Flight Controls Flashcards
How many laws are there
3 laws
Who changes the law
It is auto reconfigured
What are the 2 flight control computers
The Primary and Secondary, or PRIMs and SECs
Of the 5 computers, only 1 can
Safely control the airplane and land
PRIM 1 is normally
The master and sends info to the other 4 computers
If the green hyd is lost
PRIM 2 replaces PRIM 1 as the master computer
If all PRIMs fails, the SECs
Control all the surfaces in direct law
If all PRIMs fails
Each SECs operates as it’s own master
Yaw for turn coordination is
Indirectly controlled by the movement of the sidestick
In normal law, movement of the sidestick is
Regarded by the PRIMs as request
In normal law, the rudder
Has no protection like the sidestick input
What are the only 2 flight control that can operate with a complete loss of electrical power
The stabilizer and the rudder
The rudder has
A BCM that is self powered
All flight controls are powered by
Hydraulic power
How many ailerons
2 per wing
How many spoilers
6 per wing
The outboard ailerons are
Faired (inhibited) aboive 190 kt
Spoilers 2 to 6 also functions has
Roll augmentation
Is there an aileron trim
How many Flight Control pb switch
The 3 PRIMs receive inputs from
The ADIRU, SFCC, FMGC, LGCIU, accelerometers and rate gyros
There is a mechanical THS link via
The trim hand wheels
The SECs receive inputs from
The SECs do not receive input from what flight control
The speedbrake lever
The SECs cannot control
The inboard ailerons configuration allows for
4 computers to provide controls
The inputs to the hydaulic motor to control the THS are provided by
3 electric motors, 1 master, then 2, then 3
The elevator jack are operated by PRIM 1, then
PRIM 2, then SEC 1 and then SEC 2 in that order
If you pitch or roll, when the sidestick is released
The position will be maintained
A re-trim is not necesary for
A change in airspeed
The normal law prevents
Pitch and roll to go outside the normal flight envelope
In flight all spoiler panel can be used as
How do you arm the ground spoilers
By lifting the spoilers handle
The sidestick position indicator only appears
On the ground
On the ECAM F/CTL page, the hyd normally shows green, what is the other color
Amber if low pressure
When a faulty spoiler panel is deflected when it shoudn’t, it shows as
An amber arrow
When a faulty spoiler panel is not deflected when it shoud, it shows as
It’s position number in amber and underlined
There is __ slats and __ flaps per wing
7 and 2
There is __ SFCC each having __ channel for slats and __ channel for flaps
2, 1 and 1
What are the flaps positions
0, 1, 2, 3 and Full
How many reconfiguration laws are there, including the sub levels
5 reconfiguration laws
In Alt 1, the high speed and low energy protection are lost but replaced with
High/low speed stability
The low speed stability in Alt 1 does
Gently lower the nose if a low speed (5-10 kt before stall) is detected
The A-FLOOR feature of A/THR is ____ in Alt 1
The high speed stability in Alt 1 does
Pull the nose up to prevent an overspeed
Can you override the higl/low speed stability protections
Is pitch control the same in Alt 1 and Alt 2
In Alt 2, what is the normal roll rate
20 to 25 degrees per second
What spoilers are inhibited in Alt 2
Spoiler 2, 3 and 6
Does Dutch Roll damping remain available on Alt 2
In Alt 2, there is
No bank angle protection
In Alt 2, if 3 ADRs fails
The Alt 1 high speed stability fails
In Alt 2, if 2 ADRs fails
The Alt 1 low speed stability fails
In direct law, pitch and roll are
Directly controlled
In direct law, the auto trim of the THS is lost but
You can manually trim
You keep ___ and ____ in direct law
Stall warning and overspeed warning
In direct law, all protections are
If a MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY in red is displayed, it means
That both L and R elevator are at fault, the THS auto trim is disabled
When normal law is not available
The overspeed protection symbol (2 lines) is not displayed
When normal law is not available, the VàPROT and VàMAX are replaced by
Vsw indications
