestal. This handle is used to remove the connection between the left and right control columns if a flight control becomes jammed.
On the ground, with the throttle below the CRU detent, this condition contributes to the NO TAKEOFF CAS message and A pitch roll disc message is displayed in the NO TAKEOFF window of the MFD. Pulling the handle up allows the left control column to operate the left elevator and ailerons and the right control column to operate the right elevator and roll spoilers.
If no jam is found in the roll system (both control wheels rotate freely), the ailerons and roll spoiler can be reconnected by rotating the disconnect handle to the PITCH RECONNECT position.
The right control column connects to the?
The right control column connects directly to the spoiler system.
Are the left and right control columns interconnected?
The left and right control columns are interconnected, allowing both control wheels to operate together.
Where are the spoilers found?
The spoilers are the three middle panels on top each wing.
How does the elevator tab system drive the elevator tabs?
The elevator tab system mechanically drives the elevator tabs.
What does the elevator tab system do?
The elevator tab system mechanically drives the elevator tabs to keep the elevators faired with the horizontal stabilizer as the stabilizer is trimmed. The elevator tabs are linked to the horizontal stabilizer and adjust with leading edge movement, up,or down.
Describe what happens to the elevator tab as the stabilizer moves leading edge down?
As the stabilizer moves leading edge down, direct linkage to the stabilizer mechanically forces the tab to progressively move down.
What does the additional pitch control of the Mach trim system assist with?
The additional pitch control compensates for the reduction of pitch forces at higher Mach speeds.
What causes the rudder bias actuator to extend or retract?
Differential pressure causes the actuator to extend or retract. An electronically controlled variable speed actuator adjusts the effect of the rudder bias actuator on rudder movement. The position of the variable speed actuator is determined automatically by aircraft speed.
, thrust reverser status, or selection of the RUDDER BIAS NORM/O’RIDE button.
What adjusts the effect of the rudder bias actuator on rudder movement?
An electronically controlled variable speed actuator.
How is the position of the variable speed actuator determined?
The position of the variable speed actuator is determined automatically by aircraft speed, thrust reverser status, or selection of the RUDDER BIAS NORM/O’RIDE button.
What panel numbers are the dedicated speed brake panels?
Panels 1,5,6 and 10 are dedicated speed brakes.
Which panels are modulated by pilot inputs?
The spoiler/ speed brake panel (2,3,4,7,8, and 9) positions are modulated by pilot inputs. Panels 2,3,4,7,8, and 9 modulate up at varying degrees with roll commands and or speed brake commands.
What happens when there is a loss of pressure to the speed brakes?
If a loss of pressure occurs, the speed brakes will ratchet to a stowed position.