Flight Controls Flashcards
All flight controls are fly-by-wire except….?
The Ailerons. Even all the spoilers are FBW.
What does the E-PBIT test?
What does the H-PBIT test?
The electrical components of the FBW (Fly-by-wire) system.
The hydraulic components of the FBW (Fly-by-wire) system.
On the flight control page, you will see that the Rudder, and Left and Right Elevator each have ___ actuators.
How many actuators for each surface are powered at any one time? Why?
Only one. (normally alternate each day). This allows for even wear and redundancy. Note: Each actuator for the same control surface is powered by a different hydraulic system.
What are the two different modes that the flight controls can operate in?
What is the difference?
Normal = FCM's provide High Level Functions (such as pitch limiting). Direct = FCM's are bypassed. No High Level Functions.
What protection logic do the Slats/Flaps have?
Skew Protection (asymmetric flap or slat movement). Strike Protection (Stops movement if force required is too great).
Will you get a NO TAKEOFF, TRIM aural if the ROLL or YAW trim is not centered?
No, only the elevator is monitored. It must be in the green band.
How do you cycle the FBW system between NORMAL and DIRECT mode?
By use of the Flight Control Mode Buttons.
FBW Elevators have Higher Level Functions while in Normal Mode, what are they?
AOA Limiting (helps prevent a stall). Pitch Stabilization. Helps prevent pitching moment with thrust changes and during configuration changes. Deflection Limiting (less deflection at higher speeds).
What will you loose if the FBW Rudder system is put in Direct mode?
Rudder Deflection Limiting. Yaw Dampers. Turn Coordination.
MFS Spoilers and Ground Spoilers have Higher Level Functions while in Normal Mode, what are they?
MFS deflection based on airspeed and speed brake deployment (allows for more precise low-speed control).
Ground Spoilers automatic deployment on landing and automatic stowing when thrust added for go around.
As long as the Shaker Cutout buttons are not pressed IN, when will the shakers activate?
When pitched to the PLI (pitch limit indicator).
When airspeed is reduced to the LSA (low speed awareness) region.
What does the ACE (actuator control electronics) do?
What does the FCM (flight control module) do?
What does the PCU (Power Control Unit) do?
ACE connects the control column electronically to the control surface providing a direct analogue control.
FCM provides software-based assistance to the ACE’s to provide Higher Level Functions. (operative in Normal Mode only).
PCU uses commands from the ACE and FCM to hydraulically actuate the control surface.
Are there trim tabs on the aircraft?
No, the entire surface area is trimmed.
Manual Pitch trim is limited to ___ seconds before “TRIM” is announced.
3 seconds.
If only half of the pitch trim switch is activated for more than ___ seconds, what happens?
7 seconds, the switch is disabled.
What is the Stabilizer Trim Priority?
Back Up Switch.
First Officer.
FCM (auto-trim).
What is the red button on the yoke?
The AP/TRIM DISC button.
Short Press = Disengages autopilot.
Press and Hold = Both trim channels are disabled.
How many spoilers are on each wing? Which ones are ground spoilers and which are multifunction spoilers.
5 on each wing:
3 Multi-function spoiler (outboard),
2 Ground Spoilers only (inboard).
Speedbrakes will automatically retract if…
Airspeed is slower than 180.
Thrust near TOGA (70 degrees TLA).
Flaps greater than 1.
Ground spoilers automatically deploy on landing as long as spoilers are in ___ mode.
Roll or Yaw trim can be interrupted by…
Memory item! Pressing and Holding the AP/TRIM DISC button.
Does the autopilot trim roll when engaged?
What are the primary flight controls?
Ailerons and spoilers, elevator, rudder.
Horizontal stabilizer, flaps and slats, spoilers (as speed brakes or on the ground), dedicated ground spoilers.
How many ACEs and FCMs are there?
9 ACEs and 4 FCMs: 3 Primary-ACEs (P-ACE): rudder and elevator. 2 Slat/Flap ACEs (SF-ACE). 1 Horizontal Stabilizer ACE (HS-ACE). 3 Spoiler ACEs (S-ACE). 4 FCMs.