When bank angle protection is not available
The bank angle limits indicatior is replaced by an amber X
When Pitch Angle Protection is not available
The pitch angle limit indicator is replaced by an amber X
The two backup controls are
The THS and Rudder control
The BPS is powered by
The Blue or Yellow hyd system
The BCM provides
Direct control to the rudder and yaw damping
Abnormal Attitude law operates when (pitch) is
+50 or -30
Abnormal Attitude law operates when (bank angle) is
More than 125 degrees
Abnormal Attitude law operates when (AOA) is
+30 or -10
Abnormal Attitude law operates when (speed) is
+440 kts or below 60 kts
Abnormal Attitude law operates when (mach) is
+0.96 or below 0.1
Abnormal Attitude law, the pitch, roll and yaw are
Alt (but without most protections), direct and Alt
Abnormal Attitude law, the auto trim THS is
Abnormal Attitude law, the load protection is
What are the 3 modes of normal law
Ground, flight and flare
What are the 2 conditions to go from ground mode to flight mode
In flight with pitch attitude of more than 8 degrees, or 50ft radalt for 5 secs
What is the condition to go from flight mode to flare mode
When the radalt is lower than 100ft for 2 secs
Can the flare mode go back to flight mode, if yes then when
Yes (GA), and it goes back when radalt is more than 100ft for 2 secs
The transition to ground mode takes a minimum of __ seconds
What are the 2 conditions to go from flare mode to ground mode
On ground and pitch attitude is less than 2.5 degrees for 5 secs
There is no auto trim before
The rotation is flown
In direct law with full authority
In normal law, what is the max roll rate
15 degrees per seconds
In normal law, the max bank
Is 67 degrees
In normal law, there is no need for pitch correction in banks of up to
33 degrees
In normal law, if the sidestick is centered when in bank of more than 33 degrees
The bank will roll back to 33 degrees
The flare mode is
A direct stick to elevator relationship with some damping
There is a slight pitch down elevator force at what altitude
50 RA
The structural load limits in clean configuration are
+2.5g to -1g
The structural load limits with slats ou are
+2g to 0g
What is the pitch attitude protection indications and angle
2 sets of green dash at +30 and -15 degrees
The high angle of attack protection takes priority over
All other types of protection
Max bank angle during AOA protection is
45 degrees
If the bank angle is above 45 degrees, the
AP will disconnect and FD crossbar dissapears, reapears at 40
A-FLOOR is a feature of A/THR, it
Activates the A/THR (if it wasn’t) anf apply TOGA thrust that activate automatically between VàPROT and VàMAX
A-FLOOR is also activated if
Nose is higher than 25 degrees (or AOA protection is active) and sidestick is deflected at more than 14 degrees
High speed protection is activate at
Vmo/Mmo or above
2 green dash are 4 kts above Vmo/Mmo, this is
The speed at which high speed protection activates
At the high speed protection activation, the
AP disconnects and pitch trim is frozen
At the high speed protection active, the bank angle limit is 45 degrees and if the sidestick is released
The bank will go back to 0 (wings level)
The low energy warning is provided for what configuration
Conf 2, 3 and F, between 100 and 2000 feet RA
The MLA activates if
Sidestick is pulled by more than 8 degrees and load factor is above 2g
The MLA moves which surfaces
Ailerons and spoiler 4 to 6
MLA operates only when
Airspeed is above 250kt, flaps at 0 and in normal or alternate law
Turbulence damping is only active
Above 200kt, in normal flight envelope, with AP on or in manual control in normal law
The PRIMs and SECs pb are
Off/Reset button
The maximum deflection of the elevator is
+30 and -15 degrees
The maximum deflection of the THS is
+14 and -2 degrees
The elevator hyd servojacks have 3 modes
Active, Damping and Centering
If all elevator jacks fails, they all operate in
The centering mode
The THS is driven by a jackscrew that is driven by
2 hydraulic motors, that are driven by 3 electric motors
What is the backup to the THS hydraulic motors 3 electric motors
Mechanically operated by the pitch trim wheel
The mechanical backup is available as long as there is
Pressure in the blue or yellow hydraulic system
After landing and nose gear touchdown, the THS is automatically set to
+4 degrees for the next TO
The maximum deflection for the ailerons is
25 degrees
The maximum deflection for the spoilers is
35 degrees
The ailerons are powered by
2 hyd servojacks
The aileron servojack have 2 modes
Active and damping
If an hydraulic system fails, the associated aileron servojack operate in
Damping mode
The outboard ailerons are normally faired
Above 190 kts, but can work to up to 300kt if Conf 0 and with AP on
When the RAT is deployed, the outboard ailerons are operated in
Damping mode to reduce hydraulic consumption
In case of spoiler fault or electrical control loss, the associated spoiler is
Automatically retracted
Except for spoiler 4 anf 6, if one spoiler fails
The one on the other side will also retract for control symmetry
All spoiler panels are controlled by
Only 1 computer, and no backup
The sidestick do not provide
Feedback to the pilot
The ‘‘Take Over Button’’ is used for
Disconnecting the AP or taking control from the other side
It is possible to takeover the control by
Pressing and maintaining the Take Over Button while the control is desired
If the takeover button is pressed for more than 40 sec
The sidestick in control latches in control (don’t need to press the button anymore)
The spoiler panel are displayed on what ECAM page
F/CTL and WHEEL page
Max deflection (for speedbrake) of spoiler 1 is __ and 2 to 6 is __
25 and 30 degrees
For spoiler 2 to 6, roll augmentation has
Priority over speedbrake function
If the speedbrakes are out and a inhibit occurs, the speedbrake will
Retract and stay retracted until the condition is resolved and the lever is back to Retract for 5 secs
The groundspoiler auto deploy when
Armed and the thrust is at idle during RTO or landing
The groundspoilers will deploy on a RTO when armed if
Speed was above 72 kts and, idle or reverse trhrust is selected
Max deflection (for groundspoiler on landing) of spoiler 1 is __ and 2 to 6 is __
35 and 50 degrees
The groundspoilers will deploy on landing when armed if
Both MLG on ground, all thrust idle or reverse
If only one gear touches first, the groundspoiler will deploy at what degrees
14 and 20 degrees, then full extension on second gear touchdown
What is the normal way of retracting the spoilers after landing
Pushing down on the spoiler lever
The maximum deflection of the rudder is
35 degrees but reduces as speed increases
The 3 rudder servojack have 2 modes
Active and damping
Normally the rudder jacks are all
In active mode, unless a hyd system fails
For the rudder, usually PRIM 1, 2 and 3 respectively control which hyd system
1 - Green, 2 - Blue, 3 - Yellow
If all 3 PRIM fails, wich computer takes the rudder
If all electric is lost, the BCM control the
The yellow jack first, blue if yellow is not available
If 3 ADR or 3 PRIM fail, the max rudder deflection is limited to what it reached until
The slats are extended
In clean config, the rudder trim moves at what speed, what about when flaps/slats
1 degree per second; 1 degrees per sec for the first sec, then 3 degrees per sec
The max deflection of the rudder trim is
+/- 25 degrees
The rudder trim is shown as a
Blue line on the rudder indication
If one hydraulic source is lost to the slats or flaps PCU, they will move at
Half speed
The POB locks the slat/flap when
They reach there commanded position or when hyd power fail
If the system operates on 1 SFCC, what happens
Flaps/slats at half speed
The IPPU sends the info to
The slats alpha/speed lock function
Prevents the slats retraction at high AOA or low speed
The Alpha/Speed Lock function will inhibit slat retraction if FLAPS 0 is selected when
The AOA is greater than +8.5° or the airspeed is less than 148 kts
The slat retract inhibit is removed when
AOA decreases to less than +7.6° or when the airspeed increases to greater than 154 kt
In Conf 1+F the flaps auto retract at
200 kts